Page 4 August 6, 2014 Subscribe? Back In The Day Reunion 503-288-0033 F ill O u t & Send To: it'1' ¡flortlanb (Dbseruer Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : _______________________________ T elephone : __________________________ A ddress : _____________________________ or email subscriptions@ 1 "Your Budget is our mission" B U D G E T IN S U R A N C E E N T E R P R IS E S . L L C AUTO HOME r DANNY CHAN DURAN BEASLEY At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quote! Welcome out for third annual celebration T he com m unity is invited to jo in the third annual “ B ack In The D ay R eunion,” hosted by m em bers o f V an co u v er’s earliest A frican A m erican fam ilies, on Saturday, Aug. 9 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at M arshall Park, ju s t east o f dow ntow n V ancouver. T hese original settlers arrived here in the 1940s seeking w artim e jo b s and stayed to m ake th eir hom es in V ancouver. Form er schoolm ates from these fam ilies organized the first reunion after a b o o k o f fam ily m em ories w as p u b lish ed in M arch 2 0 1 2 by the V ancouver branch o f the N A A C P. “ W e w anted to g ath er together the people w e grew up w ith , p e o p le w h o w ere b o rn an d ra is e d in V ancouver,” said K ay Sw ar G rant, w ho co -fo u n d ed the celebration w ith Juanita Y oung. B oth have w orked on the reunion planning co m m ittee all three years, along w ith co o rd in ato r R alph G riffin. Global Impact LIFE c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t BUSINESS HEALTH 503 515 4377 Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington from elders in the com m unity, m any w ould rath er m ake a beat on the com puter. N onetheless as globalization becom es an ev er­ p resent reality, the p eople o f A frica rem ain vibrant and diverse he says. In a country like N ig eria w here m any ethnic groups exist, R ied lin g er says it is “hard to tell w here one co m m u n ity begins and w here it en d s.” O ne thing w as clear, how ever, the people thrived on co m in g together and celebrating life. O n the days w hen rituals w ere being perform ed, not only does he recall the energy being pow erful, but in p resen ce alone he w as in fact participating too. Q uite vividly R iedlinger recalls one w here a m an was being ‘initiated’ into the spirit o f a w eather deity, som e­ thing the O risa take seriously and study deeply. As the m an sw ayed side to side, entranced by the priest, “T h e pioneering achievem ents o f this group are an im portant part o f V an co u v er’s story that has been long o v erlo o k ed ,” said Jane E lder W ulff, interview er and a u th o r.o f “First F am ilies o f V an co u v er’s A frican A m erican C om m unity: From W orld W ar T w o to the T w en ty -F irst C en tu ry .” “T h ere are m any m ore fam ily m em ories w aiting to be to ld ,” W u lff said. “T h e First F am ilies P roject c e l­ ebrates the full scope o f the V an co u v er story, and the B ack In T he D ay R eunion is a great w ay to do th at.” B asic cookout fare, w ater and som e supplies w ill be pro v id ed at the p a rk ’s m ain shelter. Y ou are asked to bring y o u r ow n favorite dishes and non-alcoholic beverages, utensils and chairs. T he celebration w ill feature m usic and entertainm ent, door prizes and gam es, as w ell as socializing w ith old and new friends. Sponsoring businesses and organizations include U m pqua B ank, K enneth L. Sm ith F inancial Services, C lark C ounty Y W C A , and V ancouver N A A C P. F or m ore inform ation, Call R alpf G riffin at 360-980- 6203 o r Jane E lder W u lff at 360-687-9872. Riedlinger recalls feeling a single drop o f rain drop on own face, and then seeing a drop hit the entranced m an ’s face, a flash o f lightning follow ed, and the m an subsequently and abruptly broke his trance and started dancing bellig­ erently in the w ay o f his new spirit. A ll in all, the art from the N igerians he encountered w as largely en g rain ed into the culture in the w ay “a tailo r sees h im se lf as a tailo r” he says, as oppo sed to a m u sician w ho sees h im self as an artist. As he explored life w here he w as, m ost o f his photos w ere snapped as he w as in the streets, capturing p eople in m otion. In these im ages he categorizes the responses from people realizin g th e y ’re being p h o to ­ graphed to eith er d efiant o f stoic. H is favorite im ages are w here the subjects are look­ ing b ack at him . “It gives them m ore ag en cy,” he says. “ [In that) I d o n ’t feel like I ’m taking, because th e y ’re giv in g .” T o support R ied lin g er’s cam p aig n for Ju st L ike That, visit w w w /projects/just-like-that- p h o to -b o o k . Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 Does your snoring wake you up at night? Do you wake up tired in the morning? Do you wake up in the middle o f the night? Do you have problems with attention and focusing? Does your significant other complain about any o f the above? Are you choking and waking up abruptly, and did you know that stress from this can cause mini heart attacks? I f you can answer yes to any o f these questions... 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