«R ^orttani» (Obstruer A u g u s t 6. 2014 In Loving Memory BROADW AY HAIR WE EVERS & DESIGNS Margaret Juanita (Payne) Isaacs Margaret Juanita (Payne) Isaacs, 83, peacefully passed away on July 23,2014 in Portland. She was bom Oct. 12,1930 in Malakoff, Texas to Martha and Isaac Payne III. After arriving with her family in the late 40s, she graduated from Roosevelt High School and attended St. Vincent School of Nursing/University of Portland. She was an Eastern Star and Past Grand Worthy Matron and Secretary of Prince Hall Grand Chapter and its Jurisdiction. Margaret Juanita, or “Nita “ as some called her was hired as one of the first of four African American nurses on the medical floor at Emanuel Hospital. She also worked for the Visiting Nurses Association, Freightliner, Terwilliger Plaza and in later years, as a senior companion. She belonged to m any philanthropic and civic organi- __________ __ zations including holding a L ifetim e m em bership in the NAACP, m em bership with the Urban League of Portland, M odel C ities, N ational Council of N egro W omen, Church W omen United and many more. She is survived by her daughter Julianne Johnson W eiss and son-in-law Karl W eiss; a brother, Isaac S. Payne IV; two grandchildren, A ndrea and Paul Tillm an; and two nieces, Kim berly C arter and NoraLyn Clem m ons. She was preceded in death by her husband M ajor Robert S. Isaacs and a daughter, Benita L Payne. Mother Isaacs passion for life and zeal for God will be sorely missed by those who knew and loved her. A memorial service will be held Monday, Aug. 11 at 11 a.m. at Vancouver F uneral Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave., Gina Regnier, originally from Connecticut, is moved to Portland last month and joined the Broadway Hair Weevers & Designs team shortly after. She specializes in: • Extensions/ Weeves • Children’s Hair Styles • Natural Hair Care www.broadwayhair.com (503)281-9495 | (503) 757-8896 Gina @ Broadway Hair T erry F amily 2337 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland, O r 97227 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 H ome In Loving Memory Marion Deloris Johnson Marion Deloris Johnson of Vancouver passed away on July 26, 2014 in Portland. She was bom Oct. 10,1934. A viewing will be held on Thursday, Aug. 7, from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Caldwell ’ s Funeral Home, 20 N.E. 14th Ave. The funeral service will be held at Bethel AME Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave. on Friday, Aug.8 at 11 a.m.; and she will be laid to rest at Willamette National Cemetery. For more information, visit caldwellsfuneralhome.com. Right Kind of Reverence c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9 circumstances, and taught him to lis­ ten to the drumbeat that he could hear, undistracted by attachment to anyone else’s idea of how music should sound or how things should go. His was the wisdom, and the genius, of the disenfranchised. This film makes you feel it. Darleen Ortega is a judge on the Oregon Court o f Appeals and the first woman o f color to serve in that capacity. Her movie review column "OpinionatedJudge "appears regu­ larly in The Portland Observer. You can f in d her m ovie blog at opinionatedjud^e. blogspot. com. Page 15 W e m ak e th e service p erso n al. You m ak e th e trib u te p erso n al. Every tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w e tak e sp ecial p rid e g o in g the e x tra m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o even m ore. F riends a n d fam ily c a n find o u t serv ice in fo rm a tio n , v iew photos, re a d o b itu a ry , o rd e r flo w ers a n d leave p e rso n a l m essages o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , an y tim e. S im p ly g o to o u r w e b site . w w w .terry fam ily fu n eralh o m e.co m "D ed ica ted to p ro vid in g excellent service a n d superior ca re o f y o u r lo v e d one ” D w ight A. T erry O re g o n L ic en se C O -3 6 4 4 A m y S. T erry O re g o n L ic e n se F S -0 3 9 5 THE SPINACOLUMN TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession. Part 9. Low Back Surgery: The unkindest and most unnecessary cut of all. Should I try chiropractic tic requires no drugs, surgery, recupera­ for my low back pain or have tion or expensive hospital bills. With surgery and get it “fixed right?” Chiropractic, the only side effects are the successful. Before you m ake any decision, heed the advice o f the “fa­ ther” o f low back surgery: “exhaust ; We hear this question quite disappearance of symptoms and the re­ all m ethods o f conservative care be­ often and considering many phy­ c currence u rr e t of vitality. fore considering surgery to the lum ­ sicians ’ pro-surgery preoccupation, Which technique has bar (low back) spine.” To find out it’s no wonder people ask such ques­ better results for low back how C h iro p ractic can help you tions. That is, until they examine the problems, probi Chiropractic or surgery? avoid back surgery, or for answers facts. The truth is that in about 90% of : According to a recent issue to any questions you m ight have low back pain, the problem is mechani­ o f Com puter M edicine, low back about your health, please call us at cal. Chiropractic has had and contin­ surgery is one o f the least effective the phone num ber displayed below. ues to have the best technique for procedures. In fact, 75 to 99% are un- treating spinal mechanical problems through gentle, exact adjustment with highly skilled hands. And Chiroprac- Q A 0, A Dr. Billy R. Flowers Flowers1 Chiropractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 • P h o n e :(5 0 3 )2 8 7 -5 5 0 4