W ^Jortlauh (Observer March 26.2014 Page 19 C lassifieds /B ids A D V E R TIS E M E N T FOR BID Advertise with diversity in Erb Memorial Union Expansion and Renovation BP #2 - Demolition 1111 Portland Observer Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandobserver.coin U niversity of Oregon Eugene, Oregon GOOD (GettingOutOfDebt) Bids Due: 3:30 PDT, April 14, 2014 Teamwork Parties L ife W orks N O R T H W E S conducted by John Olive of TEAM 1 Participants can either attend or host, inviting 4-30 guest(team players). One of of our presenters will come to share how people can go from barely making it to abundantly making it within 2-6 months after they start. Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC, serving as the Construction Manager/Gen- eral Contractor (CM/GC) for the University of Oregon and is soliciting bids for the demolition portion of the Erb Memorial Union Expansion and Renovation Project in Eugene, Oregon. Terms and conditions of the bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) “Invitation to Bid", dated March 21, 2014, attached to and made a part of the Contract Documents. Get started now for $19.90 or $39.90. We will show participants how to supplement income to the tune of between $400 to over a five digit residual income check, GUARANTEED if following our cash flow system. Your check will show up in a few days, then many will follow thereafter. B ids w ill be re ce ive d a t th e o ffic e s o f Lease C ru tc h e r Lew is, LLC, (CM /G C), 550 SW 12th Avenue, P o rtla n d , O regon 97205, until 3 :3 0 PDT, A p ril 14, 2014 at w hich tim e th e bids w ill be p u b lic ly op en ed and read a lou d . P ro p o sa ls sh a ll be c le a rly m arked “ Erb M e m orial Union E xp a n sio n and R e n o va tio n : Bid Package # 2 “ T Touch a single life, and make a whole com m unity stronger. We touch 16,000 lives each year be­ cause life works when you get the support you need. Be a vital part of a leading non­ profit organization that values a di­ verse workforce and provides qual­ ity culturally-responsive mental health & addiction treatment, pre­ vention service to children, adults & families in the Portland Metro area. For Job Openings, go to LifeWorks NW W e b site : www.lifeworksnw.org on the CA­ REERS pages. Advertisem ent for: Erb M em orial Union R enovation & Expansion - Bid Package #2 The scope of work for Bid Package #2 includes structural demolition of the existing 1970’s building. A m a n d a to ry p re -b id co n fe re n ce fo r th e d e m o litio n sc o p e of work will be held on Tuesday, April 1st, at 1:00pm at the project lo ca tio n on the U n iv e rs ity o f O re gon C am pus (Jo b T ra ile r is lo ca te d a t a p p ro xim a te ly 1222 E. 13th A ve, E u gen e , OR 9 7 4 0 3 ). Coach John can be reached at 503-358-9655. Also see www.income4you.stiforpmovie.com or take a tour at www.income4you.stiforptour.com. Contract Documents and the Invitation to Bid may be reviewed at the following locations beginning March 24th: Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC)/Portland, OR; Daily Journal Plan Center/Portland, OR; Eugene Builders Exchange/Eugene, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/ Clackamas, OR; S.W. Washington Contractors Assoc./Vancouver, WA; McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge/Portland, OR. Equal Opportunity Employer "Your Budget is our m ission" BUDGET INSURANCE E N T E R P R IS E S . L L C We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. AUTO DANNY CHAN DURAN BEASLEY At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quote! Clark County Human Resources 1300 Franklin St-5th FI, Vancouver WA Apply On-line @ www.clark.wa.gov Relay: (800) 833-6388 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER LIFE BUSINESS HEALTH 503 515 4377 Drawings are available online through the following Lewis FTP site: Sub­ contractor log In: https://lewisbuilds.exavault.com/share/view/2iw2- br7xuid7#/%2FBP%20%2302%20-%20Demolition ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER I $5,548 - $7,838 per Month HOME r —————————n Subscribe! Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portlgnd, OR 97220 Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington BOWE I VEL 503-288-0033 I Attn\ Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208. | | | $45.00 for 3 months $80.00for6m o.»$125.00forlyear i (please include check with form) Classic Cuts & Lawn Care Maintenance Contract Documents may be purchased (non-refundable) in its entirety or in part from Precision Images, (503) 274-2030. . ’ All proposers must comply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage Law, ORS 279C.800-279C.870, Licensed with Construction Con­ tractors Board ORS 671.530. Bidder shall indicate Resident Status per ORS 279A.120. If Required, Bidders must obtain business licenses to perform work in the City of Eugene prior to mobilizing on jobsite. B ids w ill not be co n sid e re d unless R E C E IV E D by 3 :3 0 p.m . PD T on A p ril 14, 20 1 4 , and fu lly co m p le te d in th e m an ner p ro vid e d by the “ In s tru c tio n s to B id d e rs ". “NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Executive order 11246)". Lease Crutcher Lewis, LLC (CM/GC) is committed to taking affirmative action to encourage and facilitate the participation of minority, women- owned, and emerging small business enterprises (M/W/ESBE) in State projects and encourage Subcontractors to provide similar opportunities for their subcontractors / vendors. LEASE CRUTCHER LEWIS, LLC, (CM/GC) Mark Butler N ame :___________ | Legal Notices T ELEPHONE : ________ M ow ing, E dging & T rim m ing • Pruning, T illing, & G ardening C lean -U p & H auling • L e a f & D ebris R em oval • C om posting Yard M aintenance • Bark Dusting • Pow er-W ashing • & M ore! A ddress :_________ Fax: 503-288-0015 C o m m ercial & R esidential S ervices F o r free estim ates call O w n er Jam es W im bish at: 503-890-4826 “Y our satisfaction is m y g u a ra n tee ” B o w e iv el@ co m c ast.n e t I or email: I subscriptions @ portlandobserver.com I Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! e-mail: classifieds @portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer