QR code for Portland Observer Online Wanda Sykes Up Front Nice Comedian reaches out to promote Portland show Short term rentals another blow to housing access and affordability See story, page 7 wÇSBBBBSnBBHi See Local News, page 3 Volume XLIV ‘City ö/Roses’ vfejK Number 38 b H ^ j | , ■ ■ ■ ■ bsex‘Uer44 www.p www.portlandobserver.coni 1 3 wedne; Wednesday • September 24. 2014 Established ¡n 1970 C om m itted to C ultural D iversity of service Great Playwright Inspires Actor Russell Hornsby returns to teach in Portland this fall through the Red Door Project which introduces students to the works o f August Wilson whose long inspired work reflected the African- American experience. Hornsby currently stars in the hit Portland- based fairy-tale-based series, Grimm. Chantal DeGroat is the lead teaching artist for the August Wilson Red Door Project, a program that engages Portland area students in the work o f August Wilson one o f the world’s great writers. DeGroat is regular at Portland Center Stage and current stars in one o f Wilson's plays, The Piano Lesson, at the Portland Playhouse. photos by O livia O livia /T he P ortland O bserver Alex Ramirez (left), programs coordinator o f the August Wilson Red Door Project, a program inspired by the late Pulitzer Prize— winning playwright August Wilson and the African-American experience, mentors Hailey Kilgore, a local student graduate o f a program. August Wilson Red Door Project returns to Portland schools O livia O livia T he P ortland O bserver by Portland area students will engage in the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer August Wilson this fall as the August Wilson Monologue Competition returns to high school classrooms. W ilson’s work has long inspired and reflected the Afri­ can-American experience in the United States, and his cycle of plays, set in every decade of the 20th Century, have appeared on stages around the world. As part of Portland’s August Wilson Red Door Project, the competition connects students to local black actors and other actors of color, such as Russell Hornsby of the TV series Grimm, or Chantal DeGroat, a regular at Portland Center Stage. continued on page 6 August Wilson’s ‘The Piano Lesson,’ presented by Portland Playhouse opens this week at ‘The Church’ in northeast Portland. See Metro, page 11