May 28. 2014 Fortiani» (Obstruer PageAIS Ci assififd / R ids Recreation Director Remembered George A. Bingham Sr. George A. Bingham Sr. passed quietly away at his home on April 21,2 0 1 4 ,9 days after his 80th birthday. M r. B ingham w as w ell loved by m any and was ac­ tive in the comm unity. For 29 years he was em ployed by the city o f Portland as a recre­ ation d irec to r, startin g as boxing director o f the Knott S treet C o m m unity C e n te r (now the M att Dishman Com ­ munity Center), and conclud­ ing as Sum m er Park M anager at Alberta Park and the U niversity Park Com m unity Center (now the Charles Jordan Com m unity C enter ). He was known for his direct honesty and friendly smile to leave a strong legacy on the lives o f m any young people by helping them overcom e challenges. On April 25, a public celebration of his life was held at the M att D ishm an C om m unity Center. The fam ily is seeking to establish a park bench in the newly designed Dawson Park in his name. Contributions to support the honor are w elcom e and can be sent in care of the Portland Parks and Recreation D epartm ent in B ingham ’s name. He is survived and m issed by his wife, Sadie W alter Bingham ; children, M am ella, Georgina, K atrena and George Jr.; four grandchil­ dren, Barbara K, George I I I , Ray and Dorena; three great grandchil­ dren, Em anuel ,Shakyla and Jordan; and one special great-great grandson, Jaden Jam es M osley. Preceding him in death were his parents (Riley and D orena Bingham ), daughter D avinci Bingham and grandson Em anuel C. M osley Sr. Ill Loving J V lc m o r y Ester Mae Denton Ester Mae Wilder Denton was bom on Feb. 28,1927 and went to be with her Lord on May 12, 2014. Funeral Services were held on May 21 at Caldwell’s, Hennessey, Goetsch and McGee Funeral Home. Interment followed at Willamette National Cemetery. Career Training Instructor Pharmacy Technician Foster Parents Wanted!! Career technical training program serving young adults ages 16-24 is seeking a Pharmacy Technician professional to train students for careers in the Pharm aceutical field. The qualified candidate will possess extensive knowledge of the p h a rm a cy te c h n ic ia n occupation with at least 2 years direct experience working in the field, preferably in the capacity of supervisor or instructor. Must have e x c e lle n t w ritte n and oral communication skills, computer skills, strong custom er service s k ills , and a b ility to in te ra c t effectively with students, staff and the business community. One Life, Make it Count... Become a foster parent fo r youth M aple Star betw een the Oregon ages of 6-17 years old who have em otional, behavioral, and/or mental health needs. Receive up to $3600 per m onth C ontact M aple S ta r to d a y! 1 -8 8 8 - MSOREGON 503 Runnin* Rebels Girls year-round basketball club will be hosting a fundraising garage sale 8533 SE Foster, Portland, OR 97266 Saturday: 8am - 6pm Sunday: 8am -4pm For any questions please contact 503-830-5814 Advertise with diversity in Thc Portland Observer C all 503-288-0033 A D V E R TIS E M E N T FOR BID The successful candidate must Erb Memorial Union Expansion and Renovation hold a N a tio n a l C e rtific a tio n C e rtific a te from e ith e r the BP #3 - North Wing - Pharmacy Technician Certification Site Work, Foundation and Structure Board (PTCP) or have passed the University of Oregon Exam fo r the C e rtific a tio n of Eugene, Oregon Pharm acy Technician (ExCPT) Bid Date: 3:30 PDT, June 17, 2014 th ro u g h th e NHA. One ye a r instructional experience preferred. [Advertisem ent for: Erb M em orial Union R enovation & Expansion - Bid P ackage #3 Com petitive salary + com plete Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the Construction Manager/General benefits package available. Interested candidates must apply on line at no later than close of business day Friday, June 13, 2014. Veterans and m inorities encouraged to apply. We are an Equal Opportunity Em ployer W o m en /M in orities/ Veterans/Disabled! Advertise with diversity in 1llc Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 Contractor (CM/GC) for the University of Oregon and is soliciting bids for the dem olition portion of the Erb M emorial Union Expansion and Renovation Project in Eugene, Oregon. Terms and conditions of the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) “Invitation to Bid”, dated May 23, 2014, attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. B ids w ill be re c e ive d a t th e o ffic e s o f Lease C ru tc h e r Lew is LLC, (C M /G C ), 550 SW 12th Avenue, P ortlan d , O regon 97205* u n til. 3-:30 PDT. Ju n e 17, 2014 at w hich tim e th e bids w ill be p u b lic ly op en ed and read a lo u d . P ro p o sa ls sh a ll be c le a rly I m arked “Erb M e m orial Union E xp a n sio n and R e n o va tio n - Bid Package # 3 ’ The scope of work for Bid Package #3 includes earthwork, site utilities, concrete foundations/structure, structural steel and wood framing. It is th e In te n tio n o f Lease C ru tc h e r Lew is, LLC to s u b m it) b ld (s) fo r p o rtio n s o f th is w ork. A m an datory p re-bid co nference fo r the co n cre te fo u n d a tio n s / fra m in g sc o p e s o f w o rk w ill be held on M onday, Ju n e 2nd, a t 1:00pm a t the p ro je c t lo ca tio n on th e U n iv e rs ity o f O re gon C am pus (Job T ra ile r Is loca te d at I a p p ro xim a te ly 1222 E. 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97403). structures end woo d T erry F amily F uneral H ome v 2337 N. W illiam s Ave. P ortland, O r 97227 503-24 9 -1 7 8 8 W e m ak e th e serv ice p erso n al, You m ak e th e trib u te p erso n al. | Every tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w e tak e special p rid e g o in g Contract Documents and the Invitation to Bid may be reviewed at the following locations beginning May 23rd: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/ GC)/Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland, OR; Eugene Builders Exchange/Eugene, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/Clackamas, OR; S.W. W ashington Contractors Assoc./Vancouver, WA; M cGraw -Hill Construction Dodge/Portland, OR. Contract Documents may be purchased (non-refundable) in its entirety I or in part from Precision Images, (503) 274-2030. Drawings are available online through the following Lewis FTP site: Subcontractor log in: https:/ / lew / share/ view / 2 lw 2 - br7xuld7 #/ % 2 FP ackage% 2 0 % 2 3 0 3 % 2 0 - th e e x tra m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o even m ore. F riends a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t serv ice in fo rm a tio n , v iew photos, re a d o b itu ary , o r d e r flo w ers a n d leave p e rs o n a l m essag es o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , anytim e. S im p ly g o to o u r w e b site . w w w .terry fam ily fu n eralh o m m D ed ica ted to p ro v id in g excellent service a n d sup erio r care o f y o u r lo v e d on e " D w ight A. T erry O regon License CO -3644 A m y S. T erry Oregon License FS-0395 All proposers must comply with the following requirements: Prevailing I Wage Law, ORS 279C.800-279C.870, Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS 671.530. Bidder shall indicate Resident Status per ORS 279A.120. If Required, Bidders must obtain business licenses to perform work in the City of Eugene prior to mobilizing on jobsite. B ids w ill not be c o n sid e re d u n le ss R E C E IV E D by 3 :3 0 p.m . PDT on Ju n e 17, 2014, and fu lly co m p le te d in th e m a n n e r! p ro vid e d by the “ In s tru c tio n s to B id d e rs ’ . "NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive order 11246)”. Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) is committed to taking affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participation of minority, women- owned, and emerging small business enterprises (M/W/ESBE) in State projects and encourage Subcontractors to provide similar opportunities | for their subcontractors / vendors. LEASE CRUTCHER LEWIS, LLC, (CM/GC) Geoff McGraw