May 28, 2014 Çnrtlanô (Obaerucr PageA7 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Abolish the Unfair Death Penalty An assault on human rights and racial equality J udge G reg M athis by On April 29, a death row in­ mate in O kla­ homa died of a heart attack after a botched execution. At age 23, Clayton D. Lockett was convicted o f murder and had been on death row for 15 years. During his recent execu­ tion, shortly after the anesthetic drugs were administered, Mr. Lockett began to writhe in ex­ treme pain and died shortly af­ ter. The drug mixture used to execute him was not wholly ad­ ministered due to a vein failure. panics only make up about 30 executions in North Carolina in­ W illingham and several others His death has raised serious percent of the U.S. population, volved white murder victims. have been w rongfully executed questions about the humane na­ but more than half of prison in­ I also am concerned with the under our nation's existing capi­ ture of capital punishment and mates on death row. There is number of individuals on death tal punishm ent laws. following Mr. Lockett’s death significant evidence that suggest row who have been wrongfully A tto r n e y G e n e ra l E ric President Obama indicated that jurists are more likely to sen­ accused. Since 1973, more than H older, an established oppo­ the U.S. Department of Justice tence minority offenders to the 130 people have been released nent of the death penalty, will would begin a review into capital death penalty than white offend­ from death row due to wrongful be responsible for the upcom ­ punishm ent in America. Mr. ers. convictions. The most recent ing review on capital punish­ Lockett’s death has provoked A Michigan State University case occurred in 2012. ment. I welcom e this upcom ­ all of us into an overdue conver­ review of North Carolina’s court A jo in t study led by U niver­ ing inquiry and hope to see sation on the merits of the death system found evidence that Af­ sity o f M ichigan Law Profes­ changes in current policy. The penalty. rican-American’s were system­ sor Sam R. Gross found that death penalty in A m erica runs For years research has indi­ atically excluded fromjuries de­ 4.1 percent o f death row in­ contrary to our nation’s com ­ cated that there is a disturbing termining sentences for convicts mates during the modern era mitment to international human racial bias when deciding who eligible for capital punishment. h av e been w ro n g fu lly e x ­ rights and racial equality and it gets sentenced to the death pen­ They found that qualified black ecu ted . F am o u sly , in 2004 should be repealed. alty. According to statistics from jurors were twice more likely to C am eron T odd W illingham Judge Greg M athis is the U.S. Department of Justice be removed from juries than was executed after being ac­ known fo r his advocacy fo r - Bureau of Justice Statistics whites. cused of burning his home down equal justice. His inspirational there were 3,082 death row in­ In addition, the review found and killing his three children. life story o f a street youth who mates in 2011 and more than that individuals who committed A fter his death investigators rose from ja il to Judge has h a lf o f them w ere A frican crimes against whites were more discovered there was no evi­ provided hope to millions who American or Hispanic. likely to receive the death pen­ dence to suggest the fire Was watch him on the TV court African Americans and His alty. More than 80 percent of s ta r te d by a rs o n . M r. show Judee M a th is We have Not Overcome Racism How to heal the wounded souls of many BY THE R ev . B entley de B ardelaben R a c ist c o m ­ ments have been m e ta p h o ric a lly showering through the airways. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, Virginia KKK imperial wizard Frank Ancona, and California billionaire real estate mogul Donald Sterling have all recently made absurd comments about race. Since the election of Presi­ dent Barack Obama, there are people who claim that we live in a post-racial American society. Unfortunately, that is not the case. It is true that people, espe­ cially the youth, are more ac­ cepting of others who are of different races and ethnicities, religions, sexual orientation and beyond. But sadly, the United States has not overcome rac­ ism. How could she? Our legal system was founded on such evil and abhorrent think­ ing. It has only been 50 years since the signing of the Civil R ights Act. P rio r to that, America had 250 years of chat­ tel slavery and an additional 100 years of legal terrorism against people of color com­ monly known as Jim Crow. I am not sure how many people of color based solely on race. M oreover, religion has played an extremely large role in this blasphem ous distortion against humanity. Therefore, I receive no pleasure in saying, "Yes, Virginia: There are still racists in North America!" In a society which created the 24-hour news cycle and reality television, people having capac- There are people who crave "fifteen minutes o f fame" and there are multiple venues through which they can achieve it. Racists included. à people realize that between 1790 and 1952, the only immigrants guaranteed to receive natural­ ization in order to become legal American citizens were white. I am not saying that others did not obtain it. I am saying it was legal to deny people who were not white. This is our nation’s his­ torical truth. With this as the larger back­ drop of our history as a republic, some people, as well as laws and/or systems in 2014 still harm ity to record audio and video, or take pictures with their mobile phones, anyone’s thoughts or behaviors (rightly or wrongly) can be utilized to fill air time on news programs or make profit. It may not be right, but it is what happens. There are people who crave "fifteen minutes of fame" and there are multiple venues through which they can achieve it. Racists included. Yet, what is missing in this current landscape is the oppor- tunity for all citizens of all races/ ethnicities to publicly engage in a much needed conversation on race. Not for the purpose of blaming or shaming one another. But to educate, share experi­ ences, lament and most impor­ tantly to acknowledge the pain and sin this nation unjustly heaped upon a group of people based on skin color. This would be no easy action to initiate. However, it is a necessary step to begin healing the wounded souls of many and this nation. Fortunately for all, there are many skilled persons to aid in helping America launch this voy­ age. We need only the will (and perhaps, mandate) to do it. In my humble opinion, it is the only way we can begin to get at the de- • sired outcome of a post-racial America. The Rev. B entley de Bardelaben is executive fo r administration and communi­ cations fo r the United Church o f Christ’s Justice and Wit­ ness Ministries. THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, PC. Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd, Portland, Oregon Portland: (503) 244-2080 Hillsoboro: (503) 244-2081 Facsimile: (503) 244-2084 Email: