Fortiani» (Obstruer Page A4 May 28, 2014 DTUG MEDIA RECORDING STUDIO CALL 503.894.8772 RECORDING & VIDEO OPEN 24/7 2115 N. VANCOUVER AVE Bring in this coupon to receive $25 off your first purchase Video Recording, Mixing & Mastering, CD Duplication, Rehearsal Space & More DT U G M edi PHOTO COURTESY OF THE U.S. N a VY Giving Back for Memorial Day Justin Shinn, a Navy Petty Officer from Portland, cleans a veteran's gravestone at the Marysville Cemetery in Washington as part of a community service project to coincide with Memorial Day. Smith GOOD (GettingOutOfDebt) c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 Teamwork Parties conducted by John Olive of TEAM 1 victory of Sharon M axw ell, an ­ other A frican-A m erican com m u­ nity leader who ran for a local office; and City Councilm en Dan Saltzm an was elected to his fifth consecutive four-year term beat­ ing out a field o f three candidates with a com m anding 64 percent of Participants can either attend or host, inviting 4-30 guest(team players). One of of our presenters will come to share how people can go from barely making it to abundantly making it within 2-6 months after they start. form er City C om m issioner Jim Francesconi; City Com m issioner N ick Fish retained his seat with a □et started now for $19.90 or $39.90. We will show participants how to supplement income to the tune of between $400 to over a five digit residual income check, GUARANTEED if following our cash flow system. Your check will show up in a few days, then many will follow thereafter. Cultural Significance Coach John can be reached at 503-358-9655. Also see or take a tour at the vote. A proposal to create a new water and sew er district independent of city control was defeated with about 71 percent o f voters oppos­ ing the m easure, according to the unofficial results from Multnomah County. MMMUMI to existing structures with any Afri- can American association in their represents one of the oldest African histories and cemeteries with Afri- American Church in Oregon. can American burials. These places The general public is asked to can be buildings anywhere in Or- contribute information that pertains egon where African Am ericans The infor­ mation will be added to the collec­ tion of the Oregon Black Pioneers and the Oregon Historic Sites Data- base. Provide as much information as you can, but it is okay to leave blanks if you do not know the par- ticular information requested, offi- w orked, sites w here im portant events happened, or objects ere- ated, installed, or inspired by Afri- can Americans. The ultimate goal is to create a multiple property document that identifies sites for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, If you know o f any places like this, you are encouraged to share your in fo rm a tio n on th e w e b site cials said. If you have any questions about the survey project, you may email Kimberly Moreland, Oregon Black P io n eers p ro ject m an ag er at or Kuri Gill, Oregon Heritage, Grants and O utreach C o o rd in ato r at Forinforma- tion about the Oregon Black Pio- neers, c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 "Your Budget is our mission" BUDGET INSU RANCE E N T E R P R IS E S . L L C We are located on the comer ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. AUTO HOME DANNY CHAN H I R 0 Parking Area D O 5T o. P R A C T I Russell St. C OT DURAN BEASLEY At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quotel LIFE BUSINESS HEALTH 503 515 4377 Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington