August 20, 2014 3¡3orilanh (Observer Page 15 L )a c k to S c h o o l Spec ial Edition A V rts INIItl PEARLS INSPIRING NOBILITY & KNOWLEDGE ¿ itA E INIIIIAINHIM S IS M A O M iS A C H A H !» 0* ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA A S0R0 R ITY IN C O R P O R A T E D H IE BLACK * WHITE EDITION COURTSIDE CLUB A ï MODA CENTER I NOKI H CTN 1ER t .oL K I s i PORI I. a ’NI), tiR V7227 TICKET INFORMATION .«. w m n m 1 in i SINGLE $35 COUPLES $00 D A Y o l IY IN 1 I I I ! IHMR SINGLE $40 With the water heated up a bit and a movie screen pool side, participants enjoy a ‘dive-in movie' at Wilson Pool in southwest Portland. Dive In for ‘Lego’ Movie Portland Parks & Recreation presents one of the biggest splashes of the summer with five different showings of “The Lego M ovie” at city pools around town. The special events are set up so you can watch the movie from the pool deck or in the pool itself. The pools are even heated up a little bit more than normal to maintain a comfort level for people in the water. Have you ever wondered if you had a hidden treasure buried in your closet? Find out at the Oregon His­ torical Society's first "What's It Worth?" event on Sunday, Aug. 24, where local specialists will provide "Antiques Roadshow "-style evalu­ ations of your collectibles. Items that can be evaluated in­ clude American Indian art and arti­ facts, autographs, coins, com ic books and rare books, fine art, jew ­ elry, political buttons, pottery, toys, vintage and antique clothing, and other collectibles. No firearms or weapons will be permitted. Evaluations are $10 plus regular OHS museum admission, and each person is limited to five items. Evalu­ ations will be provided by local pro- . ' VK' ?. (to oi-nnrHi*) odJ fessionals who have volunteered their time to support this event. All proceeds raised support the mission o f the Oregon Historical Society. The event runs from noon - 4 p.m. at the Oregon Historical Society, 1200 S.W. Park Ave., and evaluations are given on a first come, first served basis. "Your Budget is our mission" BUDGET INSURANCE E N T E R P R IS E S . L L C A U TO t k 4 HOME DANNY CHAN DURAN BEASLEY At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quote! LIFE BUSINESS HEALTH 503 515 4377 Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington ! / Mir-. B -‘iF c ! 'HE PINK m 4^1 Ur«», Screenings are scheduled Wednesday, Aug. 20 at Montavilla Pool; Thursday, Aug. 21 at Creston Pool; Friday, Aug. 22 at Wilson Pool, Saturday, Aug. 23 at Sellwood Pool and Sunday, Aug. 24 at Grant Pool. Movie showings begin at approximately 8 p.m. (when the sun goes down). Cost is $5 for adults and $3.50 for kids, except the Wilson Pool where the youth fee is $4. Worth or Worthless? ‘Antiques Roadshow’-style event Sunday l ‘l\KI>. ÍIA K ! YSI I A S ltU lA l.t.tiM , INTO V.u, USX.V9W it UN l.\( I Kl K >K I M N I I OK { i ’l)A ! I s 'EM, Does your snoring wake you up at night? Do you wake up tired in the morning? Do you wake up in the middle o f the night? Do you have problems with attention and focusing? Does your significant other complain about any o f the above? Are you choking and waking up abruptly, and did you know that stress from this can cause mini heart attacks? I f you can answer yes to any o f these questions... YOU NEED DR. WARD'S SLEEP APPLIANCE TOTAL PRICE $250 IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF YOUR SLEEP CAN IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE! EDWARD E. WARD, D M . D , M AGD, MB A INTERSTATE DENTALCLINIC 5835 N. INTERSTATE AVE PORTLAND.OR 97217 (503)285-5307 DRWARD@TELEPORT.COM WWW.DRWARDINTERSTATEDENTAL.COM -— 7 7 7 TT t t t