M arch 26, 2014 rtlanh (Ohseruer________________ Page 15 Arts ' V ENEEEEAINMENE The all-male ballet company Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo returns to Portland for a performance at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on Wednesday, April 2 at 7:30 p.m. Clown Princes of Ballet ‘The Tracks’ bring comic antics with virtuoso dance A fte r a s e v e n -y e a r a b s e n c e , W hite B ird is delighted to announ ce the return o f the all-m ale ballet c o m ­ pany L es B allets T rockadero de M onte C arlo on W ednesday, A pril 2 fo r a 7 :30 p.m . perform ance at the A rlene S ch n itzer C oncert H all. T h e T rack s, as they are affec­ tionately know n, have expert know l­ edge o f classical ballet, their perfect com ic tim ing and the astounding fact that th ese superbly talented m en dance en pointe - and do it m agnificently - have w on them le­ gions o f fans from A sia to E urope, from South A m erica to South A f­ rica, and everyw here in betw een. D ance critics around the w orld have hailed them fo r their uncanny co m b in atio n o f com ic antics and virtuoso ballet. T h e Seattle T im es has called them the “clow n princes o f b allet.” B ased in N ew Y ork City, Les B al­ lets T ro ck ad ero de M onte C arlo is a co m p an y o f 16 professional m ale dancers p erform ing the full range o f the b allet and m o d em dance rep er­ toire, inclu d in g classical and o rig i­ nal w orks in faithful renditions o f the m anners and conceits o f those dance styles. T he co m ed y is achieved by in ­ corporating and ex ag g eratin g the foibles, accidents, and underlying incongruities o f serious dance. The fact that m en dance all the parts — heavy bodies delicately balancing on toes as sw ans, sylphs, w ater sprites, rom antic princesses, angst- ridden V ictorian la d ie s— enhances rath er than m ocks the spirit o f dance as an art form , delighting and am us ­ ing the audience at large, from the m ost know ledgeable to the novice. T ick ets start at $26, available at w hitebird.org and the Portland’5 Box O ffice, 1111 S.W . B roadw ay. Happy 10th Birthday Chris Baldwin II Love Always your Family THE third ANNUAL ^ ÌU b K Mormar Zlanice Scro89«* Tllfc SW "9eT0" r X F r t ' " dsA' rif"„ Chala w a» p r e s s io n .Mad Minutes « adA5He' ^ ^ eFIOMST 5 Shoehorn Tap n , Knau|s CeleWI,y& Venae M«che" DOWNSTAIRS- mffie & acoustic Information. tro u g h - pertorman«*w SX « l n d Full Cl,clc (|.O(egon B ^ W. ^ facebook a » ,com/b® h c ^ Y.ticao.org _ S20 at tfe Do01' Tickets. $15 Ad“a" tfo rCBAn'en’M 's) W ,$1 discount'd'¡;ettoma,o.com Happy Birthday, Irving Lambert Jr. Tickets online-« « MusicianS Millennium- J With much, much, love From your Family and friends March 28 -2014 Co-Sponsored by Cascade Blues Association & KBOO Community Radio 90.7 FM