Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 04, 2014, Page 14, Image 14

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June 4, 2014
C lassifieds
Clark College is c u rre n tly
accepting applications for the
p o sitio n of Hum an R esource
C on su lta n t 1, a fu ll-tim e 12-
month classified position. This
position reports to the Assistant
Director of Human Resources and
performs first-level professional
human resources assignm ents
focusing on employee retirement
and benefits administration and
provides assistance to managers,
staff, and the public regarding
human resources issues. The
initial appointment will include a
6-month probationary period and
the employee will earn permanent
sta tu s
a fte r
s u c c e s s fu lly
completing probation. Salary is
$2,994/monthly. Closing date is
June 9, 2014. For com plete
position description, requirements
and to apply, access our website
at w w w .cla rk.ed u/job s. Clark
College Human Resources, 1933
Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver,
WA 98663 (360) 992-2105. AA/
EO employer.
with diversity
d i l l 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3
ads @ portlandobserver.com
photo by D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver
To Place Your
Contact; Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
The Port of Portland is a regional
g o ve rn m e n t e n tity o p e ra tin g
airports, marine term inals and
industrial parks in the greater
Portland metropolitan area. Our
mission is to enhance the region’s
econom y and quality of life by
providing efficient cargo and air
passenger access to national and
global markets.
To view current job openings and
to apply for open positions visit
P o rt’s
w e b site
The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO
employer committed to workforce
diversity and affirmative action.
Foster Parents Wanted!!
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Drug Courts Turn 15
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
Possibility. In every direction.1”
Kyle, a Clark County Juvenile Recovery Court graduate (second from right), receives
congratulations on his successful completion o f drug rehabilitation programs, from
his girlfriend Makenzie Tatum (from left), court guardian Danielle Hupp, and court
resource coordinator Anna Lookingbill.
years, which equates to about $7.2
Clark County maintains six drug
courts, one for adult felons, family
treatment, juvenile recovery, sub­
Operating Engineer I - Oregon
stance abuse, mental health, and
C o n ve n tio n Center, $26 .2 5 -
one for veterans.
$28.23 hourly. Deadline: 06/10/
Anna Lookingbill, resource co­
ordinator for the Juvenile Recovery
O p e ra tin g E n g in ee r II - Expo Court, says the success of her pro­
Center, $28.87 - $31.04 hourly. gram is based on a national model
Deadline: 06/10/14
that uses a combination of struc­
These opportunities are open to ture, intensive judicial support, and
First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) substance abuse treatment to help
residents - Columbia Blvd on the those struggling with addiction.
north; 4^nd Ave on the east; the
Banfield Freeway on the south,
and North Chautauqua Blvd on
the west, w hose total annual
income does not exceed $25,000
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
as an individual, or $40,000 for
an entire household, for the past for Grammy with her album “Janice
12 months.
Scroggins Plays Scott Joplin” .
To apply: visit our web site at:
She was also awarded the Port­
www.oregonm etro.gov/jobs for land Crystal Award and World Arts
the complete job announcement Foundation Achievement Award,
and a link to our online hiring center and inducted into the Cascade Blues
or visit our lobby kiosk at Metro,
600 NE Grand Ave, Portland.
One of her graduates was Kyle,
who also addressed the crowd at the
May 22 celebration. With his court
guardian, Danielle Hupp by his side,
the now 18-year-old told how the
recovery court set him on a path
towards sobriety and happiness.
He opted into the program as a
16-year-old back in 2012.
“The program’s given me a lot of
life skills, and just skills in general
that you need to grow as a person,”
he said before thanking the staff of
the drug courts. “I’m glad I had
people to talk to and release these
feelings to. I’m glad and I’m happy
— I was never happy before until I
got into this program. I can look
people into the eye and smile, and it
wasn’t fake, and it felt good.”
The Portland Observer spoke
with Kyle right before he took the
“Once I realized I had a problem,
that’s when I began to get in with
the flow and it started to work out,”
he said.
Kyle says h e’s been clean since
Nov. 25, the day he got out of recov­
ery court.
Kyle’s advice to others before he
took the stage, “Keep it clean and
you ’ 11 be able to live life the way you
wanna live.”
Beloved Entertainer Remembered
Metro is an Affirmative Action /
Equal Opportunity Employer
Hall of Fame.
Popular Portland blues musician
Norman Sylvester and his band
dedicated his latest show on Friday
at Clyde's Prime Rib on Northeast
Sandy Boulevard to Scroggins who
was scheduled to play with the
group before her passing.
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Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
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7510 NE Glisan, Portland, OR 97213
Royal Kim
PDX Jazz M anaging D irector
Don L ucoff said he was honored
to have Scroggins play solo at the
closing weekend o f C lassic Pi­
anos during the recent Portland
Jazz Festival.
"She was truly a local jazz hero,
widely respected by her music
colleagues, students, and many
fans," he said.
She is survived by her children
Arietta Ward, Nafisaria Scroggins-
Thomas and Francis Scroggins, as
well as three grandchildren, Jamani,
Godyss and Phoenix.
An open to the community home­
going service for Scroggins was
scheduled for Wednesday, June 4
at 11 a.m. at Vancouver Avenue
First B aptist C hurch, 3138 N.
Vancouver Ave.
An account has been set up to
help the family with funeral ex­
penses. Donations may be made at
any Wells Fargo branch in the name
o f Janice Marie Scroggins.