Page 6 Çortlani» (Observer A p ril 9, 2014 Preventing Window Falls Book engages kids and families on safety Becca arid Jason Keen Cunningham’s three-year-old son Thomas fell out of his sec- ond-floor bedroom window in 2010. Now, the local couple is hoping to teach others about window safety so others do not have to experience what they did. “If Kids Could Float: A Win- dow Fall Prevention Story,” is written by Becca Cunningham with illustrations by Charlie Donkin. Published with young children Joyce Washington Classic ‘Spider Kid’ is a character from a Portland mom’s new book designed to engage children and their families about the importance of staying safe around windows. In memory o f Joyce and Charles Washington for their tireless work in the Portland Community. lomejoin us on M ay 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 at SEI, 3 9 2 0 N. K erby, P ortland, OR 97217 Featuring many top athletic talents from Portland High Schools, in match up basketball games for both boys and girls. Excellent ad rates are available for our ad sponsors. Ad deadline is May 23, 2014. Contact us Today for the best ad rates and placement Joyce Washington Classic markw@ Phone (503) 288-9443 and their parents in mind, the book is designed to engage chil- dren and their families about the im portance of staying safe around windows. The majority of window falls occur between the months of May and Septem- ber, typically during warmer weather when windows are open for cooling and ventilation. In the United States, over 3,300children, ages six years old and younger, are injured from falling from windows every year —50 children in Oregon are ad- mitted to the trauma system from falling from windows annually, As for Thomas, he suffered a traumatic brain injury that day; but is now okay, The Cunningham’s remain on their crusade to keep other kids and families from experiencing what they went through, “If Kids Could Float” is avail- able at For more inform ation about window safety, visit at the Campaign to Stop W indow Falls at Kitchens! Kitchens! Kitchens! A Portland remodeling company is offering a free event entirely de­ voted to the “heart of the home”, kitchens. A ttendees will learn how to stretch their remodeling dollar, uti­ lize space, use the latest cuisine m aterials and m ore at various w o rk sh o p s an d liv e c o o k in g dem os. The session is scheduled for Saturday, April 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Neil Kelly Design Center in Lake Oswego at 15573 S.W. Bangy Road, Suite 100. For more information visit or give a ring to the company at 503- 288-7461. Charles Washington Past Publish er of the Portland O bserver Jn memory of an outstanding and dedicated member of Portland's Longest Standing Minority Publication. ü 1,1 j.ln rtlaiiii (!f)hsrruet