Page 14 fo r ila nò (Observer A p ril 9, 2014 C alendar > April SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Jan Wahl bom, 1933 April Fool's Day One Cent Day MP3 audio format first patented (1989) Author Hans Christian Andersen bom, 1805 International Children's Book Day 8 National Read a Road Map Day Educator Booker T. Washington bom, 1856 Richard Peck bom, 1934 North Pole Discovered In 1898. U.S. entered World W arl(1917) 13 Palm Sunday Author Beverly Cleary bom, 1916 Space Shuttle Colum­ bia First Launched 3rd President Thomas Jefferson bom, 1743 Lee Bennett Hopkins bom, 1938 19 20 Easter Easter Sunday Humorous Day Revolutionary War began(1775) Scientists Marie «fe Pierre Curie isolate radium (1902) 26 Hug a Friend Day National Pretzel Day Seismologist Charles Richter bom, 1900 4 No Housework Day World Health Day, established 1948 14 Passover Begins at Sundown Titanic Struck an iceberg shortly before midnight on April 14 causing it to sink at 2:20 AM on April 15. o Kindergarten Day Barbara Park bom, 1947 28 James Monroe bom, 1758 (5th President) 9 16 29 30 Zipper Day (patented by Gideon Sundback in 1913) National Honesty Day Anniversary Louisiana Purchase completed (1803) • S tudio & O ne -B edroom A partments • A ffordable R ent • N o B uy -I ns or A pplication F ees • F ederal R ent S ubsidies A vailable » I deal U rban location near shopping , BUS LINES, RESTAURANTS, AND MORE! 7810 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97206 0 5 0 3 *7 7 4 *8 8 8 5 24 25 Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Library o f Congress established (1800) Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day B E H A V IO R A L H E A L T H S E R V IC E S Driving Intoxicated and Substance Abuse Treatment Anger Management Classes Available now reduced rates. ► E njoy our small community ATMOSPHERE THAT’S RELAXED AND FRIENDLY? 435 NE 78th St., Portland, OR 97212 503-975-5844 President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act, 1964(1964) Paul Revere's Famous Ride (1775) Great San Francisco Earthquake In 1906. Pet Owner’s Day R etirement L iving S ummer R un A partments 11 Sherlock Hemlock's Birthday (Sesame Street character) Richard the Lion- Hearted returned to England (1194) 23 Administrative Professionals/ Secretaries Day William Shakespeare bom, 1564 First U.S. flag ap­ proved! 1818) 18 Garth Williams bom, 1912 Aviator Wilbur Wright bom, 1867 22 Kurt Wiese bom, 1887 Earth Day established 1970 National Jelly Bean Day 10 Encourage a Young Writer Day National Sibling Day David A. Adler bom, 1947 U.S. Patent System established (1790) Robert E. Lee surren­ dered to Ulysses S. Grant (1865) Margaret Peterson Haddixbom, 1964 15 Income Tax Day Boston Marathon bombings, 2013 Artist/Inventor Leonardo Da Vinci bom, 1452 21 3 27 Tell a Story Day Walter Lantz bom, 1899 (The creator of Woody W ood­ pecker) Trina Schart Hyman bom, 1939 Find-A-Rainbow Day Pony Express estab­ lished (1860) First iPad sold in the U.S. in 2010 Arbor Day W alter de la Mare bom, 1873 Hubble Telescope launched, 1990 World Penguin Day