he QR code for Portland Observer Online Care DUCATION S P E C I A L E D IT IO N Í Mortlanh ©bseruer 44 X Z n liim # » Y l l \ Z Volume XLIV ‘City o f Roses’ Number (1 Ud *> j .1 ■ ■ Wednesday • March 12, 2014 r~ « 1« i i . Established in 1970 , m n y " Committed to Cultural Diversity Timbers player Frédéric Piquionne, a native of Martinique, signs autographs during a cultural exchanqe at the Oregon Episcopal School with students from the school and visiting students from Martinique. Fostering Cultural Bonds S tudents from M artinique have been visiting O regon E piscopal School through a French lan- guage ex ch an g e p ro g ram , and T im b ers p la y e r Frédéric Piquionne, who also is from M artinique, cam e to ch at w ith his co u n try m en and th e ir school hosts. If students asked questions in French, Piquionne responded in French, and if they asked in English he responded in English, so all the students had to use their second language skills to understand everything he said during the recent exchange. While in Portland, the students from M artinique also visited Multnomah Falls, played in the snow on Mt. Hood, and attended a Tim bers game as well as attending classes at the southwest Portland school. Later this spring, the students from Oregon Epis­ copal School will go to M artinique for a French immersion experience.