Page 12 Fortiani» (Observer R etirement L iving July 9, 2014 Come out and support the Winston boy one last time fo r the trip to Los Vegas! Westmoreland’s Union Manor 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 Carwash Saturday 503*233*5671 Marshall Union Manor at the Portland Observer 11:00am til 4:00pm Please come out see u there. 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 503*225*0677 Kirkland Union Manors «oh 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 503*777*8101 . & DTUG MEDIA Kirkland Union Plaza OPEN 24/7 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 360*694*4314 & • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens 2115 N. VANCOUVER AVE • Affordable Rents, No Buy-In or Application Fees Bring in this coupon to receive $25 off your first purchase • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify • Garden Areas, Planned Activities, Easy Access to Public Transportation and Shopping çiWORWt» WWW.THEUNIONMANORS.ORG SUNDAY MONDAY 7 B uild a Scarecrow Day First Picture Postcard M ad e N ational Fried C hicken D ay N ational K issing D ay C A R IC O M D ay (C aribbean D ay) M acaroni D ay 13 B am D ay Second S unday in July G o W est D ay N ational French Fries D ay 20 M oon D ay (F irst landing on the m oon.) International C hess D ay 27 Scott C orbett bom , 1913 B ugs B unny First debuted in cartoons in 1940 14 Bastille Day TUESDAY N ational Ju n k Food D ay « Social Service Organization Videos < Event Development & Promotions < Website Building & Brochures Scriptwriting Music Videos PH (503) 894-8772 FAX (503) 894-8798 WEDNESDAY 8 9 L iberty Bell C racks In 1835, w hile being rung at the funeral o f John M arshall V ideo G am es D ay N ational Sugar C ookie D ay 15 16 First B oeing 707 Flew In 1954 F orgetful Jones' B irthday (S esam e Street C haracter) 21 Commercials Website Videos Voice-Overs • Studio Production • Rehearsal Space 22 Pied Piper o f H am elin Day 28 29 Eid al-Fitr, M uslim H oliday (29th in N orth A m erica) N atalie B abbitt bom , 1932 First F ingerprint taken N A S A E stablished in 1958 N ational L asagna D ay A pollo 11 L ifts O ff on it's voyage to the m oon in 1969 23 R obert Q uakenbush b om , 1929 Ice C ream C one Introduced In 1904 30 N ational C heesecake Day THURSDAY FRIDAY 10 M artin Provensen bom , 1916 T eddy B ear's Picnic D ay 11 E.B . W hite b om , 1899 C h eer U p the L onely D ay 17 3 K arla K uskin b o m , 1932 D isneyland O pens In 1955 24 A m elia E arhart D ay M arvin the M artian F irst d eb u ted in carto o n s in 1948 31 First US P atent Issued G ranted to Sam uel H opkins in 1790 18 N ational C av iar D ay 25 T h read the N eedle D ay SATURDAY o 1 J B attle o f the B oyne P ap er B ag D ay T he p ap er bag m an u fac­ turing m ach in e w as p a te n te d 19 S tick Y our T ongue O ut D ay 26 B ert's B irthday (S esam e Street C haracter) Jan B erenstain b om , 1923