Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 2014, Special Edition, Page 17, Image 17

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    ®*!i ÿorthmi» (Obstruer Pacific NW College
June 18, 2014
Page 17
MoVe Over for Luxury
c o n t i n u e d f r o m front
Shoshana Cohen, executive direc­
tor of the Northeast Coalition of
Cohen cites environmental im­
pacts — such as demolitions that
spread lead paint and asbestos into
the a ir — issu e s a ro u n d
sustainability in demolishing some­
thing that’s a perfectly good house,
and changes in the character of the
neighborhood, as issues neighbors
have expressed concern about.
“Affordability is one area people
are concerned about as well,” says
Cohen. “We are hearing concerns
from a wide variety of people, about
smaller, older, often more affordable
houses being demolished and re­
placed by often much larger, more
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photo by C olin S taub /T he P ortland O bserver
a / d^
0llsh^ d lot sits where a home st°od to make way for new and more expensive housing near
expensive houses.”
Portland State University plan­ Northeast Eighth Avenue and Failing Street. The same thing happened next door (right), where two
ning professor Lisa Bates has been new rowhouses were built and sold in 2013 for $522,000 and $536,326, respectfully
x = ¡ = =A £~*
manifestation of that w h o le n h p -
nomenon at least in North and
N o ZL,'
w ii
he m
and a t e o f Z ' m e
often involves more than meets the
“It’s been at least 30 years since
the Historic Preservation [League
of Oregon] started modifying the
value of buildings in terms o f what
they call ‘embodied energy,’ the
environmental-value of the materi­
als that make up that building,” says
Brandon Spencer-Hartle, senior field
programs manager at Restore Or­
egon, a preservation and reuse ad­
vocacy group.
“That’s not just the environmen­
tal value of a brick or a two-by-four,
but it’s the cost to the environment
to log trees, mill the wood, transport
it to the building site, and erect it
into a building.”
The Albert was built on a vacant
lot, but others, such as the Beau­
mont Village Apartments on North­
east 44th and Fremont, required
demolition of existing buildings. In
case s
d e m o litio n ,
ris ^
‘h e sav s *
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nosed6? ^ f 650
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0Wner stabilization, involves talk- i s a green building certification of demolition, of transporting that
'" 8 '° bomeowners' figuring out program that recognizes best-in materialtothelandfill.oflandfilling
wh> th, ^ wanl “
- d ” ba« class building strategies and prac- that material.” says Spencer-Hartle*
SOme a“ en’atÍVe aC*Í° nS COU'd **’ tíceS” accordinS to i,s website'
"S° il's lookin8 « ^ t a t they might
Bates sees manv of the issues fair|P h
de/ elopment’ “ s
Is " ,hal >'ou
cash t**»? Do
One such LEED-cettified devel- call the lifecycleoftheenvironmen-
surrounding ho” Z “n north e d
“ ur
«he possible range o f opment is an apartment complex on tai value of a building.”
p o X Z iTnkedtv m í ™ A
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? 2 “ “a
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d° ? D° y° U kn0W North Williams Avenue, called The
The Northeast C oalition ad-
common t h e l T o f g e n ^ c a f i l n tions h n w ^ ? ™ b A , ? 7
about 7 erse ™ W > ges? Do you Albert.Completedi„2012,thisfour- dressed many of the issues sur-
which will continue, she says, “as' and public n o t t e a rT n « t^qu md
long as we have a svstem that’s
h n
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d rT ^n b y an imperative o f D ro M rtv r e a ,N h t d ? ? h T
o '“ '
values and making more money for
“You see that in commercial de
v e lo Z m = “
r ta a td
MLK apartments going in on Wil
hams, single family home flipping
teardowns, that’s all in the service
h<>W ‘°
b ° w: 72‘Un' ,m ‘.Xed’USC apar,men'
building highlights its envtronmen-
tally-friendly features in its adver-
h° USing affordab‘"» '-
“It’s not like these hi SayS ateS’ emoIltlons have brought up envi-
U s not I ke these b,g apartment ro n m en tal
c o n c e rn s.
T he
in d i? ^ !*
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’ “? sustainablllt> 'lssue ls complicated
± h
A T Z “
8 W,th - ^ « a lk n e w e o n s tr u c tio n s o f f e r
Using. The building's website em- topics, al a public session last week
phasizes the “green focused” na- at Concordia University.
ture of the building, and lists spe-
“W e're excited to help share in-
cific features such as “rooftop- fo rm atio n with p e o p le .” says
Still ttesnireth h6??0" * e potential for the installation of mounted solar hot water panels”
strategic? h 've ^ n ^ m p T o y e d m S X L s enVÍr° n m e n ,a “ y '
counter die demolition trend
M aiy new constructions in Port-
r° undin8 demolition and infill, in-
eluding affordability, sustainability,
neighborhood character, and othei
Cohen. “There are a lot of things
8“ " 8 ° " “ tha
- d
I X m e resow s
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession
are they to take care o f your health?
: I know that physicians need four related subjects as any doctor graduat­
•\ : It varies from one insurance
full years of medical school to ing from medical school. Most impor­
carrier to another. But for many
become doctors. How much training
tantly for you, we also spend fo u r fu ll people, Chiropractic care is covered.
do Chiropractors actually get?
years studying the spine, joint relation­ Check with your com pany’s person­
: Following our under-gradu- ate ships and ad ju stm en t pro ced u res.
nel departm ent. Or feel free to call
college training, Chiropractors W hat’s more, Chiropractors stay up to
us. In fact, for answers to any ques­
must also complete an extremely de­
date with the latest health care develop­ tions you might have about your
manding four-year curriculum. By the ments by attending on-going seminars. health, ju st call us at the num ber
time we graduate, we’ve received a f
: Will my health insurance help me below.
degree of competency in anatomy, V, pay for Chiropractic care?
chemistry, bacteriology, toxicology,
pathology, physiology, diagnosis and
x-ray. In fact, today’s doctor of Chiro­
practic have as many hours of govern
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 • P h o n e : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 - 5 5 0 4
ment approved classes in these health
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Dr. Billy R. Flowers