Healing the Lorraine Healthcare Blues Hansberry’s Wisdom Stage set for annual Inner City Blues Festival Oregon Shakespeare Festival revives African American play See Local News, page 3 See Metro, page 11 http://www.portlandobserver.com Jibe QR code for Portland Observer Online |Lîin‘t lanh w&semer 4 4 "rn . City O/Roses VolumeXLIV Number 14 bJ U _J www.porllandobserver.com A 3 Wednesday • April 2. 2014 Established Established in in 1970 1970 - C Committed o m m itte d to to r . Cultursl t l t n n l n Diversity ^ t t u ; t - U P , service u »/ community PHOTO BV Cl AIRF STOCK Two passers-by take in the ‘Jumptown Video Wall’ at The Magnolia, a new housing complex on 3250 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. iPod Touch screens embedded changing neighborhood6 bU'ld'n9 SCro11 between ima9es and video of the neighborhoods vibrant jazz scene of years past to present day reflections of the ever- t Jazz D onovan M. S mith T he P ortland O bserver by from the Past Harry James’ song “Jump Town.” The initiator and installer of this wall, Pamela Blended into the façade of Innovative Housing’s Chipman says she looked to pay tribute to the Eliot newest housing complex are literal lenses to neighborhood’s “golden years” which she refers to Portland’s African American past. Between the as 1941 -1957 when jazz and a vibrant black commu­ bricks at The Magnolia, 3250 N.E. Martin Luther nity was nearly inescapable. King Jr. Blvd., are four iPod Touch units that run “I wanted to pay tribute to what was lost from this continuous loops of historical photos mixed with neighborhood. All the music, the jazz,” she says. recent footage. Innovative Housing contacted Chipman before Deemed the “Jumptown Video Wall’’ the name construction of the affordable housing complex comes in tribute to trumpeter and swing-band leader when the non-profit organization was planning an Historic neighborhood flickers between the bricks art installation as part of The Magnolia’s design. A northeast resident since her arrival in town some 20 years ago, the freelance artist jumped at the oppor­ tunity to tell some of the neighborhood’s history. The never-ending slideshow displays black-and- white photographs from the 1940’s and 50’s, mixed with 15-minute videos she captured from the neighborhood’s present-day environment of people biking, driving, playing tennis, playing saxophone — continued on page 4