Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 2014, Page 14, Image 14

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M arch 26, 2014
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B U S I N E S S G u id e
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Attn: Subscriptions, The
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or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com
G r u m p y O ld (B la c k )
M en — George Hendrix and
Jerry Foster star as Abe and Hetiry
in ‘Tw o Old Black Guys Just Sitting
A round T alking, a
funny play about ri­
v a lry , frie n d s h ip ,
a g in g .
P o rtlan d ’s A frican
A m e ric a n th e a te r
com pany PassinA rt
presents the play at
the E thos/Firehouse
C u ltu r a l C e n te r,
5340 N. Interstate.
N ow
p la y in g
through April 13.
Spring Break at D iscovery M useum - Y ou’re
invited to spend
Spring Break at
the W orld F o r­
e s tr y C e n te r 's
D isc o v ery M u ­
se u m
w ith
Snoopy, Charlie
B row n and the
rest o f the gang.
e x h ib it
w h ic h
ru n s
through M ay 4 takes a light-hearted look at Charles
Schulz's exploration o f the natural world through
Peanuts com ic strips, videos, objects, and interac­
tive stations. A dm ission is $9 for adults, $8 for
seniors, $6 for children ages 3-18.
R aw E m otion on Playhouse Stage
— Portland Playhouse presents
the hit m usical The L ight in the
Piazza, now playing through
Sunday, M arch 30 at the the­
ater group’s intim ate perfor­
m ance venue, The Church, lo­
cated at 602 N.E. Prescott St.
T ickets are $15 to $40. For
m ore inform ation, call the box o f­
fic e at 5 0 3 -4 8 8 -5 8 2 2 o r v is it
* *5
N orm an S y lv ester - B oogie Cat
N orm an S ylvester and his band plays Friday,
M arch 28 at C lyde’s; and Saturday, April 5 at the
Inner City H ealing the Healthcare Blues Festival at
M elody Ballroom.
Birth o f Freedom — The National Park Service at
Fort V ancouver N ational Historic Site presents the
new exhibit: A New Birth o f Freedom : V ancouver
Barracks D uring the Civil W ar. The free exhibit
explores the role o f V ancouver’s m ilitary post in
the 1860s, as well as some o f the larger them es o f
the conflict. Runs through Sunday, M arch 30.
T he Soulful Show case - Blacque Butterfly pre­
sents spoken word, live music and featured artists
on the second and fourth Thursdays o f each m onth
at 8 p.m. at E ’Njoni Café, A frican-M editerranean
cuisine at 910 N. K illingsw orth St.
C hicago Steppin* Classes - Learn the fastest
grow ing urban dance at the Billy W ebb Elks Lodge,
6 N. Tillam ook each Friday at 6:30 p.m. Classes
also at 7 p.m . on the first, second and third
the Rockw ood Com m unity
Center, 124 N.E. 181st. No part­
ner is needed. Y our first tw o lessons
are free. For m ore inform ation, call Denise Johnson,
Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday from 8
p.m. to 11 p.m ., the Third D egrees Lounge at the
R iver Place Hotel, 1510 S.W . H arbor W ay. No
cover or m inim um purchase. For m ore inform a­
tion, visit pdxjazz.com .
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The M usic
M illennium , 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live
perform ances. Enjoy free m usic and the opportu­
nity to m eet artists. C all 503-231-8926 for a
H u m o r N ig h t — A w esom e com edians perform
stand-up, sketch, and m ore at the weekly R ecur­
ring H um or N ight every W ednesday night at Tonic
Lounge. 3100 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Pay as you wish,
$3-5 donation suggested. Show is 21+.
Crim es o f the H eart -
A Pulitzer Prize winning
dram atic com edy about
three M ississippi sisters
betrayed by their passions.
Now playing through April
13 at the Lakew ood C en­
ter for the Arts in Lake
Oswego. For tickets, call
503-635-3901 or visit lakew ood-center.org.
Fourth Sunday Jam N ight — A friends and fam ily
variety com edy show in a Saturday N ight Live
form at with local recording and perform ing artists,
bands, dance crew s, poets, and dram a groups,
takes place each Fourth Sunday at 7 p.m . at
Celebration Tabernacle, 8131 N. D enver Ave. The
free event is open to the com m unity.
A frique Bistro B enefit - A frique Bistro, 102
N.E. Russell St., opens its doors each last Saturday
o f the m onth to raise donations for the African
W om en’s Coalition. G reat Caribbean and African
m usic along with good drinks and fun people, 9
p.m. to 2:30 a.m. $10 at the door.
O regon Black H istory — The Black M useum o f
Oregon group m eets every Saturday, from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. at 420 N.E. M ason. For m ore inform a­
tion, call 503-284-0617.
D isco u n t T ick ets -- L ocal low -incom e fam ilies
and in d iv id u als can p u rch ase $5 tick ets to c la s­
sical m usical p erfo rm an ces in P o rtlan d as part
o f a unique p ro g ram called M usic fo r A ll. P ar­
ticipating o rg an izatio n s include the O regon S y m ­
phony, P o rtlan d O pera, O regon B allet T h eater,
C h a m b e r M u sic N o rth w e st, P o rtla n d Y outh
P h ilh a rm o n ic , P o rtla n d B a ro q u e O rc h e stra ,
Friends o f C h am b er M usic, P ortland C ham ber
O rch estra, P o rtlan d P iano In tern atio n al, P o rt­
land S y m p h o n ic C hoir, C ap p ella R om ana and
P o rtlan d V ocal C onsort.
D iscount A dm ission - O M SI visitors pay only $2
per person for general adm ission on the first
Sunday o f each m onth as well as discounted
adm ission o f $5 to the Planetarium , O M IM AX
Theater and USS Blueback subm arine.