Page 2 ®’!* ;|ÌortIanò (Dbserner A p ril 2, 2014 GM Recalls 1.5 Million Cars months in prison Monday after pleading guilty to throw­ ing a Molotov cocktail at a Portland Police squad car in 2012 that was parked at the North Precinct on North­ east Emerson Street. The judge also ordered Sergey Turzhanskiy to have no communication or contract with anarchists groups of affiliates in the future. The Week Review Mudslide Death Toll Climbs According to Snohomish County officials in W ashing­ ton, the death toll in last m onth’s massive mudslide rose to 27 on Tuesday. Nineteen victims have been posi­ tively identified. Officials also released a list of people who were still unaccounted for General Motors is recalling 1.5 million vehicles in the U.S. because the electronic power-steering assist can suddenly stop working. Included in the recall are the Chevrolet Malibu, Malibu Maxx, Chevrolet HHR, Sat­ urn Aura, Saturn Ion and Pontiac G6. Model years vary, but all of the vehicles are from the 2010 model year or earlier. Marijuana Decriminalization and Racial Profiling Interstate Avenue Fatal Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent Gray signed a bill Tuesday removing all criminal penalties from posses­ sion of an ounce or less of marijuana. It’s the first marijuana decriminalization measure that also addresses racial profiling, taking aim at figures that show black people in the nation ’ s capitol are eight times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites. Lamar Jaray Hart, 30, was killed in a traffic accident on early Sunday morning on North Interstate Avenue and Tillamook Street. Investigators determined the Portland driver was travelling at a high rate of speed before crashing into a power pole. Infant Diagnosed with Measles An unimmunized infant who briefly passed through Portland International Airport on March 24 after a trip overseas has been diagnosed with measles. Measles is a highly contagious and potentially serious illness caused by a virus, but the risk to the general public was still considered low Molotov Cocktail Sentencing A form er Portland resident was sentenced to 30 Tiger Woods Out of Masters Tiger Woods announced Tues­ day that he will not be able to play in the upcoming Masters tournament after having suc­ cessful surgery for a pinched nerve in his back. It will be the first time the four-time-cham­ pion has missed the Masters since playing as an amateur in 1995. 7.1 Million Signup for Healthcare . After facing a rocky start and chorus of naysayers who declared his health care law a failure, President Barack Obama on Tuesday celebrated a better-than-expected 7.1 million sign-ups for health coverage that he said should end the debate over whether the law should be repealed. "The Affordable Care Act is here to stay," Obama declared in a feisty Rose Garden speech. Stop Greed—Return Compassion We believe that the large, steadily increasing income gap between TriMet's top-level managers and toxic. It has killed these managers' compassion and empathy for employees, passengers and the com pattern of self-serving behavior in which executives and a handful of top technical people continue salary increases while the majority of workers - union and non-union alike - sees no raises at all AT TRIMET TODAY ANNOUNCING Over 70 Managers In May 2013, KOIN News reported that more than 70 managers at TriMet were receiving over $100,000 each in annual w ages for a 40-hour work week. The number of such managers has grown The General Manager receives $222,309 in annual w ages for a 40-hour work week. ■ The lowest paid worker at TriMet receives $28,063 in annual w ages for a 40-hour work week. The average TriMet front line worker retiree receives $1550/ month in pension after years of @ TriMet HEALTH­ DESTROYING LABOR. Q • w l|l $281063 “ A Citizens’ Petition to the TriMet Board, Governor Kitzhaber and Our State Legislators. This petition calls on these leaders to: Amend the TriMet Charter and State Statutes to reduce the total compensation income gap between the highest and lowest paid TriMet employees to no more than 400% TriMet's General Manager's wages are: 792% m ore th a n the annual wages of TriMet's lowest paid full time worker. 1195% m ore th a n the annual pension of the average revive retired bus operator. To sign the @ petition go to TRANSITVOICE.ORG THIS TOXIC SITUATION HAS PARALYZED THE HEART OF TRIMET YOU CAN HELP REVIVE IT. ^lorllanù (Dbseruer P u b l is h e r : E d it o r : Established 1970 Mark Washington, Sr. M ich a el L eighton E xecutive D irector : Rakeem Washington C reative D irector : P aul N e u feld t O ffice M anager /C lassifieds : A dvertising M anager : USPS 959-680 ■ wiuaiiu VUM.IVU wcivumes i ree i ance sunmissions. i »im IU .1V1 » u v u iu ue c ic a iiy la n e rvu a n a w in ne returned it by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad © 2008 THE POI LAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED 1 Portland Observer-Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885 and 1 National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association Lucinda Baldwin Leonard Latin R eporter ^ hotographer Donovan M. Smith 47 47 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. B!vd„ Portland, OR 97211 ' nevys@pçrtlandQbseryer.çom CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 P ostmaster : Send addnss changes to Portland Observer, POBox3137, Portland, OR97208