Page 18 Œljr Çortlanh (Observer March 26, 2014 C lassifieds / B ids REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS METRO Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Services To Place Your Classified Advertisement RFP 2650 M etro, a m etropolitan se rvice district organized und er the law s of I the State of Oregon and the M etro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Contact: Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is req ue sting proposals for Au- ! tom ated Teller M achine (ATM ) S e rvices for the O regon Zoo, Port­ land’s C enters for the Arts, Portland Expo C e n ter (EXPO ), and the O regon Convention C enter (OCC). Sealed proposals are due no later than 2:00 p.m., April 1 5 ,2 0 1 4 , in M etro’s business offices at 60 0 NE G rand Aven ue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, Attention: Karen S lusaren ko, P rocurem ent A n alyst RFP 2650. The purpose of th is RFP is to seek proposals from qualified co m p a ­ nies to provide autom otated teller m achine (ATM ) services. Proposals can be viewed and dow nloaded from the O regon Procure­ m ent Inform ation N etw ork (O R P IN ), a t h ttp ://o rp in .o re go n .g o v/ open.dll/. M etro m ay acce pt or reject a n y or all bids, in w h ole or in part, or I w aive irregularities not a ffe ctin g substan tial rights if such action is deem ed in the p ublic interest. M etro extend s equal o p p o rtu n ity to all persons and sp e cifica lly en­ courages m inority, w om en-ow ned and e m e rgin g sm all businesses | to access and participate in th is and all M etro projects, p rogram s and services. < Metro and its contractors will not discrim inate against an y person(s), | em ployee or ap plican t for em ploym e n t based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handi­ cap, political affiliation or m artial status. M etro fu lly co m plie s with | Title VI o f the Civil R ights A ct o f 1964 and related statu tes and regulations in all program s and activities. For m ore in form ation , or to obtain a Title VI C om plaint Form , see w w w .o re gon m e tro.go v. Health ■“------------------Ai « I tor t: y FT ADMINISTRATOR The O regon Health A u th o rity Pub­ lic Health Division is recruiting for a FT Adm inistrator with the Center fo r H ealth P rotection located in Portland. S ix years o f health m an­ age m e nt e xperien ce is required. Benefits include a com petitive sal­ ary, leave accrual, fa m ily health plan and retirem ent. Please con­ sid e r jo in in g a team com m itted to p ro v id in g e xc e p tio n a l s e rv ic e s ! Online application instructions and a detailed jo b announcem ent (re­ fe r to # 0 H A 1 4 -0 2 1 8 ) are a va il­ a b le at w w w .o re g o n jo b s .o rg . 1- 8 0 0 -7 3 5 -2 9 0 0 (TTY). O H A IS an AA/EO E. O pen until filled. Metro Assistant or Associate Researcher and Modeler, Research Center, $52,623 - $77,661 annually. Deadline: 04/ 07/14 AREA I SIGN ERECTOR/MAKER Apprenticeship Program(Non Union) R equirem ents-m in 18 yrs old, HS D iplom a/G ED & tra n scrip t w /one ye a r o f HS pre-algebra o r higher with a p assin g grade o f “C ” o r bet­ ter, or e q u iva le n t co m m u n ity col­ lege p lacem ent test. A p p lic a tio n s a c ce p te d W e d n e s ­ days o n ly 1:30 PM - 4 PM AREA I PAINTERS Apprenticeship Program(Non Union) R equirem ents-m in. 17 ye a rs old, G ED /H S diplom a. A p p lic a tio n s a c ce p te d W e d n e s ­ days on ly 1:30 PM - 4 PM AREA I Plumbers Apprenticeship Program(Non Union) R equirem ents-m in 18 yrs old, HS D iplom a/G ED and tra n scrip t w /1 yr. HS algebra or higher w /passing gra d e o r e q u iv a le n t c o m m u n ity college p lacem en t test. A cce p tin g ap plications April 7-22, 10 AM to 4 PM M onday-Thursday(closed Fridays) Instructors - Oregon Zoo, temporary, O re g o n Z o o , $ 1 0 .5 0 - $ 1 3 .5 0 hourly. D eadline: O pen until filled P le a s e v is it o u r w e b s it e a t: www.oregonm for the com plete jo b an nou n cem en t and a link to ou r online h irin g center. AA/EEO Employer 15800 S W B oones Ferry Rd, S uite B3, Lake O sw ego. M inorities and women encouraged to apply. w w w .a re aon eja m CALL FORBIDS CITY OF CAMAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPART­ MENT STEP SEWER RR CROSSING CITY PROJECT NO.WS-714 GARFIELD WATERLINE RELOCATION WS-729 Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Of­ fice of the Finance Department, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607 until 10:30 A.M., on Tues­ day, April 15, 2014, and will then and there be publicly read for the construction of the improvement. I All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid pro­ posal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the suc­ cessful bidder fail to enter into such contract and fur­ nish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the Washington State Department of Trans­ portation (WSD0T) 2014 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (standard I specifications), the bid proposal deposit shall be for­ feited to the City of Camas. Plans and specifications may be picked up at the Ca­ mas Municipal Center, Community Development/ Pub­ lic Works Department, located at 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607. Plans and Specifications will be available for pickup after 9:00 A.M. on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. The cost for Plans and specifica­ tions is $35.00 plus 8.4% Sales Tax. Please contact Ronda Syverson at (360) 817-7256 with questions related to obtaining bid documents The improvement for which bids will be received fol­ lows: Bid opening on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, at 10:30 A.M. at the Camas Municipal Building located at 616 NE 14th Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas Office of the Fi­ nance Department, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Wash­ ington 98607 until 10:30 A.M. Registration as a planholder with the City of Camas is required to obtain Contract Addenda. Statement of Work: This Contract provides for the improvement of, The City’s water system by installing a new 16-inch ductile iron water main across BNSF property from the end of SE Garfield Street in Camas, Washington con­ necting to the City’s existing 16-’inch steel water line in SE 6th Avenue, on the west side of the Washougal River. This work also includes installation of a 48-inch steel casing pipe under the BNSF railroad tracks by pipe ramming for installing the 16-inch water main under the tracks. Work also includes connecting an existing 6-inch water main to the new 16-inch water main. The City’s sewer system by installation of a 24-inch sewer force main under the BNSF railroad tracks north of the intersection of SE 6th Avenue and SE Polk Street in a 48-inch steel casing that will be installed under the tracks by pipe ramming, and other related items in accordance with the attached Contract Plans and Con­ tract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. For questions, please contact James Hodges, City of Camas or 360.817.7234 include the Departments of Commerce and Labor and Industries, and the Washington State Public Works Board. All work performed on the project will be sub­ ject to the State of Washington Minimum Hourly Pre­ vailing Wage Rates. Disadvantaged Business Participation: The City of Ca mas encourages the solicitation and recruitment, to the extent possible, of certified minority-owned (MBE), women-owned (WBE), and emerging small (ESB) busi­ nesses, in the construction of this project. Civil Rights Act: The City of Camas is an Equal Employment Opportu­ nity employer. As provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in the selection and retention of sub-contractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment in the performance of this project. Prohibition Statement: The Contractor, its employees, sub-recipients under this award, and sub-recipient’s employees may not engage in severe forms of traffick­ ing in persons during the period of time that this award is in effect; procure a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in effect; or use forced labor in the awards or sub-awards under the award. E-Verify Requirements: Per City of Camas Ordinance No. 2626, as a condition for the award or renewal of any contract after January 1, 2012, the Contractor shall enroll in the E-Verify pro­ gram through the United States Department of Home­ land Security and thereafter shall provide the City with a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (issued by Homeland Security), submitted with their bid pro­ posal, affirming their enrollment and participation in the program. The Contractor shall be required to con­ tinue their participation in the program throughout the course of their contract with the City. Prime contrac­ tors shall require and verify that each of their subcon­ tractors and lower tiered subcontractors are also en­ rolled and participants in the E-Verify program. This is intended to be used exclusively for employees hired after award and for the duration of the contract with the City of Camas. Please go to the Engineering page of the City of Camas web site at for additional information and to view Ordinance No 2626. E-Verify, is an Internet based system operated by the Department of Homeland Security in partnership with the Social Security Administration at no charge. E- Verify has been determined to be a suitable means for determining employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security numbers. Please visit the Department of Homeland Security’s web site at and select E-Verify to learn more or to enroll in this program. American Made: In an effort to maximize the creation of American jobs and restoring economic growth, the City of Camas en­ courages the use of products and services that are made in the United States of America whenever and wherever possible. The City of Camas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or technicality in any pro­ posal in the interest of the City. State Funding: The Contract is subject to all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes, orders, regulations, policies, and permits of the State of Washington, to Jennifer Gorsuch Deputy City Clerk