Œiyr Page 14 C lassifieds Foster Parents Wanted!! One Life, M ake it Count... B ecom e a fo s te r p a re n t fo r y o u th b e tw e e n th e * I \ \ Maple Star Oregon ages o f 6-17 ye ars old w ho have e m o tio n a l, b e h a v io ra l, a n d / o r m ental health needs. Receive up to $ 3 6 0 0 p e r m o n th C o n ta c t M a p le S t a r to d a y ! 1 -8 8 8 - M SOREGON www.maplestaror.org Metro M e tro o p e r a t e s th e O re g o n Convention Center, O regon Zoo, Portland’5 Centers for the Arts and E x p o C e n t e r a n d p r o v id e s transportation planning, recycling, natural area and oth er services to the region. Administrative Assistant lune II, 2014 ykrtsx? X IMI I IAISHIM Metro / ^înrtlanb (Obstruer - Portland Expo Center, $ 1 5 .2 7 - $20.61 hourly. D eadline: 06/16/ 14 These oppo rtu n ities are open to First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) residents - C olum b ia Blvd on the north; 4 2nd A ve on the east; the B anfield F re e w a y on th e south , and North C h a u ta u q u a Blvd on th e w e s t, w h o s e to ta l a n n u a l incom e does not exceed $ 25,000 as an individual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 for an entire h ousehold, fo r th e past 12 m onths. To a p p ly: v is it o u r w e b s ite at: w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v / jo b s fo r th e com plete jo b an n o u n ce m e n t and a link to our online hiring center or visit our lobby kiosk at M etro, 60 0 NE G rand Ave, Portland. V isit w w w .o re go n m e tro .go v/jo b s for cu rren t op en ings and a link to our online hiring center. Metro is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer Metro is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer n,e Port land Observer Call 503-288-0033 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Clark College Science and Technology Building BID DATE and Time: Tuesday June 17th, 2014 2PM PST Skanska is requesting subcontractor bids: Project D escription: The construction o f a new science, technology, e ngineering and m ath building on th e Clark C ollege M ain C a m pus in Vancouver W A. A fo u r story cast in place concrete fram ed building with two floors of Biology and Chem istry labs, classroom s and offices. W e e nco ura ge all M W ESB subs to participate SKANSKA Additional Information: Contact: kate.sch ruth @ skanska.com fo r questions or access to project docum ents. O regon CCB: 153980 W ashington Business License: S K AN S U B 9 8 5 R T REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENTS A m erican Towers LLC is p roposing to increase the ground space for Public Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Business Enterprises Date of Publication: June 5, 2014 C-TRAN hereby announces its 2015-2017 goal of 3.64 percent for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in federally funded contracts. A d escription o f how this goal w as established will be a va ila b le fo r public inspection Monday through Fridayfrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 30 days from the date of this notice at C T R A N , 2 4 2 5 NE 6 5 th A ve n u e , Vancouver, W ashington 98661. C-TR AN will a cce p t inform ational com m en ts for 45 d a ys from the date o f this notice. A dd re ss com m ents to Anna Vogel, P rocurem ent Coordinator, C TRAN , PO Box 2529, Vancouver, W ashington 98668. T h e F e d e ra l T r a n s it A d m in is tr a t io n (F T A ) w ill a ls o a c c e p t in form ation al co m m en ts for 45 d a ys from th e date o f th is notice. Send com m ents to FTA, Region 10,915 Second Avenue, Suite 3142, Seattle, W ashington 98174. an e xistin g telecom m u n ica tion s to w e r com pound by 1 6 ’ X 2 9 "- 10", along with a 30-ft buffer surrou nding the current and proposed lease area, a t 2121 S.E. 190th Ave, P ortland, M ultnom ah County, O regon. Am erican Tow ers LLC seeks co m m en ts from all interested persons on an y potential sign ifica n t im pact the proposed action could have on the quality o f the hum an environm ent pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 1.1307, in cluding potential im pacts to historic or cultural resources that are listed or eligible for listing in the National R egister o f Historic Places. Intereste d p ersons m ay co m m e n t or raise co n ce rn s ab ou t the p ro p o s e d a c tio n by s u b m it t in g an e -m a il to enviro.services@ am ericantow er.com . Paper com m ents can be sent to: A m e ric a n Tow ers LLC, A ttn : E n viron m e n tal C o m p lia n ce , 10 Presidential Way, W oburn, MA 01801. ✓ R equests o r co m m en ts should be lim ited to environm ental and historic/cultural resource im pact concerns, and m ust be received on o r before Ju ly 9, 2014. This invitation to co m m en t is separate from any local planning/zoning process that m ay apply to this project. i n t r u u id llU D d llC l S I D U lI lL O m pany w ill perform a variety o f w ork displaying the range o f ballet fron classical to m o d em at th eir Sprinj C oncert, T hursday, June 12 througl S aturday, June 14 at the Portlani B allet S tudio T heatre, 6 2 4 0 S.W C apitol H wy. T h e m ix e d -re p e rto ry p e rfo r m ances feature w orks from contem p o r a r y c h o r e o g r a p h e r s Jo sie M oseley and A nne M ueller, a lively piece from G eorge B alanchine, anti classics that form the artistic fo u n ­ dations o f ballet. The Spring Concert will also show o ff the theatre co m p an y ’s ex p an ­ sive and new ly rem odeled hom e stag e. A ll p erform ances are open to the public expect the June 14 show which is by invitation only. T ick ets are $15. F o r m ore inform ation, visit th ep o rtlan d b allet.o rg .