i» îh r Page A 14 ^Jortlnnb (Obstruer C lassifieds / B INVITATION TO BID For Summer Street: Mill Creek Bridge No. 470218 (Salem) The P urchasing Ad m in istra tor o f the C ity o f S alem will receive sealed bids at the C ontracts & P rocurem ent Division, 555 Liberty S tree t SE, Room 330, C ity Hall, Salem , O regon 97301, between the hours of 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1 p.m.- 5 p.m., but not after 2:30 p.m., (Local Time, Tuesday, June 17,2014, at w hich tim e said bids will be p u b lic ly o p e n e d a n d re a d in th e P u b lic W o rk s C o n fe re n c e R oom 3 2 5 , C ity H a ll, fo r th e p ro je c t specified herein. CLASS OF WORK: REIN - B ridges and S tructures. WORK TO BE DONE: The proposed w ork generally consists o f channel excavation o f the existin g creek stream bed m aterial and installation o f C lass 700 riprap. S elect stre a m b e d m a teria l w ill th en be in sta lle d o ve r the rip r a p . M o re s p e c if ic a lly th e p r o je c t in c lu d e s a p proxim ately 670 cubic yards of channel excavation, installation of 420 cubic ya rd s o f C lass 700 riprap, concrete repairs, and site restoration and cleanup. PROCUREM EN T DOCUM ENTS: G e n e ra l C o n t r a c t o r s interested in bidding on this Project m ay receive one cop y of the sp ecifica tions and othe r bid d ocum ents at the office of the Public W orks Engineering, 555 Liberty S tre e t SE, Room 325, S a lem , O regon 97301 (5 0 3 - 5 8 8 -6 2 1 1 ). C o n t r a c t t e rm s , c o n d it io n s , a n d ' sp ecifica tions for this project m ay be review ed at this o ffice . PRE-QUALIFICATION: B idders m ust be prequalified by the Oregon D ep a rtm en t o f Transportation for the w ork ca tegories listed for this Project by 5:00 p.m ., Friday, Ju n e 06, 2 0 1 4 . Th e p re q u a lifica tio n w ork ca te g o ry re q u ire d fo r th is P ro je c t is: R E IN - B rid g e s a n d S t r u c t u r e s . A d d it io n a l in fo r m a tio n c o n c e r n in g prequalification is available at the fo llo w in g address: http ://w w w .oregon .gov/O D O T/C S /C O N S TR U C TIO N / P re a u a lific a tio n .s h tm l BID SUBM ITTAL: B ids m u st be su b m itte d on the bid form s furn ished to the bidders. Bids shall be subm itted in a sealed en velope plainly m arked " Bid o n -S u m m e r S tre e t: M ill C re a k B rid g e No, 470218 (S a le m ) B id No. 134175," and show the nam e and business a dd ress of the bidder. BID SECURITY: Bid security in the a m ou n t o f 10 percent o f the bid m ust a ccom p a n y each bid in accordan ce with the Instructions to Bidders. I AW ARD: The C ity o f Salem reserves the right to reject a n y or all bids, to w aive inform alities, and to postpone the aw ard of the contract fo r 30 days. | C O M P LE TIO N T IM E L IM IT : C o m p le tio n o f a ll w o rk , a c c o r d in g to A r t ic le 4 C o n t r a c t T im e s , o f th e A g re e m e n t, s u m m a riz e d a s fo llo w s : S u b s ta n tia l Com pletion is O ctober 1 5 ,2 0 1 4 and Final Com pletion I is N ovem ber 15, 2014. BUY A M ER ICA: This fed era lly fun ded project is subject to the “BUY A M E R IC A ” requirem ents. HUM AN RIGHTS: It is the exp ress policy o f the C ity of I S a le m t h a t n o p e rs o n s h a ll be e x c lu d e d fro m p a rtic ip a tio n in, be d e n ie d th e b e n e fits of, o r be o th e rw is e s u b je c te d to d is c rim in a tio n u n d e r a n y program or a ctivity on the groun ds o f race, religion, co lo r, n a tio n a l o rig in , sex, m a rita l s ta tu s , fa m ilia l status or d om estic partnership, age, m ental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gen der identity, or source o f incom e as provided by Salem Revised Code C ha pter 97, Title VI o f the Civil Rights Act o f 1964 and other fed era l non discrim ination laws. The C ity’s com p lete T it le V I P la n m a y be v ie w e d a t ( h t t p :/ / I w w w .c ityo fs a le m .n e t). C ontracts fo r w ork un der this bid w ill o b lig a te th e C o n tra c to r to c o m p ly w ith all a p p lica b le req u irem en ts o f fed era l, state, and local c iv il rig h ts a n d re h a b ilita tio n s ta tu te s , ru le s a n d re gu la tio n . I DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (D B E): The C ity o f S alem in a ccord an ce with Title VI o f the Civil R ights Act o f 1964, 78 Stat. 2 5 2 ,4 2 U.S.C. 2000d to 20 00-4 and Title 49, C ode o f Federal R egulations, D epartm ent o f Transportation, subtitle A, O ffice o f the S ecretary, P a rt 2 1 , n o n d is c rim in a tio n in fe d e r a lly a s s is te d program s o f the D ep a rtm en t o f Transportation issued pursu a n t to such Act, hereb y notifies all bidders th a t it May 28. 2014 ip s will affirm a tively insure that in any C ontract entered into pursu a n t to this advertisem en t, d isa d va ntaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportun ity to subm it bids in response to th is invitation and will not be d iscrim inated against on the grounds o f race, age, color, sex, re ligio n , n a tion a l o rig in , m ental or physical handicap, political affiliation, or m arital status in consideration fo r an aw ard. • The DBE goal percentage fo r this project is: _0 % by OD OT. • This project is subject to the DBE policy statem ent as cited in 49 CFR 26. • The DBE is subject to com m ercia lly useful function (C UF) requirem ents. • W hen a DBE participation goal has been assigned on a contract, the contra ctor and subcontractor m ust com p ly with the C U F provisions. The C U F provisions require th a t the DBE a ctu ally perform , m anage, and supervise all assigned responsibilities. Additionally, the C ontractor and subcontractor are subject to contract w age and equal em p loym e nt opportun ity (EEO) w ork fo rc e c o m p o s itio n re q u ire m e n ts c o n ta in e d in th e affirm ative action special provisions o f each contract, 23 U.S.C. 140 EEO requirem ents. • D B E ’s listed b ^ th e bidder fo r participation in the contract m ust b e c e rtifie d as an eligible DBE at the tim e of bid opening. • “All bidders a re notified th a t the DBEyvill be afforded fu ll o p p o r t u n ity to s u b m it b id s in r e s p o n s e to invitations to participate in any contract entered into pursuant to this a dvertisem ent. In consideration for an aw ard, persons or firm s will not be discrim inated a g a in s t b e c a u s e o f ra ce, age, color, se x, re lig io n , national origin, m ental or physical handicap, political affiliation, or m arital s ta tu s .” . SO LIC ITATIO N FOR SU B CO N TR AC TS, INCLUDING PROCUREMENTS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: In all s o lic it a t io n s e it h e r by c o m p e t it iv e b id d in g o r n e go tia tio n m ade by th e co n tra c to r fo r w ork to be p e rfo rm e d u n d e r a s u b c o n t r a c t ,’ in c lu d in g p rocu rem en ts o f m a teria ls or leases o f eq u ip m en t, e a ch p o te n tia l s u b c o n tra c to r o r s u p p lie r s h a ll be notified by the contra ctor of the contractors obligations under a contract aw arded pursuant to this bid, Salem Revised Code C ha pter 97, Title VI o f th e Civil Rights Act o f 1964, and o th e r fed era l non discrim ina tion law s. No local agen cy shall bid in com petition or en ter into a s u b c o n tra c t w ith p riv a te c o n tra c to rs p e r 23 C FR 63 5 .1 1 2 (e). C ontractor m ust perform a m inim um o f 30 percent o f the total original contract price excluding a n y identified sp ecia lty item s per 23 CFR 63 5.116(a). Th e C ity w ill p ro v id e A D A a c c o m m o d a tio n s upon reasonable request to the P urchasing Adm inistrator. The C ity o f Salem is an Equal Em ploym ent O p p ortun ity Em ployer. Career Counselor Residential Advisor Troutdale, OR Troutdale, Oregon Full-time case management position, working with young adults, ages 16-24, in a c a re e r te c h n ic a l tra in in g program . The ca reer counselor meets regularly with s tu d e n ts on case load and documents student progress and goals; collaborates regularly with o th er s ta ff rega rd in g stu d e n t needs and behaviors; advocates on behalf of students in order to prom ote student success and employability. F u ll-tim e R esid ential A d viso r needed for vocational/educational training school serving young adults ages 16-24. Provide safe and positive living environment that delivers guidance to students to ensure po sitive group livin g relations and achievement in the program. Supervise and monitor dorm and student activities, group sessions and dorm m eetings; prepare and maintain reports and student files. Perform other duties as assigned. $12.30 per hour with Full Benefits Package.^ Must have Bachelor’s degree in counseling, social work, or related field - ability to verify coursework, in c lu d in g m inim um o f 15 semester hours in social services related field; one year experience in counseling or related work; proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite; strong oral and written co m m u n ic a tio n s k ills ; va lid driver’s license with an acceptable driving record. Preferred: Job Corps e xp e rie n c e or p ro fe s s io n a l experience working with at-risk youth; bilingual. Competitive salary and complete benefits package available, including both company- paid and optional benefits, paid vacation and sick time. To a p p ly: O n lin e at www.mtciobs.com. Please include resume, cover letter, and copy of unofficial transcripts. Responses must be received not later than close of business day June 13, 2014. Veterans and minorities encouraged to apply. We are an Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer W o m e n / M in o rity / V e te ra n s / Disabled! CONTRACTOR DISCLOSURE: Prior to aw ard, C ontractor will be required to provide answ ers to the five questions stipulated in Salem Revised Code (S R C ) 2.380(b). Advertise with divers¡ity in PREVAILING W AGE RATES: Bids exceed in g $5 0,000 are Call 503-288-00 133 subject to prevailing w age rates. All projects have m inim um w age rate requirem ents: • Federally-funded projects excep t local road and rural m inor collector projects are su b ject to the “G eneral W age D eterm ination Issued U n der th e D avis-B acon and R elated Acts from the US S e c re ta ry o f La b o r,” u n le s s a h ig h e r w a g e is re q u ire d p e r th e B O LI p ub lication titled “P reva ilin g W age R ates fo r Public W orks C ontracts in O re go n ,” w hich a re subject to both the State p revailin g w age rates and the Federal Davis- Bacon Act. • S ta te fun ded proje cts and fe d e ra lly fu n d ed local roads and rural m inor collector projects are subject to B O L I’s “ P re v a ilin g W a g e R a te s fo r P u b lic W o rk s C ontracts in O re go n .” • "D eterm in a tion s" and B O LI’s “Prevailing W age Rates fo r Public W orks C ontracts in O re g o n ” are available on th e W E B a t h ttp :/ / c m s .o re g o n .g o v / B O L I/ W H D / P W R /Pages/PW R book.aspx T E C H N IC A L Q U E S T IO N S : In q u ir ie s c o n c e r n in g th e contents o f the bid sp ecifications should be directed to Brian Vinson, P.E., at 503-588-6211. G a ry A. Kanz, C.P.M. P u rch a sin g A d m in is tra to r B ID /CO N TR ACT N UM BER: BID CLOSING/OPENING: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I 134175 Tuesday, Ju n e 17, 2014, at 2:3 0 p.m . (Local Tim e) Ii,v Portland O bse Tver Must have High School Diploma or equivalent and two years related experience and/or training working with youth. Valid state driver’s license with acceptable driving reco rd re q u ire d . A b ility to successfully pass a background check. Qualified applicants must apply atwww.chugachjobs.com by close of business day Friday, June 13, 2 01 4 . R e q u isitio n #0R010009. V eteran s and m in orities encouraged to apply. We are an Equal Opportunity Em ployer..... W o m e n /M in o ritie s/V e te ra n s/ Disabled! Metro M etro o p e ra te s the O regon Convention Center, Oregon Zoo, Portland’5 Centers for the Arts and Expo C e n te r and p ro vid e s transportation planning, recycling, natural area and other services to the region. Visit www.oregonmetro.gov/iobs for current openings and a link to our online hiring center. Metro Is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer SUB BIDS REQUESTED OSU Goss Stadium Expansion Corvallis, Oregon All Work Including: Demo, Earthwork/Utilities, Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel, Decorative Metal, Interior Architectural Woodwork, Waterproofing, Metal Roof and Sheet Metal, Doors, Frames & Hardware, Glazing, Drywall, Flooring, Painting, Signage, Accessories, Wheelchair Lifts, Fire Suppression, Plumbing/HVAC, Electrical, Site Concrete and Metal Fences and Gates Bid Date: June 5 ,2 0 1 4 12:00pm Bid Documents: www.hoffmancorp.com/subcontractors HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100, Portland, OR 97205 Phone (503) 221-8811 • Bid Fax (503) 221-8888 BIDS@hoffmancorp.com Hoffman is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises OR CCB#28417 / LIC H0FFMCC164NC