^Iortlanb (Obstruer August 27, 2014 |*k «v Page 7 k . > ». ■< â ' t ;. « S W /r * »J h i i f §5*5 a *. l** r •J PHOTO BY DONOVA Beaverton-based author Blue merges the ancient Chinese text of ‘Tao Te Ching’ with concepts of pimp culture in ‘The Tao of Pimpin. ’ B lue presents: The Tao of Pimpin ’ Local author merges unlikely concepts for enlightenment by D onovan M. S mith T he P ortland O bserver The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal name The nameless is the origin o f Heaven and Earth The named is the mother o f myriad things Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence These two emerge together but differ in name The unity is said to be the mystery Mystery o f mysteries, the to all wonders --Chapter I, Tao Te Ching translation. Let this young 32-year-old tell it, “life is easy.” Uhuru Rahman to some virtu­ ally, better known to many in the analog world sim ply as ‘B lue’ re­ cently published her sem i-auto­ biographical book titled ‘The Tao of Pim pin.” Now, she is inviting those w illing to discover ju st how two seem ingly different concepts can lead to a journey of fulfill­ ment. The Portland O bserver sat down A with the Beaverton-based author at a Buddhist celebration in southeast Portland where she would later play Taiko drum s, which she recently discovered. For her, she says, the book was a m editation. “W hen I ’m honest with m yself when I write then ev­ erything else is like who gives a sh * t.” Rarely m inced for words, the East St. Louis, 111. native has been practicing the Chinese originated philosophy for some time and says lessons learned from Taoism have led her to the conclusion that the “Tao rules everything.” Also on the note o f ‘every­ thing’ Blue affirm ed that, ‘’every­ thing in its purest form is good.” Lessons from the Tao. W hen it com es to pim ping though, she says it’s historically been d e m o n iz e d / d e sp ite its prevalence in places ranging from the music business, academ ia, to the board room. In this scenario she says ju st as a pimp knows they have ju st pim ped, so knows its subjugate when they have in fact “turned a trick.” As for her, Blue says sh e’s never pim ped anything “per se”, except for “the system ” something she says sh e’ll expound on once the statue o f lim itations allow for such details. ' In essence, the book is Blue’s translation of what essentially the 81 -chapter handbook to Taoi sm, the “Tao Te Ching”— written centuries ago— but for those looking to pimp more efficiently, using the “way.” ‘Why is that?’ you may ask; be­ cause according to Blue, “Life is e a sy .” To purchase The Tao of Pim pin’ v is it th e w e b s ite b a ttle c r y o f th e b u tte r f ly .c o m / taoofpimpin. Straightway Services 3rd Annual Youth Program Benefit Straightway Services has been providing services for youth since 2007. Summer employment, basketball camps, clothing assistance, job readiness training, and mentoring is offered through our program. We will recognize the founder, Pastor Dwight Minnieweather, the director of Straightway Services, for his tireless efforts to make programs available for minorities and low income families. i) l L August 30th Saturday, doors open at 5:00PM • SilentAuction • Sponsor a table/Seat • Speakers Location: The Miracles Club, 4200 NE MLK Blvd.; Tel: 503-740-4052 or email: straightwayservices@live.com J