w •Portiani» (Obstruer Page 12 2014 Good in the H o o d M ulti-Cultural M usic & Food Festival Friday, June 27th 6:00pm - 9:30pm Saturday, June 28* N oon - 9:30pm Sunday, June 29* 10:00am - 7:30pm Lillis Albina Park-next to Tubman School K ic k o f f at M a rrio tt C o u rtya rd 435 NJE W asco Sat, J u n e 21, 6 p m -1 0 p m $15.00 lu n e 25. 2014 29 at 2 p.m. La Toya Ham pton who is fea­ tured in the film will be hosting the That woman was one of the many event. Lowery will be in house for c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 5 black kids that were bused from a discussion after the film. Seat­ into your other conversations, inner northeast Portland to white ing is lim ited. To reserve your spot, visit eventbrite.com and type you know .” schools in the late 1970s. When she premiered the film ear­ “Black Girl in Suburbia” is hav­ in ‘black girl in suburbia’. More lier this month in Hillsboro, she says ing a free showing at the North inform ation on the film can be on th e w e b site an older black woman approached P o rtlan d L ib ra ry , 512 N. fo u n d blackgirlinsuburbia.com . her with tears welling in her eyes. Killingsworth St., on Saturday, June Black Girl in Suburbia P arad e: S aturday, Ju n e 28‘h llam -1 p m dow n M LK W e are c u rren tly se e k in g th e fo llo w in g p a rtic ip a n ts: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Event Sponsors Parade and Kid Space Participants Volunteers to work the 3-dav Festival Food, Marketplace and Info Village Vendors If you are interested in participating, please call 971-302-6380 or President: Shawn Penney 503-756-1926 E-mail: shawnpenneyggoodnthehood.org or Vice President Angie Harris 503-320-0123 Email: angieharrisggoodnthehood.org SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY