Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 11, 2014, Page 15, Image 15

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    lune II, 2014 *
fo r ila nò (Dbseruer
Page 15
Fitting College In
was taking English for Speakers tinues at W SU-Vancouver where now she hopes fellow graduates
o f O ther Languages classes at she will major in psychology and will find inspiration in the obstacles
Cascade and would bring Herrera minor in neuroscience, and hopes she's overcome and the success
to cam pus all the time. One day, to eventually earn doctorates in she has found along the way during
her m other was m eeting with one those same fields. She wants to her graduation speech.
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 9
other students on cam pus, is a o f her instructors who noticed
eventually work as a bilingual thera­
"It has been a big struggle and I
And she's contributed to lob­ natural team builder and isn't afraid
notes Herrera had taken. The in ­ pist for survivors of domestic vio­ think I'm doing pretty well overcom­
bying efforts on behalf o f the co l­ to get her hands dirty helping
structor recom m ended she look lence and sexual assault. But for ing obstacles," she said.
lege in W ashington D.C. Last people out.
into teaching as a career and rec­
spring break she joined other stu­
" Yesenia is an excellent facili­ om m ended the Portland Teachers
dent leaders from PCC in lobbying tato r and co n sen su s b u ild er,"
Program based at Cascade.
for various issues that were near Esary said. "Her organizational
Even though Herrera wasn't ac­
and dear to their hearts. Herrera skills, excellent oral and written
cepted into the program, her mother
was there to lobby for the restora­ com m unication coupled with her
wasn't going to accept the possibil­
tion o f funding for the federal Trio work ethic and drive for excel­
ity that Herrera wouldn't attend col­
program , which serves low -in- lence make her a superior student
lege. So she took her daughter and
The New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
com e, first-generation students leader. She is a coveted m em ber of
son to the PCC registrar, who
will be celebrating the 1st Anniversary of
and students with disabilities. The cam pus and college com m ittees
promptly enrolled them.
national Trio budget got slashed and she is highly respected for
Pastor J. Walter Hills, II
"I was too shy to ask for help
due to the sequestration cuts last her dedication, fairness, and ef­
and didn't know who to ask for
fective representation o f students help," Herrera said. "I would open
Friday, June 20th
At the Cascade Cam pus alone, on local and state levels. Her lead­
up the different college websites
at 7:00 PM an d Sunday
she said around 2,000 students at ership style brings out the best in
and close them back up. Eventu­
June 22nd.
C ascade are eligible for the cam ­ all o f our students."
ally, I ju st didn't think it was a
pus' ROOTS Program , but there
Herrera m oved to Oregon from route for me. But my mom w asn’t
are only 140 spots available due C alifornia in 2008. She attended
Guest for Friday will be Rev.
taking no for an answer."
to the current funding level.
Lincoln High School and was ac­
Calvin Hailstock of Columbia
Her mom is a good role model.
A fter President Barack Obam a tive in extracurricular program s
SC. Music guests include
She earned her GED and certifi­
restored 95 percent of the funds, such as serving on Lincoln's Rose
cate in pharm acy technology at
Derrick MoDuffey &
H e rre ra and fe llo w s tu d e n t Festival Court, w orking as a camp
PCC and now works at Rite Aid.
Kingdom Sound, Saxophonist
M adeline Rider were able to join counselor in a gang prevention
Quite a journey for a person who
Jaqueine Echols of Seattle,
Trio advocates from around the program and co-teaching a class
started at the college with no more
WA and the trio of Lorene
nation in D.C. to fight for the re­ on Dialectics Behavioral Therapy.
than a sixth g rad e ed u catio n
Wilder, Roslyn Wilder and
m aining 5 percent to be restored, A fter high school, she had hopes
earned in M exico.
which it eventually was.
Tanesha Chiles.
for the future, but didn't know
"She's a very strong presence
Kendi Esary, Cascade Cam pus' how to apply for scholarships or
in my life," Herrera said. "She is
student leadership coordinator, to colleges. She ju st was too shy
definitely what keeps me moving
On Sunday at 10:00 am the guest will be Rev. Shawn
said Herrera has developed her to ask for help, Herrera said.
Roberson of Columbia, SC. The finale will be Sunday at
public speaking skills, is civically
Her m other, Teófila G onzalez,
Next fall, Herrera's journey con­
3:00 where the Rev. Charles B. Jackson Jr of Columbia will
Come Celebrate
"1" with us!
Activate Summer!
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 2
keeping violence down is prim a­
rily about offering opportunities
to young people entrenched in a
particular lifestyle where produc­
tive opportunities m ay not seem
readily available.
• Forthe 18th year, Portland Police
will conduct ‘Operation Safe Sum­
m er’ with special programs to help
kids find new hobbies, play sports,
and stay engaged in positive activi­
ties during the summer break.
Several comm unity members at
the meeting announced upcoming
opportunities for young people,
including a free basketball league
for young people, ages 8-25 at the
Salvation Army on North Williams
Avenue and M oore Street, and a
m entorship program running right
a lo n g o n e o f th e p o lic e
“hotspots” at 162nd Avenue and
Stark Street that m atches young
men with job opportunities.
be preaching. Music guests will include local saxophonist
great Eldon T Jones and the New Hope and Friends choir.
B lazers Boys and G irls Club,
M cCoy Academ y, and Portland
Please jo in us in these special worship services
Community Media are still accept­
to m agnify the Lord and celebrate the
A nother event announced was ing enrollm ent applications for
an all-day hip hop concert to be sum m er vacation students, while
anniversary o f Pastor Hills.
held at Pioneer Square dedicated Portland Parks and R ecreation
for hom eless youth entitled “Sto­ offer many free program s for all
Address: 3725 N. Gantenbein, Portland, OR
ries from the Streets.’’.Hosted by ages throughout the summer.
Phone: 503.281.0163
New Avenues for Youth, the af­
fa ir in c lu d e s h e a d lin e rs lik e
B lacque B utterfly, Tope, M ic
Crenshaw , Talilo, Bad H abitat,
with various hom eless youth who
F u n era l
will also get a chance to perform
H ome
their original music.
Dr. Alicia M oreland Capuia, the
Portland physician the Portland
O bserver featured in D ecem ber
with her trauma-informed program
focusing on young men o f color
w ounded in gang activity, says
keeping kids safe is primarily about
giving them an avenue to engage.
Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going
“If kids have a sense of pur­
the extra mile. With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more.
pose, som ething to do, som ething
Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary,
fun to do, w e’re more likely to stay
out o f trouble,” she said.
order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime.
C om m unity staples like the
In Loving
James C. Crolley
A memorial service for James C. Crolley will be
held on Saturday, June 14, at 1 p.m. at Life
Change Christian Center, 3 6 3 5 N. Williams Ave
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.
Simply go to our website.
“Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one ”
Dwight A. Terry
Oregon License CO-3644
Amy S. Terry
Oregon License FS-0395