QR code for Portland Observer Online Juneteenth Freedom Multicultural Showcase Photo essay from Portland's annual event Good in the Hood celebrates neighborhoods See page 8 Volume XLIV ‘City ö/Roses’ Number 25 See Local News, page 3 b l M | | JÉ í « I www.o Vvww-Po rtland °b flfl H f l 1*1 1 3 wedne Wednesday • June 25. 2014 Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Revisiting Alberta Proposed new look at issues comes with racial lens D onovan M. S mith T i n he t P ri)K ortland i l O bserver by U ood, O O' bad, ugly, and beautiful, black îople were very much present on and around Northeast Alberta Street in 1992. Even if the surrounding neighbor­ hoods were some of the most economically depressed in the city, there were opportuni­ ties and resources, some hidden in plain sight. Fast forward to 2014, and two Portland educators Mike Grice and Bob Zyback, are looking, to resurrect a student-led study that examined the now heavily gentrified areas around Alberta Street, but with some new considerations for the new millen­ nium. During the year of the original study, several inner north and northeast Port­ land neighborhoods were majority black continued on page 4