Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2014, Page 8, Image 8

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June II, 2014
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Parties & Events
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Avalon Flowers
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Website: avalonflowerspdx.com
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We Offer Wire Services
NIKE executive and former board member Julia Brimm-Edwards (from left), Portland
Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith, District Athletic Director Marshall
Haskins, Wilson Principal Brian Chatard and School Board Co-Chair Greg Belisle take
part in Friday’s groundbreaking o f a new track and synthetic turf field at Jefferson
High School.
Cafe a t Miracles New Fields and Tracks
in The Miracles Club Bldg.
“Real Southern Cooking”
4 2 0 0 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
Come See Us @
Juneteenth & Good in the Hood
Jefferson next in line for Great Fields project
A 10-year com m unity-w ide ef­ land Public Schools Superinten­ fo r cap ital p ro jects. N o rth east
fort to provide every Portland dent Carole Smith.
U nited S o ccer C lub, S o u th east
high school with a new track and
The school district has p ro ­ S o ccer C lub, F o o th ills S o ccer
a synthetic tu rf field took a big vided about $2 m illion through C lub, P o rtlan d T im b ers A rm y
step tow ard conclusion Friday the G reat F ie ld s fu n d to the 107 In d e p e n d e n t S u p p o rte rs
when student athletes, Superin­ projects to date, and recen tly T rust, a m ajo r gift from M arcia
tendent Carole Smith, N IK E and added another $5.2 million to com ­ R a n d a ll,
c o m m u n ity
com m unity leaders broke ground plete the project.
fu n d raisin g w ill p ro v id e the re ­
on the first o f four new fields and
T he T en G re a t F ie ld s e n ­ m ain d er o f the support.
tracks that will be com pleted this d e a v o r b e g a n m o re th a n 10
To date, N IK E and its execu­
sum m er.
years ago w ith a vision to e n ­ tives and em ployees have con­
The groundbreaking took place su re stu d e n ts a cro ss the city tributed about $1.3 m illion to the
at Jefferson H igh School in north w ould have a safe and quality f ie ld s as w e ll as o n -g o in g
Portland. O ther schools in line for fie ld and tra c k to use y e ar- fundraising and staff support for
su m m er co n stru ctio n in clu d e: round. It w as a p artn ersh ip w ith the Fields project.
M adison, W ilson and M arshall the school d istrict, the C ity o f
The upcom ing com pletion o f
(to be used by Franklin during the P o rtla n d , N IK E , p a re n ts and the fields com es at a time that
b o n d re b u ild o f its sc h o o l). com m unity m em bers. O ver the Portland high schools are reunit­
Franklin High School will be com ­ y e a r s , L in c o ln , C le v e la n d , ing its athletic league - the Port­
pleted in 2017.
R oosevelt, B enson, and G rant land Interscholastic League - into
“A fter 10 years it is truly grati­ h ig h sc h o o ls hav e d ilig e n tly a single 6A League for the first
fying to com plete this effort to raised m oney and in stalled new time in 8 years.
have a great track and field for track s and fields.
D is tr ic t A th le tic D ir e c to r
every high school in Portland. I
T he final phase o f the field M arshall Haskins, said, “As we
want to thank NIKE, the City and co n stru ctio n w ill be supported move back to a United PIL PPS is
every com m unity partner and in­ by a $5.2 m illion m ore from m aking significant new invest­
dividual supporter who m ade this PPS, and an additional $ 700,000
ments in athletics. The Great Fields
possible for our students and our co n trib u tio n from N IK E . The project is crucial to the success
com m unity. Now every neigh­ sch o o l d is tr ic t’s c o n trib u tio n o f our student athletes and pro­
borhood in PPS has access to a com es from C o n stru ctio n E x ­
motes the health and wellness o f
great track and field,” said Port­ cise Tax rev en u es earm ark ed all o f our students.”