Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 28, 2014, Page 5, Image 5

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    May 28. 20I4
Çnrtlanh OObsertier
God’s Prophet in Non-Violence
c o n t i n u e d f r o m front
the quotes are never put in a con­
text,” he says.
Haynes says context is so criti­
cally important because King can­
not be accurately portrayed with­
out his faith tradition or without his
radical perspectives.
“We who followed him at that time
were willing to die for the movement,
and die for freedom. That’s not the
King that America is creating.”
Not one to denote the title of
“radical” to himself, Haynes says
he is “a prophetic Black Freedom
Fighter,” implementing the tools of
se le c tiv e b u y in g , p ic k e tin g ,
marches, and civil disobedience as
effective and non-violent methods
for making racial progress today.
Repeating a focused drawl be­
fore finding the right words, he says
^ ' s ^ p0“ltlnll,ew here'‘theideal
•y— » » -
leadership of Stokely Carmichael
who would later go on to found the
All African People’s Revolutionary
Party. Carmichael changed his name
about a decade before his passing
in 1991 to Kwame Toure and is cred­
ited with coining the term “Black
The SNCC would merge with the
local chapter of the Black Panther
Party, an ever-growing national
movement that also called for the
liberation o f black A m ericans
through organizing, but was not
hesitant to meet violence with vio­
lence when it came to the terrorism
directed towards blacks, either by
authorities, racist hate groups or
u o o s rropnet in Non-Violence ’ by Portland Pastor Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr. explores the non­
violent activism of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
At the time, the growing Dallas
chapter was being mentored by a Fight that brought him to the Pa- weakness, but self-empowerment in closestadvisorsfromhisearlyvears
a pastor named Rev W M o Z e i
another famed Black Panther, a eiftc Northwest and a city dubbed the face of wickedness.
former political prisoner and godfa­ the w hitestm ajorcityinAm enca."
“He meant that in terms of re- III, Haynes also takes note of the
q believe that the non violent
ther to Hip Hop, 2pac Geronimo
He has CME
as pastor
to Allen spectmg
every life
a " r
n ' " io T lent
in northeast
creature ofGod,
is sacted
. U as t - a K
i i g ^ r s e v of e the
r a n Christian
c e T u n faith
H in
a ™
T no
ever skin color, whatever culture bull!, brought him dlw n’in Mem-
Haynes says the Black Panther P o r t e d since 199T
While there he has been at the they come from, their religion, what- phis,T enn.in 1968.
¿ i nvw1
Party, founded by Oakland natives
Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in forefrontofworktoreform stateand everclass,that,that,that,theirvalue
“There has been an attempt to
" G o d - s ^ X 'o f N o n ’ violenre8'
1966, also represented a new idea of city policies around police work, andtheirw orthisnotvaluedbyhow secularize him, and there's been an
militancy that was beginning to issues like racial profiling and of- society views them, but by the eyes attempt to de-radicalize him,” Haynes
emerge in the nation at the time.
ficer-involved shootings of unarmed of the Creator, the God that we have,” explains, “I’ve heard folks from Re- 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave. for $13.99.
In spite of the passage of the 1964 bla?
says Haynes.
publicans to segregationists now You can also order a copy of the
book by calling the church at 503-
Civil Rights Bill, and the 1965 Bill of
The Albina Ministerial Alliance,
* a mentee of - one of -----
King’s quote King, and it’s interesting that
Rights, many witnesses to the Civil which Hayne’s co-heads with Pas
Rights Movement, began to look tor T. Allen Bethel of Maranatha
for alternative modes of achieving Church, has been in operation since
; -i
not only racial equality, but pride of 1971 and represents 125 churches in
self, he says.
the Portland area, most of which are
Where previously blackness was stationed in north and northeast
seen as a negative, black activists Portland.
began to remake it into a positive.
Though he says many of the
“The Black Cultural Revolution problems black Americans face in
really brought about identity and Oregon are not far removed from the
the beauty of blackness and the plights they tend to face nation­
beauty of black culture,” Haynes wide, issues like education, eco­
nomics, affordable housing, mass
Ideologies clashed when the non­ incarceration, black-pn-black crime,
violent methods of the Civil Rights and institutional racism, there is a
Era began to fizzle out. Before long major difference in how the contro­
the two groups would part ways, versies are addressed here.
leaving many members left to de­
“Now the difference from the
cide on which group to align with; Southern tradition of racism, in Or­
Haynes would choose the more egon and in particular Portland, is
militant of the two.
that sometimes it’s hidden, and
He went on to head the Dallas sometimes it’s masked, and some­
Black Panther Party and form cadres times it’s institutionalized, and it’s
With more than 60 different degree and
across Texas.
certificate programs, Portland Community
given a very liberal progressive face;
Haynes’ newfound militant ways and there is certainly a very strong
College’s Cascade Campus is one of the
would only last for a few years. By progressive community here, but
premier training and educational resources
his mid 20s, a brand-new instillation there is also racism in this city,”
for professionals and business owners in
in the Christian faith saw him once Haynes says.
North/Northeast Portland. Whether you’re
again dedicating himself to a belief
In “God’s Prophet” Haynes says
looking to start a career, change careers,
system of non-violence.
that the successful attention
or launch your own business, Cascade
He forfeited his position as co­ brought to police shootings in Port­
Campus has what you need.
organizer of the Dallas Black Panther land over the past decade, such as
Party and began to dig deeper into his the Aaron Campbell and James
Registration for Summer Term 2014 starts
faith by way of his formal studies, Chasse cases, demonstrate the ef­
May 20, and classes begin June 23
attaining his Masters of Theology fectiveness of npn-violent tactics
from Perkins School of Theology at as a mean of increasing mass aware­
For more information, visit
Southern Methodist University and ness, civic engagement, and “one
www.pcc.edu/cascade or pay us a visit at
then his Doctorate of Ministry from of the most potent forces for change
705 North Killingsworth Street.
Brite Theological Seminary at Texas and reconciliation.”
Christian University.
Haynes cautions people that the
All the while, Haynes continued ideas of “love” and non-violence
his work against racial oppression; King preached were not ones of
in The Portland Observer 503-2«ss-