Page 8 ^orttani» (Observer August 6. 2014 C O «« STO* COMMUMTT COÖC CHRISTIAN WOMEN COUNCIL S c h o la r s h ip IMIII4ISHIM B e n e fit Twelve Tribes Cuisine Festival Saturday August 9 ,2014 Maranatha Church of God 4222 N E 12'" Ave. Portland, OR 97211 l;00pm - 4:00pm Cat read# f9r fin * dining a t f a ' Serf.' ■tewr * Onenai ~ Mercan ~ Afron - Aneron ~ Sow; ~ Cajun B-Ô-Q ~ Seafood ~ Southern ~ vegetare - Desens ' Saias and rw e Donation $12.00 lOyrs. • adults 9yrs. & under pay at door $1.00 each year of age ru> Providence Bridge Pedal Sunday For -w e Btfrvnaiion, please cal 5O3-2S3-6312 Stunning views, a festive atmosphere and fun for the whole family makes the Providence Bridge Pedal a Portland tradition. The annual event takes o ff Sunday morning with bike routes from 1 3 to 36 miles across Portland’s bridges. For information on the routes, registration and more, visit providencebridgepedal. org. « V ancouver Cafe a t Miracles in The M iracles Club Bldg. 4200NEMLKJr.Blvd, Portland OR 97212 F E S T I V A 1 New Hours: M-F 11am-7:30pm n | Free fries with purchase of ' any sandwich or burger ' | Valid only at Cafe at Miracles; 4200 NE MLK Jr. I BIvd, Portland OR 97212 I Coupon good for the month of August, 2014 only. I 1------------------------------------------------------------------ - u a l r zi r /<*. . < / 3- Headline Bands 7 Don M cLean Tashiko Ak iyoshi S tanley Jo rd a n ¿I Serving Lunch and Dinner I------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 n to i AUGUST 22-24. 20Ì4 Esther Short Park “Real Southern Cooking ” a W -i\ W * VANCOUVER. WA • USA ff H H e rita Blues O rc n h e e s s rra tra u y g e e o.ues u rc ^ . , 1 . . . «tl Blind Boys o f A la b a m a 15 Bands 200 Wines • Fine Art • GREAT Food! ckets. • 360-906-0441 Afe COMCAST iQ CREDIT U N IO N Financial Intelligence Pay* Off I eagle Home