Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 27, 2014, Page 2, Image 2

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TheWeek Review
Family’s Bodies Found in Lake
After the body of a 3-year-old boy was pulled from Hagg Lake
in Washington County on Monday, three more bodies were
recovered from the same lake Tuesday. Investigators say the
victims were the boy's 42-year-old grandmother, 25-year-old
mother and 13-year-old brother. At this point, no information
has been released indicating what may have happened
leading to the four deaths.
Oregon Homeless Man Accepts Cyrus’ Award
Instead of accepting her MTV VideoMusic
Award on Sunday night, Miley Cyrus
sent a young homeless man from Oregon
up to the stage on her behalf to draw
attention to youth homelessness. The
man, later identified as Jesse Helt of Sa­
lem, described a population of 1.6 million
runaways and homeless youth in the United States, who are
starving, lost, and scared for their lives, "I know this because
I am one of these people," he said.
Oregon Sues Oracle
Friday, Oregon Attorney Ellen Rosenblum sued Oracle
America Inc. and a number of its high-level executives, for
defrauding Oregonians in connection with the organizations
failure to provide a timely and functional health exchange
website. The civil complaint, demands recovery of the state’s
and Cover Oregon’s financial loses, and penalties for the
damages caused by Oracle fraud and racketeering.
Fortiani» (Dhseruer
Portland Responds to Ferguson
Shockwave shared at
‘healing conference
O livia O livia
T he P ortland O bserver
In response to the police shooting of Mike Brown in
Ferguson, Mo., Portland stage actress Chantal DeGroat
hosted a Ferguson healing conference at the Shaking the
Tree Theater in southeast Portland Sunday.
Actors, artists, writers, and creatives from around the
city joined to discuss the shockwave of pain felt in the black
community in light of Brown's death and the Ferguson
police's subsequent reaction.
The event awoke memories for many of the long history
of police brutality in the United States targeted at black
People of all backgrounds were invited to bring artwork,
sing songs, recite poetry, and read statements on Ferguson.
Don Kenneth Mason of Portland Center Stage sang a
traditional black spiritual, "Lord How Get Me Here."
Afterwards, some students from the August Wilson
P hoto by O livia O livia /T he P ortland O bserver
Red Door Project shared personal stories and a poem.
Hailey Kilgore o f Clackamas High School shared her
Hailey Kilgore, 15, o f Clackamas High School, shared
experiences o f racial profiling and other subjects at a
thoughts on growing up with white parents and being
Portland healing conference organized in response to
pursued in stores while shopping.
the shooting o f Mike Brown in Ferguson, Mo.
Simpsons Mural In Springfield
Hundreds turned out for the
festivities as a mural honoring
popular television series "The
Simpsons" was unveiled in
Springfield, Ore. On hand for
Monday's big event was ac­
tress Yeardley Smith, the voice
of Bart Simpson's little sister,
Lisa, on the animated sitcom.
Series creator Matt Groening grew up in Portland.
Mike Brown Grand Jury Make-up
The racial makeup of the grand jury in the police shooting
death investigation of Ferguson, Mo. teenager Mike Brown
was released last week. There is one black man, two black
women, six white men and three white women on the 12-
member panel.
Mourners Remember Michael Brown
Emotional service calls for
action on civil rights
(AP) — The mourners filled an enormous chiuch to
remember Michael Brown — recalling him as a "gentle
giant," aspiring rapper and recent high school graduate on
his way to a technical college.
But the funeral that unfolded Monday was about much
more than the black 18-year-old who lay in the closed casket
after being shot to death by a white police officer. The
emotional service sought to consecrate Brown's death as
another in the long history of the civil rights movement and
implored black Americans to change their protest chants
into legislation and law.
Climate Smart Communities Scenarios Project 45-day comment period
The Oregon Legislature has required the Portland metropolitan region to reduce per capita
greenhouse gas emissions from cars and small trucks by 2035. Weigh in on a draft approach
and proposed actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building great communities.
Your input today will help inform the Metro Council's decision in December
The Metro Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Climate Smart Communities
Scenarios Project draft approach at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014, and scheduled to hold a
in ? /
and? ake le9'slative action on the draft approach at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec 18
2014, at the Metro Regional Center, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland.
at 7 ^ makeagreatplace.org, by mail to Metro Planning, 600 NE Grand Ave
T n n ln o l o f i S ' t er731 t0 chmatGScenar|O5@oregonmetro.gov, or by phone at 503-797-1750 or
TDD 503-797-1804, from Sept. 15 through Oct. 30.
Cl!c jJortlanò (Pbscrüer
E d it o r :
Established 1970
Mark Washington, Sr.
M ich a el L eig h to n
E xecutive D irector :
Rakeem Washington
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P aul N e u feld t
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on page 6
Oay lá thóng bao vé co- hpi cúa quy vi dirpc trinh báy y kién dói vái các u>u tién
ve chuyen cha tronq vüng. Muon nhán du'ac bán djch dáy dú cúa thóng bao bánq
Tieng Viet, xm goi só 503-797-1700 (tú 8 giá sáng dén 5 giá chióu váo nhúnq
ngay thiráng).
Learn about and respond to ho w future transportation and land use policies and actions
can shape our communities.
Visit www.m akeagreatplace.org
Monday, Sept. 15 to Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014.
"Show up at the voting booths. Let your voices be heard,
and let everyone know that we have had enough of all of
this," said Eric Davis, one of Brown's cousins.
The Rev. A1 Sharpton called for a movement to clean up
police forces and the communities they serve.
"We're not anti-police. We respect police. But those
police that are wrong need to be dealt with just like those in
our community that are wrong need to be dealt with,"
Sharpton said.
Two uncles remembered how Brown had once predicted
that someday the whole world would know his name.
He did not know he was offering up a divine prophecy,"
Bernard Ewing said.
Esta es una notificación de su oportunidad para comentar sobre las prioridades de
transporte en la región. Para recibir una traducción de la notificación pública completa
en español, llame al 503-797-1700 (de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. los días de semana).
Your in p u t today w ill determ ine the fu tu re o f the region fo r generations to come.
P u b l is h e r :
A u g u s t 27, 2014
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