f f lf t A p ril 23, 2014 IN S ID E TheWeek Review été CoortV PÈe'oes Fortiani» QObaerücr This page Sponsored by: Fred Meyer What's on your list today?» page 2 "<£> ö ^ iai S Ç p é â î H W - Page 3 O pinion pages 8-9 S ports page 10 Tilikum Crossing; Bridge of the People is the new name for the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Bridge. People’s Bridge Tilikum Crossing a nod to our Native American history page 11 “Tilikum Crossing, Bridge of the People” is the name for the new Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Tran­ sit Bridge. A bridge naming committee made the unanimous recommendation to T riM et G eneral M anager Neil McFarlane, who accepted the name on behalf o f the public transit agency during last w eek’s an­ nouncement ceremony. pages 12-17 C lassifieds and streetcar trains, buses, bikes and pedestrians, but no private ve­ hicles. The committee of 10 citizens from diverse backgrounds spent about eight months deliberating, which included reviewing nearly 9,500 submissions and thousands of comments from the public. Committee Chair and historian co n tin u ed on p a g e 6 Texting and Driving Crackdown FNIEDIAINMENT C alendar McFarlane thanked the commit­ tee for their work and deliberation. “The committee spent a tremen­ dous amount of time and dedication to select a name that speaks to our past, our future, and the importance of transit connecting our commu­ nity,” he said. The unique bridge, now under construction, is the first multi-modal bridge in the U.S. to carry light rail page 14 page 18-19 Cam paign raises awareness to decrease road hazards by D onovan M. S mith R eligion F ood page 19 T he P ortland O bserver Texting and driving is getting more eyes with a new campaign to deter people behind the wheel from become distracted while driving. The U.S. Departm ent o f T rans­ portation released its first-ever national ad v ertisin g cam paign co n tin u ed pages 20 on p a g e 5 Distracted Driving has become a major concern on our roads.