O ctober I, 2014 Minority & Small Business Week Page II Passion for Food Turns to Business ‘Stoopid Burger’ rises to the top with unique, hand­ crafted burgers B y O livia O livia T he P ortland O bserver Danny Moore and John Hunt are the new co-ow ners o f one of Portland’s most talked about new food carts, “Stoopid Burger,” located on North Vancouver Avenue across the street from the new Williams Av­ enue New Seasons Market. Moore graduated from Le Cordon Bleu with a degree in culinary arts in 2007and immediately entered the res­ taurant industry in order to further advance his career as a chef. Hunt started out at Mt. Hood Com m unity College where he be­ gan to further develop his skills in com m unications. From there he began working at several differ­ ent restaurants and businesses which allow ed him to further de­ velop those skills. In 2013, the two men worked what would be their last job as res­ n < ,n n „ j w 1 ” AMilNV 1 U V 1 HE rORTLAND UBSERX Danny Moore (left) and John Hunt welcome customers to their popular new food cart on North Vancouver Avenue across the street taurant employees. It was at this from the Williams Avenue New Seasons Market time that they saw the opportunity to execute their own food service. Constructing Hope Pre-Apprenticeship Program 405 NE Church. Street ■ I • l i n t « a u * ‘Stoopid Burger’ co-owner John Hunt shows o ff one o f the distinctive and unique hand crafted burgers that has made the new business venture one o f the m ost talked about food carts in Portland. With M oore’s knowledge and pas­ sion for food paired with his talent in the kitchen, com bined with Hunt’s ties to the community, and strengths in communications and customer service; they would de­ velop something that would leave people stuck on stoopid. “Stoopid Burger” is known for its distinctive menu and unique hand crafted burgers. W ith some o f their m ost popular items being the Stoopid Burger, Luni Burger, A lm ost There Burger, and Fish P o ’ Boy. “Stoopid Burger” is open Tues­ day through Saturday from 11 a.m.to 11 p.m. at 3441 N. Vancouver Ave. You’re invited to stop by and get your “stoopid” on. And don’t for­ get your “stoopid” juice, also on the menu. Building Brighter Futures Through training career placement and case management in construction and related trades we lay the groundwork for individual success and community improvement. Pat Daniels; Executive Director Constructing Hope Pre-Apprenticeship Program 405 NE Church StreetIPortlandlOregon 97211 Direct: 503-281-1740 • Off: 503-281-1234 • Fax 503-719-7685 www.ConstructingHope.org