Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 09, 2014, Page 17, Image 17

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    A pril 9, 2014
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Page 17
Fun and
A n all-student cast w ill present W illiam
Shakespeare’s Cym beline, W ednesday, April
9 through Sunday, A pril 13, in the M ago H unt
C enter T heater on the U niversity o f Portland
cam pus, 5000 N. W illam ette Blvd.
C ym beline is a fun-filled and suspenseful
rom ance filled w ith characters w ho plot, lie,
and don disguises. Som e lose their faith,
som e lose their w its, and one his head.
Q uestions arise during the play - w ill the tw o
young lovers e v er be together or w ill the evil
sch em ers’ plans w in out? A nd w ill all this
craziness m ake som e sense in the end?
A ll perform ances are at 7:30 p.m ., except
the Sunday, A pril 13 perform ance, w hich is
at 2 p.m . A dm ission is $10 for adults and $5
for students and seniors. F o r reservations,
call 503-943-7^87.
Spring Used Book Sale
More than 20,000 items will be
o ffered at the F riends o f the
M u ltn o m ah C ounty L ib ra ry ’s
Spring Used Book Sale this week­
end in the Gresham Station shop­
ping center, 1271 N.W. Civic Dr.
Proceeds from the sale benefit the
Multnomah County Library.
Kicking the sale off is a members-
only night on Friday, April 11, from
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Annual member­
ships start at $ 10 for individuals and
$15 for families. Memberships can
be purchased at any time, including
at the door Friday night.
Admission is free to the public
on Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and
Sunday 10a.m. to4p.m . Sunday will
be a 50 percent off discount day on
all remaining regular items.
The sale offers 20,000 items at
great prices. Hardcover and quality
trade paperbacks start at $2, mass
market paperbacks and children’s
books at 50 cents, CDs at $2, and
DVDs at $3. Also available in this
new and used collection are audio
books, LPs, video tapes, pamphlets,
sheet music, and maps in good to
excellent condition.
Earth Pay Adoption special
Good Friday
7:00 pm - Friday, April 18th
First AME Zion Church
4304 N. Vancouver Ave.
Portland OR 97217
S po n so re d b y th e P a n -M e th o d is t A llia n c e (A M E , A M E Zion, CME, U M )
s S
« P i
APN 2 4 -2 9
1/2 off adoption fees!
Multnomah county Animal services