April 9, 2014 Fortiani» OOhseruer Beware of Home Project Scams Some offers are too good to be true A n O regon couple recently receiv ed an o ffer they couldn't refuse - a prom ise to pave their entire d riv e­ w ay fo r $ 1,500. T he $ 1,500 w as the m ost h o m eo w n er Fern M athew s said they could afford. T hat w asn't a pro b lem for the w orkers w ho show ed up at th eir house. “W e'll w ork w ith y o u ,” one o f them said. In fact, he had an extra tru ck lo ad o f m aterial so he could give the M athew s a g o o d price. M inutes later, the project w as under way. B ut instead o f a freshly pav ed d rivew ay fo r $ 1,500, the M athew s ended up w ith a thin coat o f soft, sandy gravel. A nd, once the tw o m en started putting dow n m aterial, they insisted on being paid $4,700 to finish the w ork. In the end, Fern w rote a check fo r $3,200. "They m ake you nervous," the 6 7-year-old said. "It's ju s t a scary situation." T hat didn't stop her, how ever, from using a contact the m en gave h er to track them to a m otel. O nce she realized she w asn't g etting a real paving jo b o r h er m oney back, she took dow n their license plates and contacted law enforcem ent. "O ur top priority is to protect our m ost vulnerable citizens - including the elderly," said Lt. R ob W urpes o f the C lackam as C ounty S heriffs Office. "W e urge prop­ price. They quote an initial low price, then dem and m ore to finish the project. Generally, they are not licensed with the C onstruction Contractors Board. If you encounter a situation like this, call your local law enforcem ent agencies o r the C onstruction Contractors Board(503-378-4621). W urpes said that once m oney changes hands, as it did in Fern s case, it becom es h ard er to pursue crim inal charges against fraudulent contractors. O ften, the cases m ust be resolved in civil court -- m eaning ad d i­ tional tim e and expense fo r the victim . W e re proud to partn er w ith the C onstruction C ontractors B oard to com bat this type o f crim e and m ake sure that p erp etrato rs are held accountable w h enever possible," W urpes said. "W orking together, w e really can m ake a d ifferen ce." Page 7 C haucer C ourt A ffordable R etirement L iving • A partments - S tudio ,O ne B edroom , and M obility I mpaired • F ederal R ent S ubsidies A vailable • N o B uy -I n or A pplication F ees • A ffordable R ent 3 0 % of A djusted G ross I ncome • I deal U rban L ocation near P ublic T ransportation , S hopping , D ining , and M edical F acilities Come See Our Newly Renovated Apartments 1019 SW 10 th A ve • P ortland 97205 erty ow ners throughout O regon to exercise their good judgm ent w hen hiring a contractor, especially if the deal sounds too good to be true. "W e also encourage fam ily m em bers and neighbors to look out for citizens w ho m ay be especially vulnerable to financial scam s." W hile the C C B and law enforcem ent agencies are investigating the incident, Fern rem ained stuck w ith a m ushy drivew ay as o f early A pril. She w arns others to bew are o f traveling construction w orkers w ho offer unrealistic discounts. "A lw ays use reputable contractors, check references and never pay all the m oney up front," added B ern Leslie, interim C onstruction C ontractors Board adm in- • istrator. T he contractors board recom m ends that property ow ners get a w ritten contract for hom e im provem ent projects, even sm all ones. M eanw hile, law enforcem ent and state regulators say the num bers o f drivew ay, roof, and other hom e im provem ent scam s w ill only increase as tem peratures Do more than dream about your dream kitchen. Get a hom e equity line o f cre d it w ith no closing costs. Our rates are low Our terms are flexible. And our bankers make it easv. Aoolv today warm. H ere are som e key w ays to spot thieves: Y ou don't call them - they show up at your doorstep. T heir vehicles often show out-of-state license plates. T hey say they have leftover m aterials so they can give you a great ■■WMHMMMN Charles Jordan c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3 schools to engage youth through p o sitiv e interaction and activities. A s Fire C om m issioner, he developed an outreach training p rogram to recruit people o f c o lo r to the Fire B ureau. O n the national stage, Jordan b ro adened the agenda o f the environm ental m o vem ent and land co n serv a­ tion to m ake it m ore inclusive. H e is know n fo r his g roundbreaking approach to putting p eople - p articu ­ larly people o f c o lo r - at the heart o f the A m erican C onserv ation M ovem ent. "H is great saying w as ’Parks are m ore than ju s t fun and gam es,'" says M ichelle H arper, w ho w orked w ith Jordan for years in several capacities. "H e is a spiritual person w ith a strong connection to his church, and he saw us all as being connected. P ortland's parks w ere w here w e could com e tog eth er to build com m unity and fam ily." Jordan's m em orial service will be private, for fam ily only. W Home Equity Line of Credit Introductory Rate for 6 Months branch i n * usbank.com/lowrate Rates as lo w « APR* Rate available 03/03/14-05/11 /14 Rates are subject to change All of us serving you t=i Variable rate after Introductory Period us bank