Speak Up, Reach Out Look Out for Kids! http://www.portlandobserver.com Crosswalk enforcement for back-to-school safety QR code for Portland Observer Online Voices for recovery to span 1-5 Bridge See Metro, page 9 <1 ___ I See Local News, page 3 ' life Voi urne XLIV ‘City 0/Roses’ Number 36 U www . e 43 trgerVer www.portlandobserver.com Wedne Wednesday • September 10. 2014 Established in 1970 C om m itted to C ultural D iversity ¿ ¿ ¡J ’•If , ■ ' V ft * F Kj I I - photo BY ' ; ... * — M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Mrs. Dian Jackson (center), the widow o f Rev. John H. Jackson, the Portland religious leader known for his activism in bringing positive change to the local African American community, cuts the ribbon to the John and Dian Jackson Center on the Portland Community College Cascade Campus in north Portland. The center will provide new classrooms for Albina Head Start and Albina Early Head Start. Also participating in Friday’s dedication ceremony is (pictured from left) PCC Board Director Kali Thorne Ladd, former PCC Cascade Campus President Algie Gatewood, current Campus President Karin Edwards and Albina Head Start Board Chair Richard Brown. Child Development Center opens at PCC Cascade M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver by Calling themselves “Dream Makers” advocates for edu­ cation and families have dedicated a new child development center at Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus. The new classrooms in Cascade Hall, a new three-story academic building opening this fall, provide space for Albina Head Start and Albina Early Head Start and bring needed child care for people advancing their education on the north Portland campus. Dream Makers “The buildings that matter most are the ones that make a difference in people’s lives,” officials said in describing the new addition. In a special honor at Friday’s dedication ceremony, the child care classrooms were named the John and Dian Jackson Center in honor of a local African American couple who have worked for decades to bring positive changes to Portland. The late Rev. John H. Jackson served as pastor of Mount Olivet Baptist Church where he was a leader for Civil Rights in Oregon from the 1960s until his death in 1994. A building at Cascade was dedicated Jackson Hall years earlier in his honor. His widow Dian continues the family legacy with more recent donations to the PCC Cascade library and a collection of his correspondence, sermons and personal effect to the campus. For many years Albina Head Start and PCC have collabo- continued on page 4