Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 16, 2014, Page 3, Image 3

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    A p ril 16, 2014
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TheWeek Review
Page 3
Fred Meyer
What's on your list today?.
Kiden Dilla (left) and Ayan Osman, two Portland area Pacific University students killed in a traffic
crash on Oregon Highway 47 and Verboort Road, north of the Forest Grove campus, are pictured
in a photograph from the Pacific University Black Student Union.
Crash Victims Were Best Friends
Tributes pour in for Pacific U niversity students
Two Pacific University students Union on the university’s Forest at the intersection ofOregon 47 and
who were killed in a car crash are Grove campus.
Verboort Road by a box truck the
being remembered for their friend-
18-year-old Kiden Dilla and 19-
ship and for starting a Black Student year-old Ayan Osman were struck
co n tin u ed
on p a g e 6
Blazer Flash Mob for Playoff Start!
™ s.Saiurday’ the L,°y d Center
Mall will literally be seeing red as
fans gather to send off the Portland
Trail Blazers to the playoffs. Social
entrepreneur Andre Miller is orga-
mzing the ‘‘Red Out” flash mob.
The Trail Blazers will start the
playoffs with its first two games on
the road to face the Houston Rock-
C alendar
page 14
C lassifieds
page 18
F ood
pages 19
ets in best o f seven series. The
dates o f the contests were not set at
press time Tuesday.
Fans of all ages are welcome and
encouraged to come decked in their
favorite Blazers gear for Saturday’s
Cheer Mob which will begin at 3 p.m.
at the Lloyd Center Mall Skating
Rink. The happenings will be filmed.
Upcoming artist Yung Jordan will
perform his Blazers’ anthem “Wel-
come to Rip City” for the crowd.
Miller, who also fronts a Blazer
fan page is offering special dis-
counts on his Blazer Gang apparel
for the occasion. You can head to
blazergangapprel.com or the Lloyd
Center Mall for more information.
A full length docum entary ex­
ploring the long history o f racism
and discrim ination against black
people in Oregon has launched a
cam paign for donations to help
make the movie a success.
The film ‘W hitelandia’ is in pro­
duction for a 2015 release.
was launched last week with a
The Northwest Film Center and g o a l o f r a is in g $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 by
Oregon Assem bly for Black Af- May 7.
fairs have partnered will the film 's
Community members are asked
producers to make the movie. A to c o n tr ib u te by v is itin g
K ickstarter website cam paign to k i c k s t a r t e r . c o m / p r o j e c t s /
raise money for production costs whitelandia.