June 18, 2014 $lnrt lattò CBbserucr Pacific NW College Page 13 FESTIVAL ENTRY THURS-SAT $10 suggested donation imu uimiisi SUNDAY Pass-only admission PicdotW feu FIRST TECH Produced by b benefiting BANK JU L Y 3 - 6 JOAN OSBORNE w ith THE HOLMES BROTHERS JOHN NEMETH & THE BO-KEYS LEE FIELDS b th e EXPRESSIONS OTIS TAYLOR w ith MATO NANJI LIL' ED b th e BLUES IMPERIALS COMMANDER CODY BOMBINO H om em ade Jam z The Soul of Jo h n Black Sugaray Rayford Band Blind Boy Paxton Gregg Allman 7/6 Boz Scaggs 7/6 a F,'; J U L Y 4 th SAFEWAY FIREWORKS! Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk 7/6 American Music Program: 'N othin' But The Blues’ Maceo Parker 7/5 L f | z /i ' C harlie M usselw hite 7/4 Longtime Peninsula Wrestling Club Coach Roy Pittman Í— £ A ll are w elcom e to a free o u td o o r screening o f the y o u th -p ro d u ced P e n in s u la P a r k d o c u m e n t a r y , T hrough the Y ears, T h rough O u r Eyes: A T een V iew o f Peninsula Park, scheduled for T h ursday, Jun e 26 at the park, located at N orth A insw orth Street and A lbina A v ­ enue. Special guests w ill include the Portland School o f R ock band and C hael Sonnen, m ixed m artial artist and w restling cham pion, w ho w ill help show case the vaunted P en in ­ sula W restling C lub. T he ev en t is free, but donations took part in the 2012 L ondon O ly m ­ w ill be accepted to support the w res­ pic w o m e n ’s freesty le w restling tling club. H osted by the F riends o f com petitions. T here w ill be a w res­ P en in su la Park R ose G arden, the tlin g d e m o n stratio n p rio r to the P ied m o n t N eig h b o rh o o d A sso cia­ m ovie show ing. tion and P ortland Parks & R ecre­ T he docum entary explores the ation, activities will start at 6:15 p.m. h istory o f the 100 year-old P en in ­ in the vicinity o f the P eninsula Park sula Park and adjacent com m unity gazebo; the screening w ill begin at center. It w as produced by a group 9 p.m. Free popcorn will be provided o f teens, under the guidance o f in­ and attendees are en co u rag ed to structors B illy M iller and C arlos bring snacks an d /o r a picnic. L asuncet, as part o f the p a rk ’s C en ­ S ince its fou n d in g by C o ach R oy tennial celebration. Pittm an in 1970, the Peninsula W res­ “T h e students put in a lot w ork to tling C lub, has served 60 ,0 0 0 youth create this d o cu m en tary ,” said film and adults. M any C lu b m em bers in stru cto r B illy M iller, w ho along have w on state, regional and n a ­ w ith C arlos L asuncet provided guid­ tional titles and have been m em bers ance to the young film m akers. “ I am o f the US O lym pic team s. F orm er incredibly proud o f their efforts, how PW C w restler and M ilw au k ie H igh it tu rn ed out and w hat they learned School graduate K elsey C am pbell along the w ay.” F Andy T b Nick Nixon Band Anson Funderburgh Ayron Jones b The Way Hillstomp Kara Grainger Chris Bergson Band The Chris O'Leary Band Frank Bey b Anthony Paule Band Karen Lovely's Prohibition Orchestra Leo Bud Welch Linda Hornbuckle Ural Thomas b The Pain Duffy Bishop b Friends Harmonica Blow-off Zydeco Swamp Romp: Nathah b the Zydeco Cha Chas Jeffrey Broussard & The Creole Cowboys Yvette Landry's Cajun Swing Band Horace Trahan Curley Taylor b Zydeco Trouble ...and many more acts to be announced! Peninsula Park ‘Through the Years’ Movie screening to benefit local wrestling club I Marriott After Hour Shows: Friday July 4 John Nemeth b the Bo- Keys Charlie Musselwhite Saturday July 5: Maceo Parker Lee Fields & The Expressions Los Lobos 7/3 Los Lonely Boys 7/3 Plus... Four DME Blues Cruises on Portland Spirit Red. White b Blues Run 7/6 WATERFRONTBLOElSFEST.COM Ingredients for life- Ute Fed First <► Tech ¡Q m M utual of A merica Your R e tirem ent Company OWE G O N I I VE îlx (OitQnnuin kt,io The Boeing Company • Schwmdt & Co • Capital One • Health Net . Caring Ambassadors Cascadian Farms • Larabar • Dave's Killer Bread • Highgrove Farms • Foster Poultry Farms EartH20 . /UP • Snapple . Columbia Crest Grand Estates • Umpqua D airy. Mission Foods Portland Comm College • Geico • NW Natural • Pape Rpnts • rroShuttle • Creative Safety Supply Regal Cinemas • Winthrop Blues Fest • Clackamas City Tourism • Mississippi Music Trails Hotel Rose • Marriott Waterfront b North Harbor • Riverplace Hotel • University Place Hotel