Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 16, 2014, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page 16
®*!* Ç ortlanh (Obstruer
K id z O n D a T ra c k
c o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 11
over to U S A B M X .co m , to find a
local track near you, and the first
race is pro bono.
In an effort to get m ore “inner-
city ” kids and people o f co lo r in ­
volved in the sport, R idge is looking
to start an after school offshoot o f
the team called “ K idz on D a T rack ”
T h e p rogram w ill be offered this fall
at schools in north, northeast and
southeast Portland.
H is nephew , w ho is still w ith the
team , says as tim e has passed, his
passion for the sport has grow n,
and h e ’s literally picked up speed
along the way.
“It w as ju s t k in d a a fun thing to
do. B ut as you p ro g ressiv ely do it,
it starts getting m ore serious and
serious, then you start going faster
and faster, and it gets fu n n er and
fu n n er!” the now 16-year-old rider
say s.
“Y ou d on’t alw ays have to go
pro,” he says, “ Y ou can ju st do it for
fun on the w eekends, that’s the best
part. Y ou can still get a job, be produc-
tive, and do this on the w eekends.”
Big brother and co-coach Kevin
Ridge says the opportunity in the
sport bro ad en s the ho rizo n s and
social circles o f both parents and
“ Som e kids gotta play basketball
o r football. T his is an alternative.
Y ou can do o th er sports, too, cause
it keeps y o u r stam ina up,” he says.
“ I think this is a good sport for a lot
o f inner city kids to g et out and see
that th e re ’s oth er things to do b e­
sides w hat the schools o ffer.”
U ltim ately the brothers say, they
are sticking to their original b lu e­
print o f creating a w inning spirit
w ith a familial attitude for their B M X
F o r inform ation about jo in in g up,
call H aroldat503^449-5208. For fami­
lies interested in getting involved
o r a business looking to sponsor
th e
p ro g ra m ,
e m a il
kidzondatrack @ yahoo .com.
A p r il 16,2014
Pastor Marcia
Taylor and
Minister Charles
Walker wedded
March 29, 2014.
Showdogs is a full service salon. We do
baths, all over hair cuts, tooth brushing,
nail trims, soft claws, flea treatments, mud
baths, and ear cleaning. We also have
health care and grooming products to
keep your pet clean in between visits.
Show Dogs
Grooming Salon & Boutique
926 N. Lombard
Portland, OR 97217
Tuesday-Saturday 9am-7pm
Monday 10am-4pm
Yo dawg is gonna look like a show dawg
and your kitty will be pretty.
Charles Wa s h i n « t o n
Por me r P u b lis h e r ot the Port I,m J O b s e n
h i m c n i o n o f m i o n is io ih ln i^ u iu l J e J ic u te tl
tn c tn h c r of P o illd iu l s l.eìv;<sì S tiiiu h iv ;
\ h i i o u t \ P u H ie u t io?i.
I,c ' J J n r t k t n b
( O h s c n n 'i