Page 18 ^ortlaub (Observer In Loving Memory C lassifieds / B ids Cascade AIDS Project (CAP), the olde st and largest p rovider o f HIV p re ve n tio n , e d u ca tio n , housing, a d vo ca cy and su p p o rt services in O regon an d S o u th w e st W ashing­ ton, is se e k in g a Manager of H IV / STI Testing Services to o v e rs e e C A P ’S HIV/STI, linkage to care, ser­ vice naviga tion , and prevention w ith p ositive p rogram s. Please v is it w w w .c a s c a d e a id s .o rg / e m - p loym ent for com plete posting. B ID S R E Q U E S T E D FO R Metro c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 17 M etro operates the O regon Con­ vention Center, O regon Zoo, P ort­ la n d ’s C e n ters fo r th e A rts and Expo C enter and provides tra n s­ portation planning, recycling, natu­ ral area and other services to the region. BPS Portland Public Schools #2014-1742 CLARENDON ROOF REPLACEMENT Bids: due APRIL 30,2014 AT 2:00 pm PUBLIC OPENING APRIL 30,2014 AT 2:05 PM Visit w w w .o re gon m e tro.go v/iob s fo r current open ings and a link to our online hiring center. AA/EEO Employer S U B B ID S R E Q U E S T E D Portland Community College Rock Creek Campus - Building 2 Renovations Phase 2 Portland, Oregon B U ILD IN G 2 REN OVATION S PH ASE 2 - S cop es include M etals, W ood s and Plastics, Doors, G lazing, Finishes, Fire Protection, Plum bing, H V A C a n d Electrical A lte rn a te s will include seism ic and acoustic renovations through out the building. Bid Date: M ay 1, 2 0 1 4 3 :0 0 p.m . SiteW alk(s): To be d eterm ined Contacts Receiving Bids: N atasha Carroll (n a ta sha .ca rroll@ fortisconstruction .com ) Eleza Faison ( E le za@ faisonconstructio m ) Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , M ultnom ah County, se e ks w ritten from qualified firm s to provide construction services fo r C laren don School R oof R eplacem ent. An O ptional Pre- will be held at 10:00 AM on April 17,2014, at Clarendon School located at 9325 N. Van Houten Street, Portland, O regon 97203. S e a le d , in an envelop e cle a rly listing the vendor nam e and title, will be received by K im b e rle y A la n d a r at: Bid Desk, P u rch a sin g & C o n tra ctin g, B lanchard Education S e rvice Center, 5 0 1 N. Dixon St, P ortland OR 9 7 2 2 7 , n o t la te r th a n 2 :0 0 P M , A p ril 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 . T h e d o c u m e n ts m a y be o b ta in e d a t th e O R P IN w e b s ite , w w w -o rp in .o re gon .go v. Firm s m ust be registered w ith O R PIN to obtain and dow nload docum ents; registration is at no cost. C o n ­ tra ct term s, co n d ition s and S p ecifica tions m ay be review ed a t the P u rch asin g & C o n tra ctin g D epartm ent, 501 N. Dixon Street, Port­ land O regon, 97227. For additional inform ation ab ou t th is project, please co ntact the K im berley Alandar, at 5 0 3.916.3804, or em ail a t purchasing@ B ID S R E Q U E S T E D T O I CDHSTBIICTIBM C O N S T R U C T IO N IN C . 1705 SW Taylor S treet, Suite 200 Portland O R 97205 Phone: 503-459-4477 BPS Fax: 50 3 -4 5 9 -4 4 7 8 OR CCB#155766 Portland Public Schools Bid do cum ents are available fo r review a t th e Fortis office and at local plan centers. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from minor- jty^women^disadvantaged, and emerging small business enterprises. B ID S R E Q U E S T E D 2 0 1 4 -1 7 6 0 Jefferson High School Turf Field & Track Improvement Project A pril 16, 2014 # 2013-1722 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2014 - BEACH, BOISE-ELIOT/ HUMBOLDT, CHIEF JOSEPH, KING, VERNON, AND WOODLAWN SCHOOLS due april 30, 2014 AT 2:00 pm PUBLIC OPENING april 30, 2013 AT 2:05 PM Her career got focused during her enrollment in a Portland Com­ munity College business education course which led to a position in the Multnomah County Courthouse for the Oregon Judicial Department in 1974. Her duties consisted o f sev­ eral positions during her 30 years of employment and she earned several awards. In 2003, she retired from the position of Court Operations Spe­ cialist. Though she had no children of her own, she was an encourager to single mothers in the church, an advocate of children’s education, and a provider o f educational funds for children in her family. Sister Janet enjoyed finding and collecting bargains. One of her fa­ vorite pastimes was watching mov­ ies, especially shows about court­ house drama. Her parents and her beloved sis­ ters, Betty E. Robinson and Mary Kinkle preceded her in death and welcom ed her into her eternal rest. She is survived by a caring and loving family; nieces Diane Kinkle and Candace Skinner; nephews Robert Kinkle, Trevor Kinkle, Jeffery Brown, Maurice Brown and Robert (Novelette) Brown. Services will be held on Satur­ day, April 19 at Maranatha Church, 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. Arrangements are under the direction of Caldwell ’ s, Hennessey, Goetsch & McGee Fu­ neral Home. Legal Notices Portland Public Schools, School District No. U , M ultnom ah County, seeks w ritten from qualified firm s to provide C onstruction Services for Im provem ent Project 2014 - Beach, Boise-Eliot/Hum boldt, Chief Josep h, King, Vernon, and W ood law n Sch ools. A M a nda to ry Pre­ will be held at 3 :3 0 PM on April 16,2 0 1 4 , at Beach School, 1710 N. H um boldt Street Portland, Oregon 97217. Subcontractors are strongly encouraged to attend. Portland Public Schools, School District N o .U , M ultnom ah County, O regon se e ks resp on se s from qualified firm s able to provide tra ck and field im provem en t services. Experienced firm s are invited to s u b m ita fo r consideration by the District. The docum ents m ay be obtained at the O RPIN website, w w w Firm s m ust be registered with ORPIN to obtain and download docum ents; regis­ tration is at no cost. An conference will be held at 8:00 on April 16, 2014, at th e Jefferson High School Track, 5210 N. Kirby Ave., Port­ land, OR 97217. Sub con tractors are stro n gly encouraged to attend. Sealed, in an envelope clearly listing the vendor name and proposal title, will be received by S tephen Hirai, C o n tra ct A nalyst, at: Bid Desk, Purchasing & Contracting, Blanchard Education Service Center, 501 N. Dixon St, Portland OR 97227, not laterthan 2:00 PM, April 30,2014. For fu rth e r inform ation co ntact Stephen Hirai at 503-916-3314. C o n tra ct term s, con d ition s and S pecifica tion s m ay be review ed at P u rch asin g & C ontracting, 5 01 N. Dixon Street, Portland O regon, 97227. This C o ntract is a Public W ork su b ject to. S e a le d , in an envelope clearly listing the vendor nam e and title, will be received b y K im berley A la n d a r at: Bid Desk, P u rch a sin g & C o n ­ tracting, Blanchard Education Service Center, 5 0 1 N. Dixon St, Port­ land OR 97227, not later than 2:00 PM, April 3 0 ,2 0 1 4 . ’ The d o c u m e n ts m a y be o b ta in e d a t th e O R P IN w e b s ite , w w w .o rp in .o re gon .go v. Firm s m ust be registered w ith O R PIN to obtain and dow nload docum ents; registration is at no cost. C o n ­ tra ct term s, con d ition s and S p ecifica tion s m ay be review ed a t the P u rch a sin g & C o n tra ctin g D epartm ent, 5 01 N. Dixon Street, Port­ land O regon, 97227. For additional inform ation ab out this project, please co n ta ct th e K im berley Alandar, at 5 0 3.916.3804, o r em ail at purcha sin g@ pp N eed to publish a co u rt d o cu ­ m ent or notice? N eed an a ffi­ davit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-m ail y o u r n o tic e fo r a fre e p ric e quote! Fax: 50 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mall: The Portland O bserver To Place Your Classified Advertisement Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail;