®’’* Ç ortlanù (Observer Page 8 A p ril 16, 2014 New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service r HR.yg’AUS' Op A TAX OH é = a T S U P P E R / , V b is o A o tfs CÄTeRPILLAR,^. &UTTERFUY Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CH G $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs - With O ther Services)-. $25.00 Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Wooly. $40.00 Minimum Hiding Profits in Slimy Offshore Wormholes Heavily Soiled Area: Tax loopholes abuse our public trust Additional $10.00 each area (Requiring Extensive Pie-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $109 - $139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With th w Other Services)’. $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949 J im H ightower T h e d ic tio n a ry defines the caterp il­ lar as a “w orm like la rv a ” and a “craw ler.” A lso, that “p illar” part o f the w ord is derived from a French verb that m eans to “p il­ lage, abuse, m istreat.” G ood to know . N ow , m eet C ater­ pillar Inc., the w o rld ’s largest m aker o f co n stru ctio n and m in in g m a ­ ch in es. A recent report by the S en ate’s by Perm anent Subcom m ittee on In­ v e stig a tio n s fo u n d th a t th is w orm like behem oth has craw led through a tax loophole to abuse o ur public trust. In recen t years, C aterp illar has q uietly shifted som e $8 b il­ lion in profits gain ed from sell­ ing parts on the global m arket into a Sw iss subsidiary in o rd er to avoid paying m ore than $2 b illion in taxes it o w ed to o u r country. E ven though this subsidiary has only 65 em ployees and neither m akes n or sells spare parts, C aterpillar took THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C. Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd, Portland, Oregon Portland: (503) 244-2080 Hillsoboro: (503) 244-2081 Facsimile: (503) 244-2084 Email: Sweeney@PDXLawyer.com ad v an tag e o f a slick acco u n tin g m an eu v er that ch an n eled 85 p er­ cent o f its international parts profits into w hat am ounts to a tax shelter. C orporate officials tried to b lu s­ te r their w ay through a su b co m m it­ tee hearing, insisting that th eir o ff­ shoring o f profits w as m erely m eant to stream line the co rp o rate flow chart. It w as “ p r u d e n t,” s a id C aterpillar’s top financial officer, “to elim in ate the un n ecessary m id d le­ m an ” betw een the profits m ade on global sales an d the p ay in g o f taxes on those profits. T h a t’s “absolutely absu rd ,” said Sen. C arl L ev in (D - M ich.), the subcom m ittee chairm an. L e v in p o in te d o u t th a t th e “ m id d le m a n ” she w as re fe rrin g to is C a te rp illa r its e lf. T h e P e o ria - b a se d h e a v y -e q u ip m e n t m a n u fa c ­ tu re r d e sig n e d , m a d e, an d sold th e p ro d u c ts — an d th e o n ly re a ­ so n it w o rm e d its p ro fits in to a S w iss s u b sid ia ry w as to c h e a t on th e tax b ill it le g itim a te ly o w es in its h o m e c o u n try . W hen you h ear right-w ingers say th a t A m e ric a d o e s n ’t h a v e the m oney fo r in frastructure repairs, poverty program s, etc., here’s som e­ thing to rem em ber. G iant co rp o ra­ tions b ased in the U nited States, including C aterpillar, have hidden som e $2 trillion o f th eir profits in slim y offsh o re w orm holes. O therwords colum nist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. H e’s also editor o f the populist newslet­ ter, The Hightower Lowdown. S u b s c r ib e $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $ 125.00 for 1 year (please include check w ith fo rm ) 503-288-°°33 Attn: Subscriptions, T he P ortland O bserver, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208. N ame : ______ T elephone : A ddress : or em ail subscriptions@ portlandobserver.com