‘ r QR code for Portland Observer Online Comedy, Cabaret and Music Hip Hop Disconnect Umbrella Festival brings circus and comedy group to Alberta Street Independent Police Review Director updates investigation See Metro, page 11 o See Local News, page 3 I ™ ws’ page 3 S’ ^Jorflanfr wijsctucr44 ‘CitvofRoses’ N u 'X ^ fc l i J M 13 w ww.portiandohsfrvcr mm Wednesday . March 26,2014 Established 1970 Established in in 1970 Committed to Cultural Committed to Cultural Diversity Diversity X S S I Business owner and community stalwart Sharon Maxwell launches a campaign for City Council. photo by D onovan M. S mith /T he P ortland O bserver Community Builder Contractor Sharon Maxwell turns sights to serving on City Council T u p p N° VAN S mith the city as a whole as she embarks on a campaign for the S h aro n ^ 0 . Portland City Council against incumbent Nick Fish in the Sharon Maxwell makes it clear that as a long-time upcoming May Primary MaxWenbroke , g,asSCe ili„g i„ termsofsexa„d race community stalwart wants to put her expertise to work for continued yf on page 6