QR code for Portland Observer Online Good with MLK and Alberta You and Your Racist Brain: 'Natural Grocers' to construct store on vacant site 'Science on Tap' to explore the neuro­ science o f prejudice See Local News, page 3 See Metro, page 9 Volum e X L IV 'City 0/Roses’ D d i a Number 35 * rt 4 Ul L j www.p ww wedne Wednesday • September 3, 2014 Established in 1970 photo by i -r years« Committed to Cultural Diversity •/community service D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver Rosa Parks Elementary Pnncipal Tamala Newsome (left) and assistant principal Reiko Williams pose outside of the north Portland school where students parents and administration alike are piloting a year round calendar meant in part to offset some o f the ‘learning loss ' that traditionally comes with months of summer vacation. Schoolgets a Jump Start D onovan M. S mith T he P ortland O bserver by The end o f the L abor Day w eekend m eant that Tuesday was first day o f school for m ost children in Portland but not at Rosa Parks Elem entary. Classes have been in full swing for 400 pupils of the north Portland school where a pilot “Year Round Bal­ anced C alendar’’ began in July. Instead o f long sum m er As kids return to the classroom, Rosa Parks already in full swing vacations o f the past, Rosa Parks’s students will con­ tinue on a year-long schedule that puts them in the classroom for 9 week segm ents sandwiched with 3 week long breaks. The Portland O bserver sat down with Rosa Parks Principal Tam ala Newsome and Assistant Principal Reiko W illiam s to discuss how the new program m ing is going so far. Past the normal anxiety that usually com es with start­ ing som ething new, Newsome says that since kicking off their unique school year, students, staff and parents alike have adjusted well. “We can already see the positive effects moving to a year- round balance calendar are having on our students,” she continued on page 4