A u g u s t 27, 2014 3J3ortlanî» (Obstruer / i ‘ r m fs u Page 15 PEARLS INSPIRING NOBILITY ENÏEETÀINMENÏ r z it a s ig m a KNOWLEDGE o m c o a c m a p - t c » or ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA A S O R Q R IT T IN C O R P O R A T E D THE BLACK & WHITE U N TION COURTSIDE CLUB AT MODA CENTER I NORTH (.TNITK COURT Si PORTLANH OK V7227 TICKET INFORMATION .U'GCSJ ilifii IH.Vi SINGLE $35 COUPLES $60 DAY l i l EVENT+ AT HIT DOOR SINGLE: $40 PINKHI PARI ESPIASI nilAT.COM INTO. Nil. lOlN EA< TKook I IT.NT f OR CPDA11S A l l P R C C E E Ö S B E N E F IT THE P IN K IVY F O U N D A T IO N A 5 3 T |C .p rw rç ir» Garden Gew}e Hors c oeu^rva ;as.h ta ' A trve 0J The Rags and Ribbons band is part o f the diverse lineup o f local talent coming to this weekend s free CouvFest NW at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver. Diverse Local Talent at CouvFest CouvFest NW promotes Vancouver's diverse local music scene by showcasing live, local, original acts in a free, all-ages environment. Now in its fourth year, the three day event is held at E sth e r S h o rt P ark in d o w n to w n Vancouver. Supported by the city o f Vancouver, it opens Thursday, Aug. 28 at 5 p.m. and runs through 10 p.m. each night. The entertainment on Friday and Saturday begins at noon. CouvFest NW is also partnering with the Evergreen School District Foundation’s "Stuff the Bus ! " to provide school supplies to underprivi­ leged students. Attendees are encouraged to donate backpacks, composition notebooks, pa­ per, pencils, pens, glue, scissors, rulers, erasers, calculators or a tax-deductible cash donation to their booth during the event. For a complete lineup, visit couvfest.com. Pool Opens for Pooch Plunge Y ou’re invited to bring your four-legged friend to the Marshall C om m unity C en ter pool in Vancouver for the second an­ nual Pooch Plunge on Monday, Sept. 1. Two sessions are scheduled, from noon to 1:30 p.m. for small dogs 25 pounds and under, and 1:30 p.m . to 4 p.m . for all dogs large and small. Admission is $5. The community center will be closed for maintenance on this date, so participants will need to enter through the rear pool patio doors. The Marshall Com mu­ nity Center is located at 1009 E. Does your snoring wake you up at night? Do you wake up tired in the morning? Do you wake up in the middle o f the night? Do you have problems with attention and focusing? Does your significant other complain about any o f the above? Are you choking and waking up abruptly, and did you know that stress from this can cause mini heart attacks? I f you can answer yes to any o f these questions... YOU NEED DR. WARD'S SLEEP APPLIANCE TO TAL PRICE $250 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF YOUR SLEEP CAN IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE! A golden retriever takes a Pooch Plunge at Marshall Pool in Vancouver. The annual event returns on Monday, Sept. 1 M cLoughlin Blvd., near the dog and people friendly, and be Clark College campus. willing to swim (no tossing your Lifeguards will be provided to dog in). Human companions are help keep your best friend safe, not allowed in the pool during All dogs must be current on shots, this event. EDWARD E. WARD, D.M.D., M AGD, MBA INTERSTATEDENTALCLINIC 5835 N. INTERSTATE AVE PORTLAND, OR97217 (503)285-5307 DRWARD@TELEPORT.COM WWW.DRWARDINTERSTATEDENTAL.COM