Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 20, 2014, Special Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 20, 2014
Special E dition
m is page
Sponsored by
Fred Meyer
S p e c ia l E d itio n
Week Review
O pinion
pages 8-9
F ood
Traffic along Northeast Martin Luther King Boulevard was briefly ir
people spilled onto the street after gathering at the Police Bureau
police shooting death of teenager Mike Brown in Ferguson, Mo.
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
Portland voices
solidarity with
citizens of
by D onovan M. S mith
T he P ortland O bserver
T h e p o lic e s h o o tin g d e ath o f a
b la c k te e n a g e r h a lfw a y a c ro ss th e
c o u n try h a v e P o rtla n d re sid e n ts
ra is in g th e ir h a n d s and v o ic es in
s o lid a rity d e m a n d in g ju s tic e in
th e case.
M ichael B row n, 18, w as killed
A ug. 9 in the St. L ouis suburb o f
Ferguson, M o. W itnesses said he
had his hands up before being shot.
A n autopsy show s bullets hit him at
least six tim es, w ith tw o o f them
striking his head. T he o fficer has
not been charged pending m ultiple
investigations, including a federal
civil rights probe o rdered by A tto r­
ney G eneral Eric H older.
Portland protestors took to the
streets by the hundreds for several
hours on Friday, w ith chants like
“H ands Up, D o n ’t Shoot” and “N o
Ju stice, N o Peace, N o R acist Po­
T h e d e m o n stra tio n re m a in e d
largely a peaceful one. Police did
not confront the protesters o r m ake
their presence know n.
O ne dem onstrator nam ed Jahlani,
said he w anted to m ake a stand
against police brutality, and pro­
m ote a group he hopes will act in
part as a solution to ongoing vio­
lence, the W est K em et P an th er
on page 12
Mother Killed in Gun Violence
‘Enough is
community says
pages 13-17
C alendar
C lassified
A fatal sh o o tin g o f a y o ung
m o th er at an apartm ent com plex,
co m b in ed w ith oth er shootings in
southeast P ortland and north Port­
land o v er the w eekend, served as
a n o th e r g rim h ig h lig h t to th is
sum m er’s violence and was the back­ Ervaeua Ronchelle Herring
d ro p to a m eeting on M onday to previous outbreaks o f gun violence
ad d ress co m m u n ity concerns.
g a th e re d at the p o lic e b u re a u 's
A frican A m erican fam ily m em ­ N orth Precinct M onday night to
bers w ho have lost loved ones to v o lunteer their efforts in an anti-
violence cam paign titled “Enough
is E n o u g h .” The com m unity-led e f­
fort is en co u rag in g resid en ts to
speak out against violence and w ork
as partners w ith the police to help
hom icide investigators.
Ervaeua Ronchelle Herring, 21, was
shot and killed at the Eastw ood Vil­
lage A partm ents, 14139S.E. Powell
B oulevard on Sunday. The same
m orning, a shooting at Southeast
Third Avenue left several wounded,
as well as a nighttim e shooting in-
N orthgate Park on Fessenden Street
leaving one man injured.
on page ¡2