Çnrtlani» (Dbscruer June 25, 2014 Page 13 ArtSjL Biffi® X X WATERFRONT FESTIVAL ENTRY THURSSAT $10 suggested donation SUNDAY Pass-only admission ENTERTAINMENT FIRST TECH P ro d u c e d b y & b e n e fitin g JU LY 3 - 6 JOAN OSBORNE w ith THE HOLMES BROTHERS JOHN NEMETH b THE BO-KEYS LEE FIELDS b th e EXPRESSIONS OTIS TAYLOR w ith MATO NANJI LIL’ ED b th e BLUES IMPERIALS COMMANDER CODY BOMBINO H om em ade Jam z The Soul of Jo h n Black Sugaray Rayford Band Blind Boy Paxton Designed to raise awareness about organic beer and sustainable living, the North American Organic Brewers Festival typically serves up more than. 50 organic beers and ciders from nearly 4 0 different breweries. JULY 4™ SAFEWAY FIREW ORKS! Ivan Neville’s Dumpstaphunk 7/6 Am erican M usic Program "Nothin' But The Blues' Organic Brews and Sustainable Living B e e r lo v e rs, m u sic fa n s and su p p o rte rs o f s u sta in a b le liv in g w ill c o m e to g e th e r at th e N o rth A m e ric a n O rg a n ic B re w ers F e s ti­ val, T h u rsd a y , Ju n e 26 th ro u g h S u n d a y , Ju n e 29 at O v e rlo o k P ark in n o rth P o rtla n d . E v e n t h o u rs are N o o n to 9 p m T h u rsd a y th ro u g h S a tu rd a y an d N o o n to 5 p m S u n ­ day. A dm ission into the event is free. T he p u rch ase o f a $6 reu sab le, com postable cornstarch cup is re- qu ired fo r tasting beer, as are to ­ kens, w hich sell for $ 1 apiece. A full cup o f b eer o r cid er costs four to ­ kens and a four-ounce taste is one token; select beers cost extra. Styles run the gam ut from B el­ gians and goldens to porters and stouts, w ith a bit o f ev erything in- b etw een. D esigned to raise aw areness about organic beer and sustainable living, the festival typically serves up more than 50 organic beers and ciders from Line-Up Set for BET Awards S o m e o f the b ig ­ g e st n a m e s in e n te r­ ta in m e n t w ill lin e up as p re s e n te rs a n d p e rfo rm e rs - fo r th e “BET A w a r d s ,” b r o a d c a s t liv e o n S unday, Ju n e 29 from the N o k ia T h e a tre in L os A n g e les. A c tr e s s K e rry W ashington will make her first, m uch an tici­ pated T V appearance at this y e a r’s festiv i­ ties and singer R obin T hicke w ill perform a new single sure to e n ­ tertain the crow d. Pharrell W illiam s, U sher, Jen n ifer H udson, Lil W ayne, T rey Songz and Lionel R ichie are am ong the nam es set to perform on this y e a r’s show . E m m y and G ram m y A w ard w inning com edian C hris R ock w ill host the aw ards. nearly 40 different breweries. M ost o f the brew eries m ake an organic beer specifically for the event. T here's also live local m usic, o r­ ganic food and su stain ab ility -o ri­ ented vendors and non-profits. T he N orth A m erican O rganic B rew ers F estival en co u rag es re ­ sponsible drinking and urges p a ­ trons to take advantage o f the TriM et light rai 1; the M ax Yellow Line ‘‘O ver­ look Park” Station stops directly across from the festival. [ f , Zydeco Swamp Romp: Nathan & the Zydeco Cha Chas Jeffrey Broussard b The Creole Cowboys Yvette Landry's Cajun Swing Band Horace Trahan Curley Taylor b Zydeco Trouble Recycled Arts Festival this Weekend E ntertainm ent, fam ily-friendly activities and m ore than 120 vendors selling art crafted from recycled item s w ill draw crow ds to E ster Short P ark in dow ntow n V an co u v er fo r the ninth a n ­ nual R ecycled A rts Festival. H ours fo r the free ev en t are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . on Saturday, June 28, and 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . on Sunday, June 29. “T h e festival is a great opportunity to em p h a­ size the im portance o f reducing and reusing w aste in an inform ative but fun ev en t,” said D on B enton, V ancouver’s environm ental services director. A rtists w ill display and sell item s designed from reused and reclaim ed m aterials, such as: m etal, glass and porcelain garden art; recycled p ap er books and cards; handbags m ade from album covers; reclaim ed turned-w ood scu lp ­ tures, furniture and birdfeeders; je w elry and clocks m ade from vinyl records; and wall art from reclaim ed bicycle parts. T he festival, an official event o f the Portland R ose Festival, will also feature m usic and hands- on activities. Andy T & Nick Nixon Band Anson Funderburgh Ayron Jones b The Way Hillstomp Kara Grainger Chris Bergson Band The Chris O’Leary Band Frank Bey b Anthony Paule Band Karen Lovely's Prohibition Orchestra Leo Bud Welch Linda Hornbuckle Ural Thomas b The Pain Duffy Bishop b Friends Harmonica Blow-off ...and many more acts to be announced! Marriott After Hour Shows: Friday, July 4: John Nemeth b the Bo-Keys Charlie Musselwhite Saturday, July 5 Maceo Parker Lee Fields b The Expressions Los Lonely Boys 7/3 Pl u s- Four DME Blues Cruises on Portland Spirit Red, White b Blues Run 7/6 WATERFRONTBL.HESFEST.COM First <► Tech Ingredients for life" LHC Fed M i u m ui A mi rh \ ..... kboo /A i&t ( k T a ) 101.9 puu) 'fil» The Boeing C om pany • Schwindt it Co • Capital O ne • Health Net • Caring Ambassadois Casoadian Farms • Larabar • Dave s Killer Bread • Highgrove Farms • Foster Poultry Farms EartH20 • /UP • Snapple • Columbia C iest Grand Estates • Umpqua Dairy • Mission I oods Portland Com m College . Gei< o • NW Natural • Pape Renls • Ft «Shuttle • Cieative Safety Supply Regal Cinem as • W inthrop Blues Fest • Clackamas City Tourism • Missis ippi Music Trails I f< le | Rose • Marriott Waterfront b North Harbor • Riverplar e Hotel • University Pl.v e I Intel