Page 16 glorila nò (Observer June 25. 2014 Snacks For Health 9 Sunflower Lentil Spread With Pita Bread Eating snacks with the right ratio o f nutrients, with the right calories, will help keep you body energized and help you lose weight. Protein (plus exercise) fuels the growth o f lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolic rate and increases calorie bum. Fiber, meanwhile, helps improve digestion and keeps you from binging on fats and sugars. So while there's no food that will literally "bum fat" while you eat it, smart choices with these ingredients will help your body operate at maximum effi­ ciency. Here are a few simple snacks and one feature snack that also makes a good light meal. 1. An apple and skim milk 2. Remove the pit from one half of an avocado and fill the space with 2 ounces of 1% cottage cheese. 3. Canned tuna on whole-wheat crackers: For about 200 calories, you can enjoy 3 ounces of light tuna and 6 whole-wheat crackers—complete with 3 grams of fiber and 20 grams of protein. Ingredients: • 1 (15-ounce) can lentils, rinsed and drained • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon pepper • 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds • 1 celery stalk, finely diced • 1 scallion, finely diced • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley • 2 pitas, halved Preparation: 1. Combine lentils, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a blender; process until smooth. 2. Stir in sunflower seeds, celery, scallions, and parsley. 3. Microwave pita at HIGH 1 minute. Serve with spread. MMMMf Cheeses You Can Make in an Hour Inspired to teach her­ T self the ancient practice of cheesem aking, Portland author C lau d ia L ucero shares her expertise in the inspiring, full color cook­ book One Hour Cheese: R ic o tta , m o z z a re lla , c h e v re , p a n e e r, even burrata. Fresh and simple cheeses you can make in Ricotta, mozzarella, chèvre, paneer— an hour or less! (W ork­ even burrata. Fresh and simple cheeses manpublishing) you can make in an hour or less! Based on thousands of years o f cheesem aking wisdom, the approach is simple: Heat milk, add co­ ' Photographed itep-by-ttep instructions agulant, drain, salt, and • As few as four simple ingredients press. Simplified further • Foolproof results w ith th e g u id a n c e o f C L A U D IA L U C E R O Lucero, anyone can take on this beloved food. Through step-by-step instructions and time; plus unique serving suggestions for photos, Lucero teaches readers how to each cheese (straw berry cheesecake make 16 delicious cheeses - each with anyone?), how to make the perfect endless variations, simple instructions, cheese platter, cocktail recipes, and easy-to-find ingredients, and limited prep more! ONE Oregon Bmineu Network in partnership w ith 100 invite you to; R e tire m e n t C e le b ra tio n Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:00 PM - 8:30PM (please no gifts or flowers, Margaret wants it that w a y) Ambridge Event Center 1333 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Portland, OR HSVP - 503-569-6757 or 503-2318259