Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 2014, Special Edition, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
lune 18, 2014
C lassifieds
Employment Specialist Needed! United Way of the Columbia-
Career Technical Training School is Willamette is seeking a tem porary,
seekin g two h ighly-m otivated,
sales-oriented, student-focused
E m p lo y m e n t S p e c ia lis t s . One
position is located in Northwest
Portland and one is in Troutdale
O reg o n .
The . E m p lo ym e n t
Specialists create and oversee
trade-related internships, match
s tu d e n ts to in d u s try c a re e r
pathways, and promote student
success in short- and long-term job
retention and earnings. Must be
able to work independently and
collaboratively, have outstanding
c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills , and
exercise data integrity.
full-tim e Cam paign Clerk to perform
a wide range of supply-handling
responsibilities in support of its fall
c a m p a ig n .
P rim a ry
responsibilities include unpacking
and storing campaign materials,
fulfilling supply orders, organizing
and maintaining the supply room,
and tra c k in g in v e n to ry of
materials. Compensation of $15
hour. T im e fra m e : 7/28/14
through 12/12/14. For a full job
description, including required
com petencies and experience,
and to a pply, go to h ttp ://
Position closes 6/25/14 or when
Minimum Qualifications:
the p o sitio n has been fille d .
• Bachelor’s degree in marketing,
Invitations to interview will begin
communications, counseling, or
the week of 6/30/14. An Equal
related field.
Opportunity Employer
• Two years experience working
with youth, with one in sales, Clark College is c u rre n tly
marketing, or counseling related accepting applications for the
position of Facilities M aintenance
• Ability to use Microsoft Office M anager. This full-tim e exempt
programs at intermediate level.
position reports to the Director of
• Valid driver’s license in state of F a c ilitie s S e rv ic e s and is
residence with acceptable driving responsible for m anaging the
installation, operation, repair,
• A bility to successfully pass m aintenance and alteration of
background checks and drug tests College equipment, infrastructure
that may be required.
and building systems and ensuring
Competitive salary plus benefits
package, including company paid
and optional benefits. Please apply
h ttp s://
2 /iobdetail.ftl?iob=0R010006.
Applications must be received no
later than Friday, June 27, 2014.
V e tera n s
m in o ritie s
encouraged to apply. We are an
Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer
M in o rity / F e m a le / D is a b ility /
Advertise with diversity
that the college’s facilities are
maintained appropriately to meet
program m atic and operational
needs in compliance with state,
fe d e ra l and lo ca l c o d e s and
regulations. Salary is $54,600 -
$60,060/annually. Closing date
3pm on Ju ly 7, 2 0 1 4 . For
com plete position description,
requirements and to apply, access
our w ebsite atw w w .clark.edu/
jo b s . C la rk C o lle g e Hum an
Resources, 1933 Fort Vancouver
Way, Vancouver, WA 98663 (360)
992-2105. AA/EO employer.
1 hc P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r
C a ll 5 0 3 -2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3
Legal Notices
American Towers LLC is proposing to increase the ground space for
an existing telecommunications tower compound by 16’ X 29”-
10”, along with a 30-ft buffer surrounding the current and proposed
lease area, at 2121 S.E. 190th Ave, Portland, Multnomah County,
Oregon. American Towers I.LC seeks comments from all interested
persons on any potential significant impact the proposed action
could have on the quality of the human environment pursuant to 47
C.F.R. Section 1.1307, including potential impacts to historic or
cultural resources that are listed or eligible for listing in the National
Register of Historic Places.
Interested persons may comment or raise concerns about the
p ro p o se d
a c tio n
s u b m ittin g
e -m a il
enviro.services@americantower.com. Paper comments can be sent
to: American Towers LLC, Attn: Environmental Compliance, 10
Presidential Way, Woburn, MA 01801.
Requests or comments should be limited to environmental and
historic/cultural resource impact concerns, and must be received
on or before July 9, 2014. This invitation to comment is separate
from any local planning/zoning process that may apply to this project.
Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of
publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice
fo ra free price quote!
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classlfleds@ portlandobserver.com
The Portland Observer
DOCUMENT 00 1116
Children’s Center
Vancouver, Washington
June 5, 2014
Bids for the new Children’s Center will be accepted thru Thursday
June 26,2014 at 4pm by Todd Construction acting as the General
Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) for the Children’s
Center. Bids are being accepted by Todd Construction for the entire
project excluding the concrete and rough carpentry bid packages.
Fax, email, U.S. mail and delivery are all acceptable using the
following addresses:
Fax: 503-620-6825
Email: bids@toddconstruction.com
Mail: P.0. Box 949, Tualatin, OR 97062
Delivery: 18407 SW Boones Ferry Rd, Tigard, OR 97224
Todd Construction intends to submit a bid for the concrete bid
package and the rough carpentry bid package. The concrete and
rough carpentry bid packages must be submitted to the office of
Day CPM at 12745 SW Beaverdam Road, Suite 120, Beaverton, OR
97005 on the approved bid form(s) in a sealed envelope before
the advertised due date and time and as further clarified in the
Instruction to Bidders. Bids will then be opened and read aloud.
The building site is 1.85 acres, cleared and generally flat. The building
is a new Class-A, single story, 15,325 SF wood framed structure.
Questions pertaining to the plans and specifications shall be
a d d re s se d via e m a il to T im o th y B u c k le y (tb u c k le v
@greenstonearchitecture.com). Questions pertaining to construction
item s sh a ll be a d d re sse d via em ail to B re n t S c h a fe r
(bschafer@toddconstruction.com). Bidders may obtain drawings and
specifications after June 5, 2014 from:
J2 Blueprint Supply Shop
8100 NE St Johns Rd, Vancouver, WA 98665
(360) 696-1861
Bidding documents will also be available for examination during
the bidding period at:
• Contractor Plan Center (Clackamas)
• Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center (PDX)
• Lower Columbia Contractors Association
• SW Washington Contractors Association
• Eugene Builders Exchange
• Salem Contractors Exchange
• Builders Exchange of Washington (BXWA)
The plans and specifications may also be examined at Todd
Construction’s office or obtained electronically by emailing a request
to Kalai Lemke at klemke@toddconstruction.com. The project is
LEED Silver. This project is subject to State of Washington Prevailing
Wage Rates. All bidders must be in compliance with all regulations
and items required by law. The owner reserves the right to reject any
or all bids or waive irregularities that would be in the owner’s best
The owner is a non-profit doing very worthwhile work. The current
team (project manager, architect and GC/CM) are all making
substantial donations to the project. In addition the GC/CM contract
is cost plus with all the savings going to the Children’s Center. So
your best bid is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use for
this worthwhile cause.
United W ay of the Columbia-Willamette
is s e e k in g a s e lf-m o tiv a te d ,
e n th u s ia s tic ,
and fle x ib le
individual to serve as a C om m unity
S peaker in its fall 2014 campaign.
Help Break the Cycle of Childhood
Poverty in our community by raising
funds for programs focused on
creating healthy, well-educated,
and financially stable individuals
fa m ilie s .
P rim a ry
re s p o n s ib ilitie s
in clu d e
re se a rch in g , d e ve lo p in g , and
delivering accurate, informative,
and inspirational presentations,
using storytelling to outline the
positive impact United Way has on
our community. Compensation of
$600/week plus business-related
expenses. Timeframe: 8/11/14
through 12/12/14. For a full job
description, including required
com petencies and experience,
and to a p p ly, go to h ttp ://
Position closes 6/25/14 or when
the p o sitio n has been fille d .
Invitations to interview will begin
the week of 6/30/14. An Equal
Opportunity Employer
United Way of the Columbia-
Willamette is s e e k in g s e lf-
m o tiva te d , e n th u s ia s tic , and
flexible individuals for several
te m p o ra ry , fu ll-t im e C o m m u n ity
Account M anager positions for its fall
2014 campaign. Help Break the
Cycle of Childhood Poverty in our
com munity by raising funds for
program s focused on creating
h ealth y, w e ll-e d u c a te d , and
financially stable individuals and
families. Primary responsibilities
include organizing fund drives
w ith in
lo ca l
c o m p a n ie s.
C om pensation of $ 60 0 /w eek
plus business-related expenses.
Timeframe: 8/11/14 through 12/
12/14. For a full job description,
including required competencies
and experience, and to apply, go
to http://www.unitedway-pdx.org/
careers. Position closes 6/25/14
or when all positions have been
filled. Invitations to interview will
begin the week of 6/30/14. An
Equal Opportunity Employer
To Place Your
Phone: 503-288-0033
e-mail: classifieds
@ por 1I and observer.com