w Jarliani» (fibscrucr Page 10 L > a c lc t o ¿ S c h o o il August 20. 2014 S p rc id l E d itio n Seitan Porcini Beef Stew Ingredients: • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1 large onion, quartered and thickly sliced • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 3 medium carrot, peeled, sliced on a bias, 1/2 inch thick • 1 cup red wine • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary • 1 teaspoon dried thyme • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika • 1/2 teaspoon ground fennel or crushed fennel seeds • Fresh black pepper • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 oz dried porcini mushrooms • 3 cups vegetable broth • 1 1/2 pounds potatoes (any type), lazily peeled, cut in 1 1/2 inch chunks • 1/4 cup all purpose flour • 1/2 cup water • 2 tablespoons tomato paste • 3 vegan sausages, sliced into chunky half moons • Chopped fresh parsley for garnish (optional) Preperation: 1. Preheat a 4 quart pot over medium high heat. 2. Saute onions and a pinch of salt in oil until until translucent, 4 to 7 minutes. Add garlic, for about a minute, until fragrant. 3. Add carrots, wine, rosemary (crushed in your fingers), thyme (crushed in your fingers), paprika, fennel, fresh black pepper and salt and bring to a boil. The liquid should reduce in about 3 minutes. 4. Add porcinis and vegetable broth, cover and bring to a full boil for 5 minutes or so, to quickly cook the procinis. Now add the potatoes, lower heat and bring to a simmer (not a full boil). Let the potatoes cook just until fork tender, about 15 minutes. 5. In a measuring cup, mix the flour into the water with a fork until no lumps are left. Slowly add the broth/flour to the pot, mixing well. Mix in the tomato paste. Let thicken for 5 minutes or so. Add the sausages and continue to cook. In about 5 more minutes it should be perfectly thick but still smooth. Taste for salt and seasonings, and serve! Sprinkle individual servings with fresh parsley if you want to be 70s food chic M IND OPENING SINCE 1869 » i -'i ’P' vXwSi■ > ' Ni Ì ’ < ■ o- tit' GRADES PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 5 . GRADES 6 THRO UG H 12 GES Jaspers’ Steamed Seitan Field Roast This steamed seitan field roast makes a substantial and delicious main course fo r those with a hearty appetite. By omitting the heavy ingredients contained in other roasts, it remains healthy and 100% vegan. Ingredients: • 3 cups vital wheat gluten • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast • 1/2 cup chickpea flour • 1 tablespoon porcini mushroom powder, optional • 1 tablespoon granulated onion • 1 teaspoon granulated garlic • 11/2 teaspoon fine sea salt • 3/4 teaspoon ground white pepper • 2 teaspoons poultry seasoning • 3 cups cool water • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 teaspoon martnite Preparation: 1. Fill a very large steamer (or stockpot with steamer insert) with about 12-16 cups of water. Heat the water to boiling. 2. In a large bowl mix in the dry ingredients. 3. In a large measuring cup, dissolve the marmite in a small amount of hot water. Add cold water to reach 3 cups. W hisk in the olive oil. 4. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry. Thoroughly mix it with a large spoon or your hands. 5. Shape the dough into a domed round roast on a damp tea towel. Fold the long sides over the roast and twist each end and tie with cotton twine. 6. Place the roast in the steamer basket, cover, and steam for two hours. Until you know just how much water to use, check periodically so the pan doesn't run dry. 7. Carefully remove the wrapped roast from the steamer, cut the strings off, unwrap the roast and place it on a rack until cool. Note: for a beefy style roast, eliminate the poultry seasoning, decrease nutritional yeast to 1/4 cup, increase the garlic and onion to 4 teaspoons each, and the marmite to 2 tablespoons, replace the white pepper with black, and be sure to use the porcini mushroom powder. Store in a covered container or sealed zipper bag. The Portland Observer is a Proud Member of: Oregon Episcopal School 6300 SW Ntcol Road Portland, OR 97223 ( <503) 768-3115 www.oes.edu A F R IC A N -A M E R IC A N CHAMBER OF COMMERCE