Page 12 Minority & Small Business Week 3RD ANNUAL DIVERSITY LECTURE SERIES O ctober I, 2014 Y a o ™ ER PACIFIC COLLEGE CELEBRITY & .. . SOCIAL CHANCE Tracy Curtis is the top exexutive for Wells Fargo in Oregon First Female to Lead Wells Fargo HILL HARP An Evening with Hill Harper Saturday, October 18 Social Change & Popular Culture Saturday, October 25 Warner Pacific College at 7:00 pm Warner Pacific College 2219 SE 68th Ave., Portland FREE and Open to the Public Tracy Curtis, the new President for Wells Fargo's operations in Or­ egon and Southwest Washington is the first woman to hold this execu­ tive position. She started the job early this year after serving as the regional presi­ dent o f Wells Fargo operations in San Francisco. She’s been with the company since starting as a teller 25 years ago at a Wells Fargo branch in Yuba City, Calif. She is a native of England. From the 20th floor of the Wells Fargo Tow er downtown, she su­ pervises 129 Wells Fargo branches and oversees the bank's sales, custom er service and com m unity functions. Curtis says serving the commu­ nity it’s what’s important for her. She continues the good work Wells Fargo has done in community in­ volvement. At TriMet, we understand the value of roadmaps for getting people where they need to be. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program continues to be a national model for encouraging and supporting businesses owned by people of color and women when competing for contracts on TriMet transit projects. A public transit system paid for by all must benefit all. V isit T R I^ M E T