Page 12 fc*** jjîorilanh (Observer April 9, 2014 Arts ' V Pa s sin,A,r t f ntfdi INIIII1ISH1M Present» TWO OLD BLACK GUYS JUST SITTING AROUND TALKING B y Gits E dw ards D irected by S andy B uboes , s F T A M March 13 J March 13- April 13,2014 7:30pmFrid 7:30pm Friday & Saturday i j? « ' l l | ¿1 W $ ’ Sui 3:00pm Sunday matinee A Special Matinee Panel Discussion Saturday, April 5th & Sunday, April 6 ,2 0 1 4 with Playwright H T •'1 “ Gus Edwards after 3:00pm performances tw «M , ► « H>t h « qnw *e« O ® AM« o( (W tuhoM I , <*• «tç-wiKr 4«tf > "»frpraMt wjb I ;0»n t tMPHMr mp Oregon Humanities This piogram was m o d i possible w ith the support o f "hcellerrt. fntertaming, True Io loft" “Lovtdltl' . THE C ollins FOUNDATION Contemporary Theatre from Uganda tackles the US visa process with a new play ‘Appointment with gOD. ’ "It was very hilarious, the gentlemen did an outstanding performance. Interesting piece well performed" "Very tender story that won me overby the end' Satire on US Visa Process Gnw iKlBunwiì M usicai . ARTUn: The Norman Sylvester Blues Band! ElHOS/lFGG • 5340 « INTERSTATE AVENUE PORI LAND OREGON G enerai A dmission S2U, senior and S tudents sis • T ickets available www . wssinart . org Play tackles what it’s like to knock on America’s door W an t to en ter the U nited States w ith a foreign passport?T he “gO D s” b ehind the em b assy w in d o w w ill decide y o u r fate. B oom A rts and the Portland State U niversity School o f T h eatre and F ilm p resent a series o f w eekend w o rkshop p erfo rm an ces o f “A p­ p o in tm en t w ith g O D ,” a funny, po i­ g n an t satire by U gandan playw right D eborah A siim w e exploring the US visa application process from an A frican perspective. In th e play, a group o f v isa ap p li­ cants an xiously aw ait th eir fate in a U S em bassy w aiting ro o m in a de- veloping country, com paring strat­ egies and experiences w ith o ne an ­ o th er betw een visa appointm ents. C om e discover an international face o f the U nited States that A m ericans rarely encounter, and find ou t w hat it’s like to knock on A m erica’s door. Show s are Friday, A pril 11 at 7:30 p.m .; Saturday, A pril 1 2 a t7 :3 0 p .m . and Sunday at 2 p.m . at P S U ’s L in ­ coln H all Studio T heater, 1620S.W . P ark A ve. T ickets are $ 12. B oom A rts brings together U gan­ dan p lay w rig h t D eborah A siim w e, one o f the freshest artistic voices e m erg in g o n to the in te rn a tio n a l stage today, and h e r collaborating N ew Y o rk -b ased d irecto r E m ily M endelsohn. L ocal artists in the pro d u ctio n include actors V ictor M ack , Ith ic a T e ll and D am aris W ebb; G h an aian d ru m m er A lex A ddy o f the O bo A ddy L egacy Project; and A rlene S chnitzer visual arts prize-w inning installation artist P atricia V azquez G om ez, plus stu­ dent and com m unity participants. T he play is su pported b y the R egional A rts & C ulture C ouncil, W o rk fo r A rt, th e M u ltn o m a h C ounty C ultural C oalition, and the O regon C ultural T rust. Upholstery Cleaning • Sofa/Loveseat • Pet Stains • Flood Restorations OWPfTilflMiWClSTIAAl» A light-hearted look at Charles Schulz's exploration of the natural world. D elig h tin g us all th ro u g h M ay 4 5 0 3 - 7 0 5 - 2 5 8 7 I 2 Rooms + Hall ( Extra I rooms $10 each with I coupon. $5995 I_________ DISCOVERY MUSEUM Licensed • Bonded • Insured (Complete House OREGONUVE Chevron ©K Ortflonun w w w .w o r ld fo r e s tr y .o r g I I $195 I Up to lOOOsq feet with coupon. We Also Do Janitorial Services With Free Deoderizei Carpet Cleaning Spot/Stain R em oval • 24 H our Flood Service U pholstery C leaning «A rea R ug C leaning • D ry T im e 2-4 H ours Free E stim ates • A vailable W eekends