Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 04, 2014, Page 11, Image 11

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    lune 4, 2014
|Jortlanò ©baerher
Page II
Big Band
Bash at
The public is invited to a free jazz
and swing concert as Clark College
in Vancouver hosts its third annual
Big Band Bash, Saturday, June 7 at
7 pm. in Gaiser Hall Theater, 1933
Fort Vancouver Way.
T he B eacock M usic Sw ing
Band, under the direction o f Cary
Pederson, will open up the exhila­
rating evening. The Low er C o­
lum bia College Jazz E nsem ble'
under the d ire c tio n o f D avid
Valdez, will also join the line-up,
and the evening will finish with
the nationally acclaim ed Clark
College Jazz Ensem ble under the
direction o f C lark D irector of
Bands, Rich Inouye.
If you like big band jazz and swing
this is definitely one community
event you won’t want to miss!
The nationally acclaimed Clark College Jazz Ensemble under the direction o f Clark Director o f Bands, Rich Inouye
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
: What age groups can a chi
ropractor help most?
Part 36. Healing Time
out of the adjusting room. And yet,
since the delivery process itself
cau ses a high p e rc e n ta g e o f
subluxations, infants to need chi­
ropractic care.
Obviously, children and infants
are treated differently than adults.
There are new, highly sophisticated
methods of adjusting children and
infants to insure the best possible
results with the least possible dis­
comfort. Though young children
can’t tell you they’re in pain, heir
irritability is often a sign of the need
to be checked.
society develop scoliosis (curva­
ture of the spine) during puberty.
Left untreated, scoliosis keeps get­
ting worse over time. However, it
can almost always be corrected
when chiropractic care is initiated
in time.
Needless to say, every teenage
girl should be checked regularly for
scoliosis and all teenagers and
young adults should see their chi­
ropractor regularly to make sure
their newly active sports lives aren’t
creating spinal problem s they’ll
have to live with the rest of their
: This is like asking which age
groups benefit m ost from
good health. And yet, each age
group has specific problems for Young Adults and Teenagers
which your chiropractor has spe­
More and more young adults and Adults
cific answers.
teenagers are getting involved in
The world today is experiencing
active sports. As a result, more and a terrible level of stress. Long work
Infant and Young Children
more of them are getting injured, re­ weeks, seemingly impossible dead­
Other mothers are often amazed quiring prompt chiropractic care.
lines and economic woes create in
to see a mother carry ing her infant
Obviously half of he girls in our credible pressures. In addition,
D epending on the degree o f
subluxations degeneration, your
chiropractor can often provide
For senior citizens who’ve been
fortunate enough to suffered mini­
mal trauma in their lives, virtually
complete spinal recovery should
be almost as easy as it would be
for younger people.
For those who have suffered
needlessly for years, your chiro-
praetor can often slow or stop the
degeneration, making life more
comfortable. It is certainly worth
the effort so that our senior citi-
zens get the dignity of health care
they deserve.
most adults breathe in polluted air,
drink chemically treated water and
consume an average of nine pounds
of food additives and chemical pre-
servatives in a year, putting even
more stress on their bodies. One
sure way to keep the stress level
from causing potentially dangerous
subluxations is with regular chiro­
practic checkups.
Something for Everyone
Senior Citizens
As you can see, there are prac-
tically as many reasons to have
regular chiropractic checkups as
there are people. Make an appoint-
ment for yourself and your loved
ones soon.
Retirement age for many people
has become just plain tiresom e,
Aches and pins, often the result
o f u n tre a te d s u b lu x a tio n s ,
abound. Yet is hardly seems fair
that having to suffer with pain or Flowers Chiropractic Office
being drugged into num bness are 2124 NE Hancock
fair rewards for all the years o f Portland, Oregon 97212
hard work.
Phone: (503) 287-5504
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (503)287*5504